Can't install Directx on Windows 7 or Windows 8? Find out the solution!

The DirectX platform on Windows systems (and not only) is one of the essential components that ensure the correct operation of many multimedia applications or computer games. But here's the problem: sometimes DirectX is not installed, and the system gives an error message. What this may be connected with and how to fix the problem will be discussed later.

Why DirectX is not installed: possible reasons

In order to find out why there are crashes when trying to install this platform, in the simplest case, you can refer to the error log files (DirectX.log and DXError.log). An experienced user will immediately understand what the problem is. But here the average user such information can not say anything at all.

not installed directx

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  • BIOS.

DirectX. Windows 8 : ?

, . , DirectX . , , , .

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, DirectX , . , , , .

windows 7 is not installed directx

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, , (DirectX 12), (, 9, Windows 7 ). , DirectX End-User Runtimes.

, DirectX .

not installed directx why

Windows – , .

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cannot install directx windows 8

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, , , . – - SP1 Windows 7.

( , DirectX) . - , .

not installed directx

« Windows» 976932, , .

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BIOS . , , .

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