Games and game exercises are very important for a child from the first years of life. They are needed for its development, perception of the outside world. The right games help to teach the baby to think, reason, distinguish actions, sounds, colors, in the future to make independent decisions. Game exercises for children are needed at every stage of development.
For the smallest
From the first weeks of life, it is recommended that you do the following exercise to develop eye contact and perception. Take a bright toy and show it to the baby at a distance of 70 centimeters until his gaze lingers on it. Shake it slightly left and right, then move it closer to the child, and then move it away at arm's length. It is enough to conduct a lesson for 2-3 minutes twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Game exercises, the purpose of which is to develop auditory and motor perception, are introduced after the first month of life. To do this, hang a garland of rattles over the child so that he can get it with pens. To attract attention, lightly pat it; so the baby should be engaged for about 7 minutes.
Every five days for a month, swap toys. For the development of motor skills, give the baby from the third month of life toys with pens of various shapes, colors and structures. You can still lay them out in front of the child when you turn him on his tummy so that he sees them in front of him.
Game exercises for children on the development of speech are also performed from the first months of life. Speak with your child, often pronounce syllables and sounds “aha”, “aha”, “boo-boo”, “a-a-a-a”, “o-o-o” and others.
At six months you can play hide and seek. Covering your face with your hands, ask: “where is mom?”, And then open and say: “here is mom!”. In the book or among the toys, name the animals and pronounce their characteristic sounds: “meow”, “woof”, “oink”, “pee-pee” and others. You can use a glove with toys or special finger puppets for this.
Junior group
In kindergarten, didactic game exercises are held. They are aimed at developing the ability to distinguish sounds and switch auditory attention.
The game "What to do?". For its holding, children are seated in a circle and handed out flags. The teacher rings a tambourine, with a loud sound, children wave flags, with a quiet one they hold their hands on their knees. The teacher must monitor the correct even posture and how the kids react to the sound, increasing or decreasing the volume of the tambourine.
The game "What sounds?". The teacher shows children various objects with sound, along with the kids calls them. After that, the teacher hides behind the screen and acts with these things, and according to the sounds the children must guess what kind of subject it is. Each child learns to recognize sounds, and the teacher explains that there are a lot of sounds in nature, and they all sound differently.
The game "Fly, Butterfly!". To carry it out, take bright paper butterflies and hang them on a thread so that they are located opposite the child's face. The teacher tries to interest the children with the words: “Look how many beautiful butterflies! They are like living sitting on twigs. Let's check if they can fly? ” and blows on them. Further invites children to blow on them. This game exercise in the younger group helps to develop a long mouth exhale. The caregiver needs to ensure that the children stand upright, do not raise their shoulders and exhale without getting air. They should not puff out their cheeks, exhale by pulling their lips out a little, and blow for ten seconds, otherwise, with a long exhalation, your head may become dizzy.
The game "Eat Candy." For the development of the articulation apparatus, the teacher offers the children to depict how they eat candy. They show how to unfold and eat candy, smacking and licking lips. The purpose of this game is to develop a tongue, so you need to make sure that children run their tongue first on their upper and then on their lower lips, depicting circular movements.
The game "Bunny is talking." The purpose of the exercise is to teach you how to pronounce words correctly. For this, the teacher takes a toy hare and a bag with pictures. The bunny, as it were, takes out images with animals and calls them incorrectly, and the children must correct it. For example: "ishka", "isa", "oshka". Children say: “Bear”, “fox”, “cat” and so on. After they corrected the hare, he repeats them with the correct pronunciation to consolidate the result.
Middle group
The children of the middle group aged 4-5 years have better developed coordination of movements, more understanding and opportunities. You can practice skills with outdoor games and game exercises.
Game "Doki hoop". Flags are set at different distances from each other, and hoops are given to children. The task is to roll the hoop to the flag without dropping it along the way. At each overcome stage, a cardboard star is issued, and after completing the task, it is calculated who has the most of them.
The game "Farther than all." Hoops are given out to children and, on a signal, standing on the same distribution line, they push the hoops forward. At the place of their fall, each child marks his own dash. The winner is the one whose mark is farthest.
The game "Throw - catch up." At a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the ground, a rope is pulled, and in front of it a line is marked two meters ahead. Children from this line from a prone position should throw the ball through the rope and catch it. The one who raises the ball first wins. You can complicate the task: catch up with the ball and return to the starting line by jumping over the rope along the way.
The game "Throw on." From the marked line, children are invited to throw the ball so that it flies farthest. If the ball is large, then it throws with both hands from behind the head or from the chest, if it is small, then first with the right hand, then with the left.
The game "Slippery pouch." A chair is placed in the center, and children line up around it at a distance of two and a half meters. Each is given a tied sandbag. The task is to push it to the chair so that the bag does not fall and does not slip. You need to throw it from below, for each hit a point is awarded. The winner is the one with the most points.
Senior group
Outdoor games and game exercises in the senior group help to establish contact with peers, show their talents and skills, learn and get in a good mood. Children of 6-7 years old can independently choose how and what to play, the main task of the educator is to direct them in the right direction and interest them in learning exercises. Active motor activity is necessary for them to maintain physiological processes and improve the functioning of internal organs in a growing body. The development of fine motor skills affects the formation of memory, intellectual abilities, and even speech.
