How to reduce or increase pressure in pregnant women?

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many changes. As a result of this, various failures often occur, for example, pressure starts to “jump”. Therefore, it is very important to know how to cope with this problem and not harm the unborn baby.

Most often, increased pressure in pregnant women occurs after 20 weeks. At this time, the blood volume significantly increases, which complicates the work of the heart. Particular attention should be paid to the health of women with various complications, overweight, diseases of the kidneys or other organs.

A daily pressure measurement will help to avoid serious consequences and get the right treatment in time. It is measured with an electronic tonometer in a calm environment. Before this, you can not move much, drink coffee or any medicine.

What is hypotension?

Hypotension is called a lowered pressure in pregnant women, which can be in the first and second trimester. At the beginning of the "interesting position", blood begins to circulate faster to supply the embryo. As a result, the pressure temporarily drops, but then the mother’s body begins to cope, and its indicators are aligned. Another cause of this malaise is related to uterine pressure on the aorta and vena cava. That is why doctors often forbid expectant mothers to lie on their backs for a long time.

The norm of indicators in pregnant women is in the range of 90/60 - 120/80. The first digit is systolic pressure, which helps blood move through the arteries. The second indicator is the blood pressure on the arteries at rest. Thus, the reduced parameter has an indicator of less than 90/60.

Low pressure reasons

A decrease in pressure in expectant mothers is usually associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Doctors recommend giving up excessive physical activity, but this does not mean that you need to lie down and not move. A great way to maintain good condition without harming the baby is yoga.

Checking the status of the fetus

Also, low blood pressure in pregnant women is due to:

  • genetic predisposition; in this case, prevention is necessary;
  • poor blood coagulation, bleeding;
  • violations of the tone of blood vessels associated with failures in the neurohumoral regulation system;
  • poor nutrition, lack of sleep, starvation, in combination, these factors significantly increase the symptoms of toxicosis;
  • dehydration: blood is difficult to move through the vessels, stagnation appears, which can lead to blood clots;
  • serious problems with the heart, intestines, genitals;
  • hormonal changes.

It is worth noting that thin women with a narrow pelvis more often than others face low blood pressure.

Symptoms of Hypotension

At low pressure, manifestations of early toxicosis intensify. This constantly provokes vomiting, as a result of which the body is dehydrated and the pressure drops even more. In addition, low blood pressure in pregnant women can occur:

  • weakness, fatigue and drowsiness;
  • tinnitus;
  • feeling of tiredness;
  • decreased performance;
  • heart palpitations;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • shortness of breath that appears after walking and physical exertion.
Headache during pregnancy

It is very dangerous to have a cesarean section for pregnant women with low blood pressure. First you have to prescribe a medication.

Why dangerously low pressure

For non-pregnant women, low blood pressure is almost safe. But during pregnancy, his indicator should be within normal limits, so some treatment will be needed. Low pressure in pregnant women can lead to placental insufficiency, as a result of which the circulation in the placenta is disturbed. The fetus is supplied with fewer nutrients, and its oxygen starvation (hypoxia) occurs. It is also possible that the baby is lagging behind in growth and development (malnutrition). In the early stages, it is worth fearing a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy.

In the later stages, premature birth may occur due to low blood pressure. It also affects the general well-being of a woman: it is difficult for her to move around, a feeling of constant fatigue appears, her mood worsens.

Increase the pressure

Before figuring out how to increase blood pressure, a pregnant woman needs to see a doctor. Only a specialist will find out how dangerous her condition is and what medicines should be prescribed. You should carefully treat various herbal decoctions or infusions, otherwise you can harm the health of the mother or child.

First you need to pay attention to nutrition, physical activity and relaxation. Pregnant women need a good sleep, good nutrition, normal activity (tireless walks in the fresh air).

