Dog Mating: Some Important Facts

When buying a dog, you probably should immediately think about whether you will knit it. It depends on many factors: on the potential of the animal, its pedigree and class, on your desire and capabilities. After all, in order to raise a dog that is worth knitting, you need to invest a lot of effort, time and money.

breeding dogs

This is especially true for males, the requirements for them are very stringent. In addition, it is not enough to want the dog to have puppies, you need to be able to care for them, starting from birth. And you also need to be prepared for the costs that the mating of animals and the appearance of offspring will entail. Kids are ugly. And they can spoil your things. A lot of money is spent on keeping the puppies, because good care and feeding are very important in the first few months of life. If you nevertheless decided to have your dog participate in the breeding, then you should read some information.

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When is the mating

mating animals

A male is ready to mate at any time, but you can’t do this thoughtlessly. Usually for a valuable sought after breeding male, 2-3 knits per week are recommended. Bitches are knitted once a year, despite the fact that estrus most often happens twice a year. It is necessary that the animal's body rests from pregnancy, childbirth and feeding. It is important to remember that breeding dogs should only be between healthy animals. So you will avoid many problems, starting with the reluctance of a sick male to knit a bitch, and ending with the birth of unhealthy puppies in the latter. The readiness of a bitch to breed is determined by the presence of her estrus - spotting. They last about 3 weeks.
breeding dogs

The readiness of the bitches is determined by many signs, however, usually the best time for breeding is the 9th-14th day from the beginning of the discharge. There are breed differences that need to be considered.

Dog mating is free when the animals are just introduced and left alone for a while. This is possible if they are experienced and friendly. Hand knitting is also practiced, in this situation, a dog handler should help. This is usually required in conditions where the pets are still untied or the bitch is dominant and does not allow the dog.

Features of mating animals of small breeds

mating chihuahua

Due to their small size, they need special attention in all areas of life. Of course, the breeding season is also important. Dogs of very small breeds (toy terriers, chihuahuas) need the assistance of specialists during this period. Mating a Chihuahua itself can be difficult due to differences in the height of the legs of the mating animals. And due to the presence of a narrow pelvis, a cesarean section is often required for delivery of a female. Given that the number of puppies born in one litter is small, an inexperienced dog owner should think carefully before breeding such pets.

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