The ears of a dog are swollen: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and advice of veterinarians

One of the most common problems in dogs is ear disease. For the most part, ailments in the form of edema of such organs are found in breeds with large and long ears. Most often this applies to dachshunds, basset hounds and Afghan hounds. Puppies of these breeds should be kept under observation in order to consult a specialist in time if the dog's ears are swollen.

The causes of the disease

Tissues of medium, external or internal tissue swell in animals. The reason for this and the diagnosis can be established only by a specialist, therefore, at the first symptoms, you should consult a veterinarian.

Swollen ears

The main causes of ear swelling in dogs are the following:

  • foreign body in the ear canal;
  • water in the ear;
  • growths;
  • abscess;
  • allergy;
  • hematoma;
  • otitis.

The main danger that a dog’s ears are swollen is the risk of life-threatening complications. In particular, inflammation of the lining of the brain is called such a complication. Large swelling of the tissues can lead to rupture of the eardrum and deafness.

Symptoms of Ear Disorders

Regardless of the causes of a tumor in the ear tissue, the problem is simply determined by the appropriate symptoms. It is not difficult for an attentive owner to notice edema on their own. After this, you need to show the pet to a specialist.

The dog has a swollen ear

The main symptoms of a swollen ear in a dog:

  • the pet's mood has changed;
  • the animal constantly tilts its head to the side;
  • the dog tries to press his ear to his head;
  • from the side of the damaged ear, the neck of the animal is in tension;
  • the pet shakes its head sharply from side to side;
  • the dog is extremely anxious;
  • pet refuses food and sleep;
  • purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed in the ear canal.

If you have at least three of the symptoms described above, you must carefully examine the dog’s ears and consult a veterinarian if necessary.


One of the reasons why a dog’s ears are swollen is edema of the mucous membrane of the auditory canal as a result of inflammation - otitis media, the occurrence of which causes the ear tick to enter the auditory organ.

Another cause of inflammation is the irregular care of the pet’s ears, during which they are cleaned. An edema can also cause swelling. The reason for this, as a rule, is insufficient care for the ears of the pet.

The dog's ears are swollen: what to do

With otitis media, purulent discharge with a rather unpleasant odor begins to form.

Using special equipment, the doctor can discern in the ear canal of the ear tick, which is the causative agent of the disease.

Otitis has several varieties, which only a specialist can determine and prescribe treatment. Usually, veterinarians prescribe flushing of the ear holes with saline and a course of antibiotics as therapy.

The following symptoms of otitis media are:

  • the animal often scratches the ear, tilts its head to the side or shakes it;
  • the ear is swollen in the dog, the fluid inside;
  • the pet does not tolerate examination, whines and tries to escape from his hands;
  • the skin has an inflamed appearance;
  • an unpleasant odor is felt from the ear canal.

Discharge from the ears can form crusts, which first need to be softened, lubricated with vegetable oil for a short time, and then carefully removed with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.


Ear hematoma occurs due to mechanical damage to the tissue or as a complication of infectious diseases. This seal is an accumulation of blood and lymphatic fluid under the skin.

The dog has a swollen ear: what to do

To stimulate the resorption of blood congestion, daily tightly bandaged cold compresses are usually used. In more complex cases, when the dog has a swollen ear, what to do will tell the veterinarian. Most likely, a surgical operation in the clinical setting will be prescribed to remove the accumulated fluid and blood clot.

The hematoma can be determined by the following criteria:

  • a tumor located inside or outside the auricle is well felt and hot to the touch;
  • the pet systematically shakes his head and paws his ear;
  • from combs, wounds form that begin to bleed;
  • sometimes the auricle can tear.

Allergy, growths, abscess

Dog ears can also swell for other reasons.

Dog’s ear is swollen, fluid is inside

Often there are such cases:

  1. Allergy. If it is established that the cause of puffiness is an allergic reaction, antihistamines are instilled into the ear. It is necessary to determine the source that causes such a reaction, and completely exclude the contact of the animal with him. When an insect bites, you need to wait for the action of drugs. With purulent discharge, the ear canal is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Growths. A common occurrence in dogs is warts and papillomas in the auricle. Such formations appear, regardless of age, as a result of the penetration of a viral infection. They cause inflammation, and then an abscess of the mucous membranes of the ears. If the dog’s ears are swollen from the growths , only a veterinarian will decide what to do. In the case of severe itching, combing wounds and the danger of infection in them, the specialist may decide to remove the formations.
  3. Abscess. This is the name of a purulent tumor that occurs at the site of a bite or wound when pathogenic bacteria get there. In a clinic, suppuration is opened and treated with antiseptic agents until healing.

Foreign objects

Another cause of swelling in the ear of a pet is getting small objects or insects into the ear canal.

A foreign body can get into the dog’s ear canal during entertainment with children: they can stick small objects into the ear - peas, beads, balls. Since they cause discomfort to the animal, it is quite easy to notice: the dog shakes its head, trying to free itself from inconvenience. The same thing happens when an insect enters the organ of hearing.

The dog has a swollen ear inside: what to do

The resulting inflammation is removed with a few drops of sterilized vegetable oil. After instillation into the ear, the swelling will subside and it will be possible to extract a foreign object. If you cannot correct the situation yourself and the dog has a swollen ear inside, what to do, the veterinarian will figure it out.

Water got in my ear

Often during bathing or swimming water gets into the dog’s ears. Typically, the animal shakes its head, freeing the ears from the liquid. But sometimes this does not happen and there is inflammation of the middle ear, which can be promoted by a draft. If the dog’s ears are swollen as a result, consult your veterinarian for advice.

Why the dog’s ears are swollen

The problem is relevant for dog breeds with cropped ears.

To prevent inflammation, you need:

  • bathe your pet with caution;
  • before water procedures, insert cotton swabs lubricated with petroleum jelly into the ear canals;
  • after bathing, turn the animal’s head to the side, shake gently so that all the water flows out, and wipe the ear canal dry with a wand with a cotton wool at the end.

Diagnostics and preventive measures

To examine the animal and understand why the dog’s ears are swollen, veterinarians use special equipment - an otoscope. The tool allows you to examine the ear canal from the inside for the presence of foreign objects, edema, polyps, inflammation. This makes it possible to accurately diagnose and determine the correct treatment.

In order to avoid problems with the auricles in dogs, you should adhere to such preventive measures:

  • timely undergo scheduled examinations by a veterinarian;
  • systematically thoroughly conduct hygiene procedures for the animal, especially when cleaning the ear canals and the inner surface of the ears;
  • engage in grooming regularly, cutting off excess hair in the ears;
  • prevent the dog from being cold or drafting;
  • pay attention to the pet, paying attention to unusual or restless behavior.

It should be remembered that animals need increased attention from their owners. Having noticed the first signs of the disease, a person needs to contact a pet for advice in a veterinary office as soon as possible. Otherwise, due to the delay in the visit, the probability of disease progression and the development of serious complications is likely to lead not only to pain, but also to the hearing loss of the dog.

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