Competitive game exercises in the preparatory group foster a spirit of leadership, determination, a desire to succeed.
The game "Catch the Moth." The teacher appoints one child as the leader - the owner of the house, who will determine where the moth sits. Clapping his hands or in certain subjects, he begins to kill the moth, the rest begin to help him, as if killing pests.
The game “Handkerchief” helps to learn how to coordinate movements and fosters the child’s determination. Children stand in a circle, one is given a scarf, and he goes in a circle and gives it to any other. The one who received the handkerchief runs, trying to get ahead of the leader, take his place.
The game "Spring". Develops the ability to compare speech with motor activity. Children get up in a round dance, go and sing, accompanying the words with actions:
The sun, the golden bottom (hands close around the head)
Burn clearly, so as not to go out.
Ran in the garden a creek (run)
A hundred rooks arrived. (Depict birds waving hands).
And the snowdrifts are melting (slowly crouching)
And the flowers sprout. (They rise on toes and stretch upwards with their hands).
The game "Figures". Develops imagination. Children scatter around the room and at the signal of the teacher stop and take a pose. The facilitator approaches someone and touches the child; he, in turn, begins to show whom he intended. Everyone else must guess.
The game "Wolf and Kids." A ditch of two lines is drawn in the middle of the site: on the one hand, the kids house, on the other, a meadow. A wolf that sits in a moat is selected, the rest are kids. They run out to an improvised meadow for a walk, and at the command of the educator they must jump over the moat into the house. At this time, the wolf, without leaving the line, tries to catch them.
The game "Forbidden Movement". The educator agrees with the children in advance what kind of movement you can’t do: for example, clap your hands. Then the music is turned on, and the teacher with the guys begins to dance, showing various movements. At one point he makes a forbidden movement, if anyone repeats, he must complete the task, for example, tell a poem or sing.
The game "Where is the ball." Children stand in a circle, one leader is selected. The teacher gives one of the guys a ball, which he hides behind his back. The leader must guess who has the ball. Anyone who gets caught swaps places with him. When the teacher gives the ball, the leader should have his eyes closed.
The Guess Who game. A leader is selected who is blindfolded. Children hold hands and begin to dance around him, while saying the count:
We frolic a little
In places all settled down,
You, Seryozha (Masha, Dasha or the like), guess
Who called you, find out.
Children stop, and the teacher points to one of the children. He calls the leader by name. If the leader has guessed, then he changes places with him, if not, then the round dance begins to go anew with the counter in the opposite direction. The purpose of the game exercise is not only to teach voice recognition, but also to establish contact between peers.
Speech therapy games
Unfortunately, children are not always able to master the pronunciation of all the sounds of their native language by the time they are enrolled in school. To develop the correct phonetic sound pronunciation with preschool children, special exercises are conducted. The formed speech of the child directly affects his further education at school, therefore, automation of sounds in game exercises is very important.
"Big and small". The child is shown pictures with large and small objects, first they are called with him, and then they are invited to tell him what is depicted. For example, a large and small house and so on. Objective: nouns with diminutive suffixes.
The game "Find the letter." The task is designed to develop the pronunciation of a defective letter. The child is given a sign with various images, he calls them in order. Its purpose is to circle those pictures in which a given letter occurs: for example, p. Then the child circles the tractor, fish, crow and so on.
The game "Who is superfluous?". The purpose of the game exercise is to develop phonemic perception, logical thinking. The picture shows four animals, for example: goat, hare, wolf, zebra. The child must choose which one is superfluous and explain why. Answer: a wolf, because there is no letter z in it. And so continue with other pictures.
The game "Choose the right one." It is also aimed at automating sound. The picture shows various objects and one character: for example, a hare. Next, the child names all the objects in the picture and selects the necessary ones, in which the necessary letter is found, for example: the bunny needs a fence, a castle, an umbrella and so on.
The game "Where is the sound?". You can play with pictures, or you can simply invite your child to find objects in the room that contain a given letter. Next, with the spoken word, you need to come up with a sentence. For example: to find an object with the sound [p] - a toy. "I'll go outside, play in the sandbox and take toys with me."
Early start
Starting from two years, the child can begin to accustom to physical education. To enhance the health and skills of young children, the following types of play exercises are recommended.
"Score a goal." The line is marked and at a distance of two meters arcs are installed that serve as gates. The child sits in the place indicated by the line and pushes the ball so that he gets into the goal. You can repel both with one or two hands. Each hit should be joyfully celebrated: clap your hands and say “goal!”, Motivating the child to further success. As soon as the children learn to hit the gate, you can complicate the task by placing a pin after the gate, which will need to be knocked down.
In order to teach children to jump on two legs, jump over obstacles, listen and distinguish between signals, the following physical exercises are held. The teacher invites one child and holds a palm over his head, at a short distance. The child should bounce on two legs so that the palm touches his head. The task of the educator is to explain how to jump and land gently. Children should be put on light shoes, such as Czech shoes or slippers. Then you can put a colored cord on the floor and invite the children to jump over it.