To stabilize the pressure, you can also try:

  • minimize the time spent near the computer;
  • drink some coffee, green tea, juice from fresh vegetables or fruits;
  • do yoga, water aerobics, do gymnastics or swim in the pool (in the absence of contraindications);
  • sleep longer (10-11 hours at night and 1-2 hours during the day);
  • eat up to 6 times a day with foods rich in vitamins, protein, trace elements;
  • remove high-calorie foods from the diet;
  • Do not jump up immediately after waking up, but lie down for several minutes;
  • eat something salty (do not be zealous, otherwise swelling will appear);
  • take a contrast shower, and the cold stream should be the last;
  • lie down so that the legs are above the head - this contributes to the outflow of blood from the limbs to the brain;
  • Do not lie on your back for a long time so that the vena cava is not pinched;
  • make acupressure;
  • learn the technique of proper breathing, saturating the vessels with oxygen (inhale, exhale, hold your breath for 15 seconds; repeat several times a day);
  • breathe in essential oils (e.g. rosemary or basil);
  • drink a decoction of lemongrass, rose hip, chamomile, yarrow or hypericum.
Maternity Yoga

You can normalize the pressure in pregnant women with some products:

  • pomegranates, apples, black currants;
  • potatoes, tomatoes, corn, beans;
  • fat-free cottage cheese, cheese;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • beef liver;
  • red caviar, sea fish;
  • eggs
  • any nuts;
  • celery root (preferably fresh);
  • wild strawberries;
  • onion broth: pour boiled water (500 ml) on the unpeeled onion, add sugar (50 g); withstand 15 minutes and drink during the day 100 ml.

Some foods raise pressure well, but they should not be used by pregnant women. You need to eat less chocolate (there is a lot of caffeine in it), and also replace black tea with green or white.

What is hypertension?

What pressure in pregnant women is considered increased? According to modern doctors, with hypertension, pressure indicators begin to rise above 140/90 in two measurements with an interval of about 4 hours. There are currently no other boundaries.

High pressure

There is the concept of "chronic hypertension" - this diagnosis can be made to women if they have periodically increased pressure before pregnancy. If hypertension is accompanied by the appearance of protein in the urine (typical for a period of more than 20 weeks), then we are talking about preeclampsia. This complication is very dangerous for mother and baby - everything can end tragically.

Gestational hypertension is an increase in pressure that usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy. Compared to other species, it is not so dangerous and the prognosis is most favorable.

High pressure causes

Unlike hypotension, high blood pressure in pregnant women can lead to serious consequences. With its jumps, the placenta suffers, and with it the child. Such a condition suggests that the female body can not cope with the load, and he needs help.

The pressure rise can cause:

  • the age of the future mother (less than 18 or more than 45);
  • overweight, obesity;
  • problems with the heart, blood vessels (especially with VSD);
  • diabetes;
  • heredity;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • endocrine disorders in which the thyroid gland does not cope with its function;
  • kidney disease
  • constant stress.
Pregnancy Ailments

Among the reasons it is worth highlighting such harmless ones as:

  • climbing stairs;
  • running, brisk walking;
  • fear of “white coats”;
  • the use of tea, coffee, chocolate.

This increase in pressure is easily corrected and does not have a serious effect on the mother and baby.

Symptoms of Hypertension

High pressure in pregnant women is manifested by several unpleasant symptoms, which may be more or less (depending on the magnitude of the excess indicators).

Most often it is accompanied by:

  • nausea, sometimes even vomiting;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • rapid pulse, tachycardia;
  • increased sweating;
  • ringing and tinnitus;
  • black dots floating in front of the eyes.
Pregnant Stress

It happens that a slight increase in pressure occurs without symptoms, so a woman needs to monitor her condition and constantly take measurements. All this is dangerous with a serious complication - gestosis, which goes through 4 stages and, if untreated, can be fatal. Its symptoms: very high blood pressure, swelling, vomiting, impaired vision, a sharp increase in weight, protein in the urine.

