Until the child begins to move, the expectant mother, especially bearing her first child, still does not fully realize what a miracle is happening in her body. The second pregnancy usually takes place more consciously. A woman listens more to her baby, she is interested not only in her own feelings about the birth of a child, but also on the flip side - how he perceives his appearance in this world.
Amazing facts
Probably everyone is interested in how a child develops in the womb. Only 40 weeks - and a small miracle appears, a person who has all the senses. But he learned to use them not at the time of birth, but long before him. Surely many pregnant women noted the relationship of music and child behavior. Under the classics, without exception, everyone is quiet. Heavy and loud music, on the contrary, causes increased activity. The kid kicks in the stomach, showing displeasure.
The life of the child in the womb is a real life-long race. From a tiny cell, he needs to grow into a complex organism. He feels, hears and understands everything that is happening around him, gradually learning and getting ready to begin to learn a big world. The task of mother already at this stage is to show that our world is worthwhile and interesting, and that it is welcome and beloved here.
Where does it all begin
It was with one mature egg that met with a sperm. The journey through the fallopian tube begins, which lasts about 5 days. By the end of this period, the fetus is implanted in the uterine cavity. And already at this stage the brain is formed.
Embryo: from 5 to 8 weeks
The liver, heart (it will begin to beat already at 6 weeks), the digestive and respiratory systems are formed. It is at this stage that gender differences are laid. And the most important in this period is the formation of the central nervous system (by the eighth week the neural tube is completely closed). The baby has grown a lot, its height is 2 cm. The weight of the baby in the womb will increase rapidly, at this stage it is 3 g.
Fetus: from 9 to 12 weeks
Only the third month of pregnancy, often still unnoticed by others, is the “interesting” position of the future mother, and the baby’s brain is already so developed that its cells generate impulses (signals to the body). By week 12, the number of neurons will increase significantly. The cerebellum appears, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. Since the child develops in the womb not by the day, but by the hour, his head, trunk and extremities are already clearly distinguishable. The baby is already about 4 cm in length, weighs about 45 g.
A significant event of this stage is the appearance of the first reflexes. He is able to throw his head back if he touches his mouth or nose. To pull away your hand and make still chaotic grasping movements. Touch develops, the baby begins to feel touch with the entire surface of the body, in contact with the walls of the uterus. So that the child feels in the womb every touch from the outside, stroking the abdomen stimulate development and make the child understand that he is the most beloved.
Fourth month
This period is characterized by rapid physical growth and psychological development. If at 13 weeks the baby reaches 7 cm, by the 16th week it grows up to 12 cm. Weight also grows rapidly, increasing from 80 to 110 g. A turning point occurs, the child begins to breathe, drawing amniotic fluid instead of air. At the same time, taste buds are formed . The kid tries and analyzes the water. It must be said that the taste of the latter strongly depends on what mom ate.
Today, ultrasound helps to spy on how a baby develops in the womb. He can frown and turn away if he swallows water with a bitter aftertaste, and, conversely, express pleasure when they contain a lot of sugar. Taste preferences are laid right now, so watch your diet. Sweets without measure can do a disservice. Throughout his life, the child will struggle with cravings for these harmful products. Healthy nutrition should be laid at this stage, and not painfully accustom the baby to him later.
By week 16, mothers usually begin to feel how the baby is moving. This is facilitated by the coordination and orientation of the movements of the child, as well as his increased weight.
Fifth month: from 17 to 20 weeks
By the beginning of this period, all internal organs had already formed. They will continue to improve until they are born, but psychological development comes to the fore. The baby has already grown to 24 cm, and weighs about 300 g. The formation of the hearing system is nearing completion, and now the whole world of sounds is available to the child. If you haven’t spoken to him before, it’s time to start. After all, how the child develops in the womb depends on what material you provided him. By week 20, the formation of the brain completely ends, which means that its cells need material for processing.
What can you do to diversify a child’s life? Read poems and fairy tales, sing songs, tell how your day went, visit nature more often. From now on, you can offer your baby to play with you. Children learn quickly, clapping their mother’s hands on their stomach will cause a retaliatory push in the same place.
Sixth month: 21-24 weeks
If until this moment the child can lie as he pleases, then now his weight reaches 500 g and his height is 27 cm. In order to roll over, he already has to make some efforts. The neoplasm of this period can be called eyebrows. The formation of nails ends. In the ovaries of the girl, the eggs are fully developed, from which your grandchildren will then appear.
You can diversify your games - not only pat, but also rub, stroke, press with your finger or hold a fluffy object. Pay attention to the reaction of the child. All basic concepts: light - dark, cold - warm, are already available to the baby. If you take a piece of ice and a bottle of warm water, then alternately applying them to your stomach, you can give your baby the first lessons, telling you of what different phenomena he will meet in this world.
Seventh month: 25-28 weeks
The kid is already quite like a person. His weight is about 1 kg, and height is 34 cm. He has hair on his head, cilia appear. It grows and develops more actively, and the sensory organs improve . The balance organs are finally formed, therefore everything that a child does in the womb becomes focused and coordinated. He can suck his finger and enjoy it, explore his body and the small world in which he is confined.
Keep in mind that from this month the baby begins to lose idle brain cells, so the opinion that a pregnant woman should lie and sleep a lot is fundamentally wrong. Now the child hears and distinguishes sounds very well, therefore it is extremely useful to walk in the forest, giving him the opportunity to enjoy the quiet life of nature. Play “Guess the melody” with your child, put different songs, sounds of nature, ask his opinion. Usually a calm push is “yes”, a series of sharp and short ones is “no”. Just talk to him, play with dad in “tic-tac-toe” on his stomach, while giving the right to “move” the child.
A wonderful tool for uniting the family and developing the child is art therapy, when parents draw gouache with a brush or fingers on the belly of the future mother. This is a new tactile sensation, and the manifestation of parental love.
Eighth month: 29-32 weeks
This is a period of active physical growth. On how a baby develops in the womb during this period, it depends on whether he can survive premature birth. The baby's body learns to independently regulate body temperature. By the end of this period, he will reach a weight of 1.7 kg and a height of 39 cm. He learns to push one another with his elbows, knees, and press his palm or heel against the wall of the uterus. This is also due to the fact that he becomes crowded.
Your baby already sees well, he squints, if a bright light is directed on his stomach, he distinguishes day and night well. You can add a game with a flashlight before bedtime, it will give a lot of pleasant experiences to both of you. In this case, the light can be changed from point to diffused, sent to different places in the abdomen, and then turned off and wait until the baby begins to look for a "sun bunny".
Taste addictions have already formed, the child can practically not touch the amniotic fluid, which contains an unpleasant taste for him, and, conversely, swallow greedily if the mother ate the usual and preferred food. That is why the baby in the womb often hiccups. This is a non-hazardous symptom, but if the hiccups continue for several hours, tell your doctor.
Ninth month: 33-36 weeks
The baby's lungs are preparing for the fact that he will soon breathe on his own. The weight of the child during this period varies from 2 to 3 kg, and the height reaches 47 cm. Your child is already ready for birth, but his organs continue to improve.
Last days before birth: 37-40 weeks
Starting at week 37, childbirth can begin on any day. The child by this time turns head down, the woman’s belly falls. It is believed that girls are born more often at 38 weeks, and boys at 40, but this is not statistically confirmed. It's time to pack things in the hospital.
Only the milestones that describe how the baby develops in the womb are described here. In fact, this process is even more wonderful and mysterious. And from mother already at this time as much love and attention as possible is required.