Line program is a special messenger that could combine the functions of ICQ, Skype, WhatsApp, Vkontakte. This Korean application works on almost all platforms and is very popular. Let's see what “Line” is and what functionality this convenient messenger has. And also find out how to install this application on a computer or other device.
Line Program Overview
The times when "ICQ" was popular have already passed, today messengers have different functionality and appearance. Many recommend installing WhatsApp, but they don’t know what “Line” is, but it is much more convenient! Let's see why its users think so.
- Android, Windows Phone, iPhone. Windows Mac OSX. «»? , , ( ). Line , . , .
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On the official site of there is an opportunity to download the program for any device for free. Installing the messenger is simple, like registering. What is a line? This is a huge community of users, free video calls, 10 thousand emotional stickers, public stars pages, news on which they publish immediately after their release. An important advantage is the ability to send high-quality video and audio files.