What could be more beautiful than motherhood? Every woman dreams of taking her baby in her arms, giving him her love and warmth. But only before the birth of a child in the world, pregnancy should pass without problems. Women who carry a child under their hearts should worry about their health and take care of themselves, since any disease can lead to serious complications. Even a common cold during pregnancy (reviews of expectant mothers about modern methods of treatment will be presented later) can end up pretty badly not only for women in labor, but also for the baby. This is due to the fact that, despite the reliable protection provided by the placenta, the woman and the fetus carry any pathologies together. Let's try to understand why you need to be afraid of a cold, what complications it can lead to, what medications are allowed for use, and how to reduce the risk of developing any pathology.
What is the risk of a runny nose?
Let's dwell on this in more detail. Rhinitis is a very common disease, which most often worsens in spring and autumn, when the body does not have time to adapt to changing weather. At the same time, it can occur along with the flu, allergic reactions, various infections and many other diseases that only aggravate the condition of the woman and complicate the treatment. Therefore, every expectant mother asks a question about what is possible with a cold during pregnancy in order to quickly recover and not harm the baby.
The disease is difficult to treat and may have a different etiology. Many lamas bearing a fetus manifest so-called vasomotor rhinitis. It is caused by global changes in the body, hormonal imbalance, intoxication and increased stress on the blood vessels. Toxicosis causes a change in the chemical composition of the blood, as a result of which the mucous membrane of the sinuses can swell.
A runny nose makes breathing difficult, and oxygen deficiency affects overall well-being. In addition, if no measures are taken, the consequences of a cold during pregnancy can be as follows:
- placental insufficiency;
- decreased fetal nutrition;
- violation of the normal development of the endocrine system;
- spontaneous abortion;
- bone deformation or deterioration in its quality;
- mental abnormalities and impaired development of the central nervous system of the baby;
- problems with sexual development;
- fetal death in the womb.
If a runny nose was caused by any viruses or infections, then they can enter the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage or stunted fetal development. Therefore, if a woman has a cold during pregnancy (2 trimester), treatment should be started immediately. However, the whole problem is that expectant mothers are forbidden to take medications, which are most often prescribed in the usual state, since they can be dangerous for the child. A different approach to therapy is required here. It will be described in detail below.
A few words about the development of the fetus
To answer in more detail the question of why a cold is dangerous during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, you need to talk a little about the changes that occur with the baby during this period. By the 13th week, his body is almost fully formed, and its rapid growth and development begins. Here, nutritional quality and maternal health are more important.
In this case, the following changes occur with the fetus:
- brain formation;
- the formation of all systems;
- internal organs begin to work normally;
- development of protective functions;
- the formation of the psyche.
A cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (women’s reviews of the most effective medicines you can read at the end of the article) can affect the normal development of the fetus, as a result of which the baby will be born underdeveloped. Therefore, rhinitis in no case can not be ignored. Even in the mild stage, the ailment can affect the fetus, which in the future can lead to negative consequences.
Drug therapy
So what is she like? What to drink with a cold during pregnancy? This question arises in many women. However, it is important to understand that taking any medications without first consulting with a qualified doctor can be dangerous. Therefore, if you notice the first manifestations of pathology, then you must first make an appointment with the doctor. Based on the patient’s clinical picture, he will select the most effective and safe treatment program.
Such drugs as Aspirin, Nurofen, as well as any antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs belonging to the group of non-steroid medicines are contraindicated for taking. As for Analgin, there is no consensus on him. According to some profiled specialists, its intake during gestation can cause the development of cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Especially the risk of oncology is great with an individual's genetic predisposition to humans.
So what to treat with a cold during pregnancy? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, since each individual case is individual, therefore, the selection of drugs is carried out on the basis of the intensity of the manifestations, severity and etiology of the disease, as well as the clinical picture of the patient. At the same time, the therapist consults with a gynecologist in order to select the most suitable medicines.
What to do in case of heat?
Let's look at this issue in more detail. If a cold during pregnancy is accompanied by a fever, then there should be more cause for concern, as this may indicate the onset of inflammation, as well as any virus or infection. It is forbidden to take the usual antipyretic drugs, which are most often prescribed to patients, however, it is still necessary to make one feel better.
According to doctors, if the temperature is in the range from 37 to 37.5 degrees, then nothing needs to be done, since there is no particular threat to the health and life of the mother and her baby. If symptoms of colds are added to the heat, then in this case, the first thing you should visit the hospital. At home, pregnant women need to adhere to bed rest and monitor their water balance.
If a cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a strong fever, then such a condition is already considered dangerous. In this case, you can not postpone going to the doctor. As a rule, rectal suppositories are used to combat high temperature. They have a quick effect and have virtually no side effects. The most effective is Viburkol. The dosage and duration of use is calculated by the doctor depending on the condition of the expectant mother.
Together with suppositories, "Panadol" or "Paracetamol" can be prescribed. They take 1/2 tablet several times a day. If the temperature does not drop, then repeated use is allowed, but not more often than every four hours.
