An unsupported protocol is used on the site: how to fix it

You must admit that a situation when, when you enter a page on a social network or a portal of your favorite audio or video hosting, for some reason the browser suddenly displays a message that the site is using an unsupported protocol, although up to a certain point everything was fine, it could enter into a stupor whatever. Many users do not fully understand why such an unexpected failure occurred, and, alas, they don’t know the methods of correcting the situation. By and large, there is nothing wrong with the appearance of the above message or notification that this site cannot provide a secure connection. Below are a few basic techniques to restore access to any resource. But first, you should clearly understand what such notifications mean and what is the reason for their appearance.

A message that the site uses an unsupported protocol: what does this mean and what is the reason?

Most experts explain the occurrence of such errors with the subsequent issuance of messages by the fact that the developer or the owner of the resource cannot be provided with a secure connection, which applies to both secure (HTTPS) and ordinary (HTTP) protocols, namely SSL connection problems. Also, the occurrence of such a situation can be noticed in those cases when your browser and the requested page use, say, incompatible fonts, which simply can not be downloaded or displayed in the browser used. But the saddest thing in all of this is that for some reason, for some reason, such a problem appears when trying to enter popular social networks (OK, VK), YouTube video hosting, antivirus portals, etc.

As for the reasons for notifications that this site cannot provide a secure connection, the most common among them are the following:

  • problems on the side of the resource owner;
  • the presence of viruses on your computer;
  • determination of virus activity on the site or blocking of a resource by antiviruses due to its identification as potentially dangerous;
  • disturbances in the operation of network devices;
  • the presence of computer garbage (temporary files) in the system or in the browser;
  • β€œGathering” of Internet connection settings;
  • damage to browser files or system components.

As you can see, all the above cannot be attributed to particularly critical failures. However, immediately note that access problems associated with violations of the resources themselves due to the fault of their developers or owners will not be considered.

An unsupported protocol is used on the page: how to enter the site? The simplest solution.

So, when you tried to access a specific site, you received one of the above messages, and login was not possible. The simplest way out of this situation will be the most common page refresh by pressing the corresponding button in the browser or pressing the F5 key (sometimes the combination Ctrl + F5 can be used). Naturally, you should not rely on such a decision, so we proceed to the next steps.

Check for viral activity

As already mentioned, the resource can β€œrefuse” to accept your request by issuing a notification that an unsupported protocol is used on the site, only because your terminal (from its point of view) has detected increased virus activity, which theoretically can lead to to its infection, which will entail disruption of work. Take your time and just in case, perform a full scan of your system for the possible presence of virus threats and dangerous applets using portable utilities. To detect and neutralize common viruses, use KVRT or Dr. Web CureIt, and for ad applets, use AdwCleaner.

What to do with antivirus?

It is also possible that the exact opposite situation will occur when the antivirus installed on your computer will block the requested resource due to its unreliability or the presence of potentially dangerous content on it. Visiting such sites ignoring security notifications is not recommended.

Temporarily disable antivirus

However, if you are sure that the resource is safe, just temporarily turn off the antivirus and try logging in again. If it is successful, add the site to the antivirus and firewall exclusion list.

The nuances of solving the problem when using a wireless connection

Quite often you can meet another situation, the occurrence of which may be associated with the banal β€œgathering” of the router settings. In this case, it is also possible to issue messages that the site uses an unsupported protocol. How to fix such a crash? Perform a complete reset of the router settings, but not by pressing the Reset button on the rear panel, but by completely de-energizing the device for about 10-15 seconds and then turning it on.

Cleaning garbage in the system and in browsers

Often, notifications that an unsupported protocol is being used on a site can occur in Chrome or other browsers due to the presence of a huge number of temporary files, including cached data (both in the browser and in the operating system itself).

Clearing browser history and temporary files

In this case, it is recommended to clear the history with the removal of all temporary components directly in the browser used to work with the Internet.

Quick search for folders with temporary files

Also, it does not hurt to find all TEMP system directories by writing the % TEMP% command in the Run console and then deleting absolutely everything that is in them.

Reset Internet Settings

Incorrectly set Internet settings can also cause the appearance of such errors. Perhaps, for some reason beyond your control, their parameters have been changed (for example, due to system failures). Moreover, similar to previous situations, a notification is issued that the site uses an unsupported protocol.

Reset SSL Settings

In Windows XP, to eliminate the failure, use the Internet properties section in the Control Panel, and on systems of a higher rank, use the browser properties item, then click the SSL clear button on the content tab.

Restore advanced Internet settings

After that, it is strongly recommended that you enable additional options by pressing the button on the advanced options tab, and if this does not work, perform a full reset (in Windows 10 there may not be a second button).

Advanced DNS Settings

If the previous solutions did not work, and the message that the site is using an unsupported protocol appears again and again, check the DNS server settings in the IPv4 protocol properties. It is desirable to set them for automatic receipt.

Clear DNS Cache

If the effect is zero again, clear the DNS cache by writing ipconfig / flushdns on the command line that runs as administrator .

Free DNS Addresses from Google

If this does not help, in the IPv4 protocol parameters, instead of the specified DNS values ​​or automatically receive addresses, enter the combinations from Google consisting of a set of eights and fours. Access to these DNS servers is completely free. You can also use any other combinations that are available on the Internet in the public domain (for example, from Yandex).

Reset browser settings

If, after such drastic measures, the browser does not respond to your requests and again displays a message stating that the site is using an unsupported protocol, in Yandex-browser, Chrome, Opera or any other browser used, perform a complete reset to the initial state . To do this, any browser has a special section where you need to click only one button, then restart the browser and try again to enter the site.

Checking system components

Finally, if nothing helps at all, but you are firmly convinced that there are definitely no problems on the side of the requested resource (for example, access to the site can be obtained from a mobile phone), there remains only the very last resort, which means performing a full check of system components with their subsequent restoration , if possible.

Check and restore system components

Run the command console as administrator, issue the sfc / scannow command and wait for the results of scanning and recovery.

Note: if in normal mode it will be informed that recovery cannot be performed, follow the same steps, booting in safe mode, or when starting from removable media with the Windows installation distribution or recovery environment (LiveCD), through the recovery section, select the command prompt.

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