The danger of high blood pressure

When the pressure of a pregnant woman rises, the tone of the vessels increases. Therefore, the main complication is a violation of the blood supply to the placenta. As a result, the fetus suffers - its development is inhibited.

The main danger of high blood pressure is gestosis. It manifests itself in the second half of pregnancy with three signs: a sharp increase in weight, swelling and protein in the urine. If the doctor has made such a diagnosis, then the situation is very serious and urgent measures must be taken. With gestosis, the permeability of the walls of the vessels is disturbed, as a result of which the liquid begins to distribute through the tissues, and the protein leaves the urine. In the most difficult cases, specialists prescribe emergency delivery.

Lower the pressure

How to reduce the pressure of a pregnant woman will be decided by the attending physician, who will assess the severity of the cause of this pathology and prescribe the necessary medications. Medicines should be taken only when a specific diagnosis is made. This is possible only after prolonged and constant monitoring of the tonometer.

Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed:

  1. "Dopegit" (alpha blocker). It helps safely and effectively, and can be used from the first trimester.
  2. "Persen", "Novopassit", valerian, motherwort (sedative vegetable pills). They are practically harmless, and in combination with alternative methods of reducing pressure in pregnant women, they can get an excellent effect. These drugs calm, so that the nervous system has less effect on the state of blood vessels and the heart.
  3. Atenolol, Nebivolol (beta blockers). They are prescribed in the second half of pregnancy and are taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. The drugs have an unpleasant side effect - bradycardia in the baby.
  4. "Nifedipine", "Verapamil" (calcium channel blockers). These medications can be used for a long time or used as a quick help. They are allowed only from the second trimester.
  5. "Magne B6", "Magnelis" - tablets that have a vasodilating, sedative and hypotensive effect.
persen tablets

Doctors propose slightly lowering the pressure in pregnant women not with medicines, but with folk remedies. They are suitable in cases where hypertension did not appear due to a chronic illness or hormonal failure.

In this case, they offer to be treated:

  • pumpkin broth (cook pumpkin without salt and drink water);
  • chicory (it looks like coffee, but not so harmful);
  • rosehip infusion (based on water);
  • beetroot, cranberry, birch sap;
  • hibiscus tea;
  • a cocktail of honey, lemon juice and mineral water (1 glass of honey and half a lemon per glass of water).

Also in the diet of pregnant women must be present: cabbage, beets, carrots, pumpkin, lemons, honey. All this should be eaten raw. But from confectionery, sugar, salt and bread is better to refuse. To quickly reduce minor pressure, do not immediately drink pills. It is worth trying warming your feet with warm water (pour into a basin) or a heating pad. You can take a shower, only the water should be cool. This method will help not bad: lie down, relax, exhale and hold your breath for 5-10 seconds (repeat 3 minutes).

Pregnant rest

A good option with a short-term effect is to massage the head and neck. It is carried out with light, neat grindings and leisurely stroking. If possible, then you can affect the collar zone, chest, shoulder blades, and shoulders.

Acupressure is a good way to lower the pressure in pregnant women. What to do? You need to find the area between the head and the spine (joint), press there with your thumb. Hold it in this position for 5-7 seconds and release. The same area can be massaged not only with hands, but also with a stream of water. To do this, turn on the warm water in the shower and direct it to the right place.

Another option for reducing pressure is baths with hot water for the hands. Pour water at a temperature of 45 degrees into a basin and dip your hands in it for 10 minutes. You can also make contrasting foot baths, in which a change of water from hot to cold occurs every 2 minutes. The whole procedure should last 20 minutes, and the last time the legs are lowered into cold water.

If all of the above procedures did not help reduce or raise the pressure in the pregnant woman to normal, then hospitalization may be necessary. It should be remembered that only a competent specialist will find the cause of poor health and prescribe the right treatment. In this case, it is better to play it safe, otherwise all this will affect the health of the woman and her future baby. After giving birth, it is worth going to a consultation with a cardiologist.

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