A byte is one of the oldest values by which the amount of information is measured. Less than the specified indicator is a bit that is eight times inferior to a fellow. If it was necessary to translate the above concepts, for example, into kilobytes or other units, then you must remember that information should not be measured in decimal, but in binary, or rather, the word "kilo", which means "Thousand" is a very conditional phenomenon. So, let's now look in more detail how to translate bytes into kilobytes.
The amount of information, which is equal to 1024 bytes, was first called “kbyte”, but read as “kbyte”. However, after some time, the letter acquired a completely new meaning from the Greek root “kilo”, which means a thousand, since 1024 in general can be attributed to a single number with three zeros. Accordingly, you can determine that to convert the original unit of memory into kilobytes, the number 1024 in the binary system will be enough. For example, two, three or more kilobytes must be attributed directly to the product of the number 1024, while the corresponding factor in the calculations is indicated.
Of course, at present, the decimal system for measuring information is more relevant, since it is more understandable to a new user, and if he starts looking for information on how to convert bytes to kilobytes, then he needs to make an individual calculation. The modern approach is used to describe the place on the hard drive, flash card, as well as other carriers of a similar plan. If you use this system according to the rules, then, respectively, 1 KB will be equal to 1000 bytes. For example, the binary system50 kilobytes will be equal to 51200, and on the decimal system it will be only 50,000 byte. In this case, it is immediately clear that the nominal volume will be one KB less than the specified one, since at present the new computer equipment makes calculations only using the binary system. Surely now you understand how to correctly translate bytes into kilobytes. For this, you can use one of the following two models.Transfer
, , . , . , , , . 2 byte, , , 1024. - , . .
Remember that we will only use the decimal system of calculation now, and accordingly it will be difficult to avoid confusion, so try to show maximum attention. In most countries of the world there is a single measurement system, all values were fixed only in the aforementioned system. In order to convert bytes to kilobytes, you will need to become familiar with the options for measuring information. There are special tables to help you make the calculations. From them you can continue to build on. One mega will be equal to the sixth degree, one giga in the ninth and, accordingly, one tera is equal to ten in the twelfth degree. According to GOST, one Mb will be equal to one thousand Kb, although in a binary system it should contain another twenty-four original units.