How to choose a dog collar? Useful Tips

Among the various accessories designed for pets, the dog collar is the most sought after. However, not all owners understand exactly what their pet needs and how to choose it. Depending on the purpose, the collar is made of various materials and can be of different sizes. There are walking, exhibition and educational options. Before buying, you should study the features of each of them and read a number of recommendations that professional dog handlers give for choosing a collar.

Dog Walking Collar

Walking collar

This option is the most popular and most popular with most breeders. Such a dog collar is equipped with a ring for fastening the leash. It is located near a small buckle, so the animal can freely turn its head in different directions. Collars are presented in a wide range, so for dogs of any size there is a suitable option.

Features and choice of walking option

Their main feature is the softness of the material from which they are made. The collar for the dog is most often made from leather, nylon, tarpaulin. They do not rub the neck, suitable for daily walks with a pet of medium and small breeds. Dog handlers recommend purchasing a soft leather collar for puppies in order to accustom them to this accessory, and as an educational element.

A walking option is also used when training an adult dog, if its behavior can be easily corrected and does not require more stringent measures. The dog collar can be equipped with both metal and plastic fittings. Moreover, the larger the dog, the stronger the elements used should be. Therefore, the plastic version is preferable for puppies or small pets.

Dog handlers also recommend paying attention to the appearance of the accessory. Of course, additional elements can give a special chic to the collar, but the presence of rivets and plates can lead to accidental injury.

Dog Collars

Training collars

For training and training puppies or adult dogs, a slightly different design is implied. There are several varieties of such accessories.

Fixed bar

Their main advantage is the presence of a handle that allows you to hold the animal in case of need. In this case, the place for the ring also varies. There are options where the leash clings directly to the handle, and in other cases, directly below it.


Chromed steel choke. However, in this case, the validity of the acquisition is necessary. Not all dog handlers advise purchasing this accessory. It is suitable only for aggressive dogs and fighting breeds. Often such a collar is called inhumane. Indeed, a sharp jerk can cause choking and even harm the cervical vertebrae. But when raising some breeds it can be effective. A loop formed on the dog’s neck calls for immediate obedience.

Nevertheless, experienced dog handlers are advised to consider the strangleholds not from metal, but from softer material. The most popular nylon collars with a metal cable inside. Even with a sharp jerk, the rim does not cut into the throat, and the outer cover protects the skin and coat of the animal. At the same time, the effectiveness of such an accessory remains at the same level.

For small breeds, it is better to choose synthetic or leather noises. They are often used as a daily accessory, and decorated with rhinestones can be used at exhibitions. Dog handlers note that slight strangulation during disobedience with a soft collar is best perceived by the dog. This is due to the behavior of the animal in its natural environment. It is known that when a bitch teaches her puppies, she can slightly crush them.

Dog Collar

How to choose a noose

When choosing a collar made in the form of a chain, you need to pay attention to its links. They should be made of metal and tightly placed against each other. Keep in mind that dogs often suffer from allergies to nickel-based alloys. Therefore, it is worth considering copper chains. Such accessories are darker than brass ones; their red tint is more saturated.

When buying, it is also worth inspecting the collar for its staining. The fact is that low-quality options can emit paint, and the animal’s hair suffers from this. In order not to suffer the long and thick coat of the dog, then for long-haired dogs it is necessary to choose a noose with the largest links.

Collar for extra large dogs

Sometimes, for training and correcting the behavior of fighting breeds, a conventional accessory is not enough. In this case, experts recommend purchasing a strict dog collar. It is a metal hoop with spikes around the perimeter. Parfy do not cause the formation of injuries in the animal. They are designed to control the behavior of the dog. With its sharp jerk forward or when the owner pulls the spikes dig into the neck. However, even with their full disclosure, the pet feels only discomfort, while the skin, trachea and vertebrae do not suffer.

But dog handlers caution against rash acquisition and inept use of Parthforce. Such collars for large dogs must be used carefully and only when reasonably necessary. It is better to entrust the training of a fighting breed to an instructor who will teach all the intricacies of handling such a collar.

It is necessary to purchase parfors strictly according to the size of the dog. He must not hang out, otherwise his whole essence is lost. At the same time, it is impossible for the collar to squeeze the dog's throat. There are a lot of varieties of such models:

  • lamellar;
  • wire;
  • with short spikes;
  • with long spikes.

Short spikes are used in the case of short-haired breeds, long, respectively, for long-haired breeds. The collar cannot be used daily. His area is training and behavior correction. If the breeder dresses him constantly, then it will become even more difficult to control the animal later.