Antiviral drugs
Very often in expectant mothers, rhinitis is caused by some kind of infection. In this case, antiviral medicines for colds during pregnancy are required, produced in the form of rectal suppositories and containing interferon in their composition. They stimulate the immune system and improve the protective functions of the body, making it much easier to deal with pathogenic microorganisms.
The most common candles are Viferon. The doctor may also prescribe the nasal spray "Grippferon". Both drugs are available on the basis of a natural protein that is produced by the immune system. In addition, vitamins C and E, which are necessary for a person to have good health, are additionally present in suppositories.
It is worth noting that if a woman got a cold during pregnancy, then to maintain the immune system is allowed to take "Oscillococcinum". The drug includes a huge number of components of natural origin, so it not only helps well in the treatment of many ailments, but is also completely safe. However, as has been repeatedly said above, any medication should be used only as prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication can not only complicate the course of the disease, but also harm the expectant mother and her baby.
What to do with rhinitis?
As practice shows, a cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy in most cases is accompanied by a runny nose. In this case, the virus is localized mainly in the nasopharynx, therefore, to combat it, it is rinsed with antiseptic agents. One of the best is Chlorophyllipt and Furacilin. With their help, it is possible to clean the sinuses from accumulated mucus and facilitate breathing, as well as wash the pathogen.
In case of mucosal inflammation syndrome, it is recommended to rinse the nose with a solution of sea salt, as well as instill drops of Aquamaris or any other with a similar composition. If the swelling is very strong, then you can remove it with the help of Sinupret. As for vasoconstrictor drugs, the most common of which are Naphthyzin and Sanorin, they are strictly prohibited during pregnancy, regardless of the trimester.
Cough and sore throat
How to deal with this ailment, so as not to harm yourself and your baby? A huge number of women carrying a child turn to the therapist with such complaints. Typically, these symptoms are evidence of one of the following diseases:
- acute tonsillitis;
- pharyngitis;
- various pathologies of the respiratory system.
How to treat a cold during pregnancy, if it occurs in a severe form and has pronounced clinical manifestations? Today, the market has a lot of medications made from natural ingredients that are used to combat cough and sore throat, so there won't be any special problems with the choice.
Doctors recommend the following remedies to their patients:
- "Faringosept";
- "Lizobakt";
- Strepsils +;
- "Lugol";
- Stopangin
- Tantum Verde.
With a dry or wet cough, colds during pregnancy, such as Tusuprex and Mukaltin, can help. They stimulate the removal of sputum from the bronchi, facilitate the patient's condition and accelerate the healing process. With a very high body temperature and a rapid deterioration in well-being of a woman, it is better not to take risks, trying to cure the disease on their own, but to go to the hospital immediately. Based on a comprehensive examination and the results of laboratory tests, only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective and safe treatment program.
SARS on medium gestation
It was examined above whether a cold is dangerous during pregnancy. But very often it is confused with acute respiratory viral infection. In order to facilitate its course and increase the effectiveness of treatment, the expectant mother should adhere to the following tips:
- periodically ventilate the room, trying to maintain the air temperature in it at a level of 20-22 degrees;
- relax as much as possible and minimize any physical activity;
- limit contact with healthy family members.
As for medications, only a doctor should pick them up. When designing a treatment program, many factors are taken into account. In particular, doctors are interested in the type of virus, its location and individual characteristics of the patient. In the case of acute respiratory viral infections, antibiotics made on the basis of penicillin or azithromycin are usually prescribed.
The most common are the following:
- Amoxiclav;
- Augmentin
- "Flemoklav";
- Cephalexin;
- Ceftriaxone;
- "Ospexin";
- "Azithromycin";
- Sumamed
- "Ecomed".
If a cold during pregnancy has grown into ARVI, then, regardless of the prescribed drugs, the dosage and duration of their intake is selected by the doctor depending on the health status of the future mother.
So, what should you expect from this ailment? A cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is often the first sign of more serious viral diseases. One of these is the flu. It is very dangerous because it suppresses the functioning of the immune system, and also disrupts the heart, circulatory system and respiratory system. According to medical statistics, this ailment often leads to fetal death in the womb. Therefore, it is important to detect the flu as soon as possible and begin treatment.
This can be done based on the following symptoms:
- high body temperature;
- sore throat when swallowing;
- increased tearing;
- body aches;
- nasal congestion and discharge.
Having noticed these clinical manifestations, in no case should you try to cure the disease yourself.
With influenza, you need to take these antiviral drugs:
- Arbidol;
- Grippferon;
- Viferon.
As for antibiotics, they are prohibited for use during pregnancy, as they can lead to various negative consequences. Together with tablets, you should gargle with antiseptic solutions, which you can buy at any pharmacy, for example, Miramistin or Bioparox.
Traditional medicine
Above were considered the most common cold medicine during pregnancy. However, there are many alternative methods of treatment that are good for rhinitis. It can be various infusions and decoctions prepared on the basis of plants with healing properties. At the same time, they not only quickly relieve the symptoms of a cold and contribute to a speedy recovery, but are also completely safe for health, and also do not cause any side effects. However, despite this, resorting to the use of traditional medicine should only be after examination by a doctor. This is due to the fact that even honey, which has many useful properties, can lead to the development of a severe allergic reaction. Excessive consumption of raspberries and lemons is also contraindicated.
