Java Array Arrays in Java. Java for beginners

Array (English array) is a powerful tool that allows you to work with a lot of data. Obviously, if you need to save, for example, 100 values ​​somewhere in the process of running your code, then making the same number of variables for this is at least unreasonable. An array allows you to store a large number of values ​​under one name and access them at the corresponding index. The concept of arrays is the cornerstone in learning a Java course for beginners. After all, they are the basis for many data structures.

Java , , , java array – . , , .

Java array , . .

java array

Java array, , . Java . , , . . , . new, ( , ), , ( , ), , , , .

Java array 0. , 0, – 5. , , , . , . , , , .


, . , . . . , .

arrays in java

, . . 5 . . . , . , , , (length). , for.

java for beginners

. . , , ? – , . Java . , , 2, 3 4 . :

intarr[][] = newint[3][];

, . arr :

arr[0] = new int[2];

arr[1] = new int[3];

arr[2] = newint[4];

0, , 2. 1 3, . .

java array

. .

class array java

jerseyNumber playerName.


int[][] arr = {

{1, 2, 3},

{4, 5, 6},

{7, 8, 9}


new , . Java .


, Java, java.util Arrays, , . .

java array methods

Java array :

- copyOf (, ) – . , «» (0, , null , ).

- copyOfRange (, , ) – , . , , .

- sort () – .

- fill (, ) – .

- binarySearch (, ) – , . , .

, Arrays. : Arrays.sort(arr).

, , Java , , , . , . , .

Array Java «» , .

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