Of course, it is best to breastfeed. After all, breast milk is very useful, and it does not contain chemicals. But more and more mothers are faced with the problem of a shortage of milk or with its disappearance altogether. It is at this moment that the question arises of what kind of milk powder to feed the baby. Indeed, it often causes allergies and improper development of the child. Many mothers choose the Similak mixture - reviews of many doctors say that it is harmless.
Premature babies
There is also a problem in cases where the baby is very premature. Mom’s milk is simply not enough for proper development. Baby formula "Similak" is perfect for feeding a premature baby. This company has a special food line for such children. It has all the necessary components that a mother is simply not able to give to her baby. As a rule, the pediatrician prescribes the necessary dosage for the child. In this line, the mixture for the newborn is already ready, it remains only to pour it into the bottle.
If necessary, the transition of the child to artificial feeding
As a rule, doctors advise feeding babies with this particular mixture. This opinion is formed because it does not contain palm oil. The mixture "Similak" (the reviews of doctors is the same) due to the lack of this component is best for infants when replacing mother's milk. Milk does not wash calcium out of the baby’s body. And the Similak mixture (reviews of many women and experts confirm this opinion) is one of the best solutions for complementary foods. It contains many beneficial substances similar to those found in breast milk. Therefore, the baby will be comfortable eating it. Of course, you should first consult with your doctor, but, as a rule, pediatricians recommend the Similak mixture. Reviews of most mothers indicate only the positive aspects of the product.
The mixture contains pribiotics, they are necessary for the proper development of intestinal microflora. After all, some time after birth, the baby’s sterile stomach begins to fill up with bacteria. Because of this, a child may begin to have colic and dysbiosis, and prigiotics can protect the baby’s stomach as much as possible. And it’s precisely the Similak mixture, the reviews of doctors and mothers strongly advise that it will become a good assistant in this matter.
Personal opinion
A huge number of babies consume this milk under the name “Similak formula for children. Reviews of many young parents indicate its benefits. It should be noted that there are also babies that it does not suit. In this case, the child may feel sick, vomit. And It happens that expired products fall on store shelves. Therefore, when buying a mixture you need to be extremely careful and careful, because an expired or improperly selected mixture can provoke many diseases and health problems in the future.
The task of mothers is to protect their children. Therefore, the choice of nutrition for a child must be approached consciously and with an understanding of which mixture is most suitable for the child. And it is imperative to consult a doctor when choosing her, as the pediatrician who observes you is very familiar with the characteristics of your baby’s body.