We go and run
Consider a few more developmental games from the file of game exercises, the purpose of which is to teach children to run and walk in small groups, in certain directions, one after another or in all directions, to develop agility in movements. Such games are suitable for children from two years. The teacher asks one child to bring a certain toy, after that he thanks, and together they call the item, then the baby puts it in place. Then the adult asks the next child to bring another toy and so on. Toys must be placed in a visible place in advance, not very close to each other so that children do not collide.
The game "Let's visit." Children are sitting on their chairs, the teacher tells them that all of them will go to visit the dolls now. The guys get up from the chairs and go to the doll houses. There they can play with them, walk around and dance. Then the teacher says that it’s too late, and the dolls should go to sleep. Children return to their chairs. You can repeat the game several times, so the guys also remember the location of their dolls.
Game "Catch the ball." The teacher calls in a group of kids and rolls several balls at the same time in different directions. Children run to catch the balls and bring them to the teacher. The game can be repeated several times and performed with other objects: for example, hoops.
The game "Path". This exercise is good to carry out while walking on the street. On the asphalt, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. This is an impromptu path along which children follow the tutor one after another. You need to go carefully, without going over the line, without pushing and without overtaking each other.
Connected Speech Development
So that a child can clearly and fully answer questions, express his thoughts and communicate freely, it is important to develop his coherent speech by preschool age. Speech and mental development of children is closely connected with the formation of speech. You must first be able to imagine the object of the story, formulate a thought and state it with the correct intonation. The game-specific exercises for children will be of great help in this.
The game "Continue the offer." The teacher offers the child to continue the proposal that he started, giving suggestive questions as a hint. For example: "Children go ...". (where? Why?). To simplify the task, you can begin to perform the exercise on the pictures so that it is easier to describe what is happening.
The game "Gift". The teacher collects the children in a circle. Shows a box with the words that there are gifts in it, but you can’t show them to each other. The children approach the teacher one at a time and take out a picture from the box. They do not show it to other guys. The teacher asks the children if they want to know who received what gifts. Further, each child begins to describe what is in his picture, without naming an object, and the rest should guess what gift he has.
The game "If". The teacher offers the children to dream up on different topics, starting the sentence with the words "if". For example: "if I were strong, then ..."; "if I were a wizard, then ..." and the like. The game develops imagination and higher forms of thinking, such as logic, causation.
Game "Describe the subject." The child is asked what kind of fruit or berry he loves the most, and asked to describe his qualities. For example: "watermelon - it is large, round, green, with dark stripes. Inside the watermelon there is a red pulp with black seeds. It is tasty and sweet. It has a lot of juice."
Game exercises for breathing
Often, in order for a child to speak well and beautifully, one needs to not only pronounce sounds correctly, but also breathe correctly. Breathing exercises develop the lungs, help to develop the necessary air force for the pronunciation of certain sounds. For example, for a letter c, a calm exhalation is sufficient, and for p - a stronger and more intense one.
"Sawing firewood." Children become pairs in front of each other, their left palm clutch with the right and stretch their arms forward. They further stage the sawing of firewood: hands on oneself - while breathing in, and when exhaling from oneself - exhale.
"Basking in the cold." Children pretend that they are cold. They inhale air through the nose and exhale smoothly through the mouth to “frozen” hands, supposedly warming them.
"The rustle of leaves." For this game, leaflets of green paper are cut out and attached to a twig; they need to hurt each other. The teacher announces that the wind blew, and the children begin to blow on the leaves so that they rustle. You can adjust the exhalation by depicting a weak or strong breeze.
Games for the prevention of flat feet
Another problem often encountered in preschool children is flat feet. It can arise due to early standing on legs, improperly selected shoes, complications from illnesses, insufficient or excessive physical activity. In addition to proper hygiene, it is recommended to conduct games and game exercises aimed at preventing this disease among preschool children.
"Catch the ball." A sheet of paper with the image of balls is placed in front of the children and caps from plastic bottles are scattered. The task of the child is to grab the cap with his toes and move it to the image of the ball. The exercise is repeated, first with the left, then with the right foot.
"Build the turret." With closed feet, you need to grab the cubes and try to collect the tower. The cubes should not be very large and not too small so that the child can easily grab them.
"We remove the toys." Children should put small toys into the drawer with their toes. It can be figures from kinder surprise or other small figures.
"We draw to the friend". Toes you need to grab a felt-tip pen and also draw a drawing with your feet, then pass it to a friend. You can carry out the task in a group of children, offering each one to draw one detail: so, by joint efforts, you get a drawing.
"Pass the wand." Children are divided into two teams. The purpose of the mobile game exercise is to transfer the wand with your toes to each other as quickly as possible, while not dropping it on the floor. If the stick fell, the relay starts with the first participant.
"Making snowballs." Hoops and paper napkins are placed in front of the guys. Children should crush the napkin into the snowball with their toes and bring it, sandwiched between the toes, to the hoop. The winner is the one who brought the most snowballs. The teacher needs to ensure that the children do not collide each other during the competitive exercise.