Among the most effective and harmless means are the following:
- tea from linden, rose hip and currant leaves;
- decoctions of coltsfoot or dried raspberries;
- hot milk with a teaspoon of raspberry jam.
To cope with nasal congestion and a runny nose, rinsing of the sinuses will help with the infusions of chamomile or marigolds. These plants act as very strong natural antiseptics, well helping with various viral diseases. Their effectiveness is so high that the flowers allow you to quickly recover even with the advanced form of rhinitis and tonsillitis.
Now you know how to cure a cold during pregnancy with folk remedies. However, if there are no noticeable improvements, then continuing further self-medication can be dangerous. In this case, it is better to go to the hospital for qualified medical care.
Above, we examined in detail what to take with a cold during pregnancy. In the treatment, in addition to medications, it is recommended to drink herbal teas. To increase their beneficial effect, honey can be added to them, provided that the woman is not allergic to this sweet and incredibly tasty product. It can also be used to combat herpes as an alternative to ointments.
Previously, people treated colds with bath procedures and rubbing with alcohol tinctures, but it is strictly forbidden to do this during pregnancy. To bring down the heat, expectant mothers can put themselves compresses. To do this, a small amount of acetic acid is added to warm water, after which a towel is wetted in the solution and wrapped around the body. After this, the sick woman should lie under the covers and wait about an hour. During this time, the temperature should drop to approximately 37.4 degrees. Similar compresses can be applied on the forehead.
Vegetable juices, decoctions and inhalations
The treatment of colds during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can be carried out using vegetable juices, which are buried in the nasal canals. For example, carrots, aloe and beets are good for rhinitis. The procedure should be performed at least five times a day. In addition, you can breathe in pairs of herbs such as chamomile and sage. They stimulate the removal of mucus from the nose and facilitate breathing. , , .
With sore throat and inflammation of the soft tissue of the larynx, accompanied by the formation of ulcers, rinsing with water-salt or soda solution is excellent. Doctors also recommend drinking warm milk with honey. It softens the throat well, relieves irritation and has a calming effect.
What is possible with a cold during pregnancy if it is accompanied by a strong cough? In this case, as much as possible raspberry tea should be drunk to improve sputum excretion. Traditional healers advise decoctions of plantain or thyme. With a dry cough, homemade candies made from burnt sugar do a good job. To make them, you need to pour a little water into a metal container, add a few tablespoons of refined sugar, then put on medium heat and, constantly mixing, bring to a liquid state. When the liquid turns brown, the container is removed from the stove, the elastic mass cools and small sweets form from it.
Preventive actions
As mentioned above, expectant mothers tolerate even the mildest diseases much worse, one of which is rhinitis. For its treatment, it is forbidden to use almost all medications, so it is very important to have a detailed idea of how to protect yourself from the common cold during pregnancy.
The following preventive measures will help you with this:
- Do not go to crowded places;
- try to get around by car or on foot, and not by public transport;
- take vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening the immune system;
- as often as possible to walk in the fresh air;
- at home, flush the nasal passages with saline or any antiseptic;
- if you need to get to a place of large crowds, then wear a protective mask;
- dress well and avoid hypothermia;
- ventilate the room regularly;
- stick to a good and healthy diet.
According to doctors, most often people get sick due to neglect of their health. This is especially true of women carrying a baby in the tummy. As practice shows, they often go to shopping centers and other places where a large number of people are constantly.
At the same time, adhere to general advice and recommendations on prevention should not only expectant mothers, but also the rest of the family members who may be carriers of a virus. If a woman begins to get sick during pregnancy with a cold, then the best way would be to go to the hospital. Only an experienced doctor will be able to choose the most optimal treatment program, which will quickly get rid of the disease and will not cause any harm to the health of mother and her unborn child.
Self-medication can be dangerous, because rhinitis in the second trimester is very insidious and can lead to various negative consequences. And if, in addition, it is caused by any infections or viruses, then the threat to the fetus increases many times. As a result of the disease, the baby may, at first glance, be born healthy, but he will have problems in his teens.
What do future mothers say about the treatment of rhinitis with the help of medications?
According to many doctors, the most common disease is a cold during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Reviews of women who, when carrying a baby, faced this ailment, argue that today there are many drugs on sale that are highly effective and are completely safe. With their help, expectant mothers were able to quickly recover without any complications. As for alternative methods, they also help well, but they should be used only as an addition to the main therapy program. It is not possible to defeat rhinitis alone with infusions and decoctions. Therefore, if you get a runny nose, then you do not need to self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be to defeat the pathology.
A cold is, at first glance, a completely non-dangerous disease, but in the case of pregnant women, the risks are very high. It can lead to a violation or stop the normal development of the fetus, as well as cause miscarriage. Therefore, every woman who is preparing to become a mother in the near future should be very serious about herself and her health, because she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her child. Follow the basic preventive measures described in this article and you will never have a cold. Remember: the health of the child completely depends on the general condition of the mother.