Strict collar

Electronic novelty

Quite a fashionable novelty, but causing a lot of controversy among dog handlers, is the electronic collar for the dog. Accessories with a stun gun help to educate even the most wayward and neglected animals. They help to cope with aggressive individuals and large pets who did not succumb to training by the usual methods.

According to the supporters of such an object and their developers, a dog that has received an electric discharge, in response to an undesirable action, will no longer want to repeat it again. In essence, the natural reflex should work. However, there are quite a few opponents of such education. The fact is that the dog may develop bitterness or a psychosomatic disorder. Therefore, the acquisition of an electronic collar should be discussed with a specialist and applied only during professional training. It is also worth considering that the use of such an accessory in some European countries is prohibited. Among them are Germany and Austria.

Guard Collars

The collar for hunting dogs and service breeds should be as strong as possible, but at the same time give the opportunity to quickly lower the animal from the leash. A key feature of such accessories is that the leash strap is passed through the ring and secured to the harness. Therefore, when the dog tries to break free, then all the pressure goes to the strap, and not to the collar. The buckle itself is located on top and does not harm the animal in any way. His neck remains free and is less injured even with a strong jerk.

For night walks

Luminous dog collars are designed for night walks . A similar accessory may constantly light up or have a switch. The latter option is more expensive and complex, because it allows you to select the desired mode in different conditions.

These collars are made of nylon and have built-in LED bulbs. They may have different sizes and colors. Therefore, each owner can choose any option they like.

The backlight can be provided by the operation of finger batteries or a built-in battery. The latest collars are more expensive, but their work will be longer. The accessory is suitable for small and large breeds. It is convenient to connect a leash to it, so the collar can be used as the main one. But in this case, you must choose the option with the ability to turn off the backlight in the daytime and if necessary.

The collar is very convenient to use in the dark when walking. Not only the owner always sees the animal, but motorists can also notice the presence of a dog on the road.

Glowing Dog Collar

Specific options

Pet product manufacturers are constantly improving their products. So recently on sale appeared anti-collar for dogs. It begins to vibrate in response to the pet's bark, which causes the animal little discomfort. The action of this option is based on a natural reflex, when, in response to an undesirable action, the dog experiences unpleasant sensations and associates them with his behavior.

Collars with a navigator

Dog collars with GPS are becoming more popular. Of course, animals can find their way home, even if they are very far away. But not all breeds are capable of such feats. Often, dogs get lost along the way to the cottage, while hunting or just for a walk when they are chasing something interesting. Therefore, in such cases, a "smart" collar helps out a lot. Breeders appreciate it for the following options:

  1. It is easy to track any movement of the dog if it is lost.
  2. The compact size and light weight make it possible to use it as the main one.
  3. The leash is convenient to attach.
  4. The battery can last up to 48 hours without recharging.
  5. If the animal walks on its own, for example, in the conditions of a dacha cooperative, then it is possible to set a virtual framework. When the dog leaves them, an alert about the danger of loss instantly arrives on the owner’s phone.

In case of danger, it’s the GPS collar for dogs that can really help the breeder find his “loss”. After all, a pet can not only chase a cat, but also accidentally fall into a well, catch on branches while chasing game, or get into another unpleasant situation. Thanks to GPS, the collar for dogs becomes a real way to protect the animal.

Dog Collar with GPS

Selection basics

For all its usefulness and functionality, collars for dogs with a navigator are not as easy to choose as they seem at first glance. It is important to pay attention to details and specifications. It is worth deciding for what purpose a similar model is acquired. After all, if a dog walks only in a familiar yard and rarely gets out of town, then you can get by with the simplest model.

If the collar is chosen for hunting breeds and animals, which often appear in an unfamiliar place, then it is worth considering more advanced models that have many additional options. Such an accessory can not only find the location of the dog, but also completely track its route.

When buying, pay attention to the following details:

  • Specifications. It is important to evaluate the convenience of the interface and the ability of the transmitter itself.
  • Functionality The collar can be equipped with options such as: the ability to issue commands at a distance, switch to economy mode, and an alarm button.
  • Mount. It is necessary to evaluate the reliability of the mount and the weight of the parts that will be on the dog and those that remain with the owner.
  • Working temperature. Often the tracker crashes if the indicators are close to critical. Therefore, it is worth considering models that are designed to work in specific weather conditions. It is also important to consider water resistance.
  • Price. The cheapest model is suitable only for a pocket dog. Do not rely on it if the walks are planned in a forest or unfamiliar area. The average price tag fluctuates around $ 250 (14 thousand rubles), so lower prices should alert.
Dog Collar with Navigator

In order not to worry about a four-legged friend, it is better to purchase a navigation collar for dogs. The reviews confirm that the transmitter allows in any situation to always track her movements and find her favorite, even if she is lost away from home.

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