Most modern parents, preparing for the birth of a baby, pre-determine for themselves the preferred method of feeding a newborn. In Soviet times, most doctors and mothers considered themselves to be supporters of natural feeding. Even health problems were not considered an obstacle to breastfeeding and breastfeeding. Today, opinions are divided. If the doctors practically remained in their old positions and name only a few reasons for artificial nutrition, then mothers were divided into 3 camps. Some of them are categorically against breast milk, others are only “for”, and the third can be called undecided, or floating on waves of circumstances. For the first and third groups in the modern world, a great many adapted infant formulas for newborns have been developed.
Classification by age criteria
As the kids grow and their needs increase, the developers of the mixtures divided all the products into groups, including a specific number in the name:
- “0” - zero means the use of the product for feeding premature babies or children born with small body weight;
- “1” - the unit indicates the possibility of artificial feeding of full-bodied babies from birth to 6 months;
- "2" - a deuce provides the needs of a child older than six months;
- “3” - the three are offered for feeding children from 1 year;
- "4" - the four speaks of the use of the product from a year and a half, but is not presented in all lines of baby food.
Age is the main indicator in the initial choice of adapted infant formula for newborns. Further, if the baby food was suitable for the baby, he is not bothered by colic, does not regurgitate, the stool normalized and the child has a good appetite, pediatricians recommend not changing the mixture under any circumstances.
As the baby grows up, experts advise moving on to the next step of the same brand, subject to age restrictions. The list of adapted mixtures for newborns includes only products with the numbers "0" and "1". With an increase in the number on the packaging, the composition of the product also changes, namely: the proportion of non-adapted proteins, the amount of vitamins increase, new mineral compounds are added, due to which the nutrition becomes more satisfying and high-calorie.
The composition of the product
The milk mixture, based on the presence of components and nutrients, is divided into 4 categories: highly adapted, less adapted (subsequent), partially adapted and non-adapted mixtures.
The first group includes baby food based on serum of cow's milk, enriched with minerals and vitamins and approved for use from the first days of life. Of all the available options, its chemical composition is more similar to breast milk. It includes polyunsaturated fatty acids and nucleotides. Separately, experts note the presence of iron in mixtures in an amount of 5-7 mg / l.
The second group is slightly smaller than the first suitable for newborns. Adapted mixtures of this type have a high iron content. Here, the mixture meets the needs of a six-month-old baby and contains about 14 mg / l of iron. In addition, zinc and copper minerals, which are absent in the first group, are connected to the work. The bulk of these mixtures are used for children from 6 months and have the addition in the name of the number "2".
The third group includes partially adapted mixtures for baby food of newborns, similar to breast milk. They have lactose and sucrose in their composition and are distinguished by the presence of casein, as the dominant component, in comparison with milk whey proteins. The product of this group is recommended for children who have difficulties with the work of the stomach and intestines.
Unadapted mixtures are made from cow's milk that is not processed. They can not feed the children of the first year of life. In rare cases, if it is impossible for some reason to purchase an adapted infant formula for a newborn, with less harm it can be fed with diluted milk or low fat kefir.
All types of infant formula, the main component of which is cow's milk, are produced in the form of:
- A dry product packed in a cardboard box or a tin can. Usually, a measuring spoon is included in the kit for proper dosing. The preparation of the mixture consists in diluting the powder with warm boiled water according to the recommendations on the package. Demand for this type of food is prevailing; therefore, producers, satisfying market needs, produce about 90% of the dry mix.
- Liquid consistency in a single dosage, ready to use. Such mixtures are sold in 200 ml tetrapacks. The ranking of the best adapted mixtures for newborns in this series is headed by manufacturers of the brands Nan, Agusha and Nutrilak. The market share of liquid mixtures ranges from 9-10%.
Below is the rating of mixtures for babies of different directions in accordance with the reviews of mothers. Products will be listed on a “best to worse” basis.
Nan 1
Nestle NAN 1 Premium is an adapted infant formula of excellent quality, available in the Netherlands. The composition of the product includes demineralized whey, lactose, whey protein, sunflower, coconut and rapeseed oils, skim milk and such necessary substances as iodine, taurine, fish oil, calcium and potassium citrate, sodium chloride and selenate, nucleotides, L-carnitine, L β-histidine.
The caloric content of the mixture is 67 kcal per 100 ml of the finished liquid. A dry product of 400 or 800 grams is produced in a can. A distinctive feature is the absence of molasses, which is not recommended for use in diabetes. The mixture contains special components:
- OPTIPRO protein, which has a high degree and rate of assimilation;
- omega-3, omega-6 - fatty acids that increase immunity;
- bifidobacteria BL, regulating and creating the right intestinal microflora.
Not very pleasant, often giving off a taste of fish, is the only minus of the adapted mixture for newborns. Reviews in most cases, both pediatricians and mothers, are extremely positive. A healthy baby who consumes NAN 1 in the first months of life rarely has digestive or allergic reactions. An excellent indicator of the solubility of the powder in water has won the love of mothers around the world. And the absence of dyes and preservatives gives the specialist the opportunity to recommend NAN 1 for artificial nutrition of a child from birth.
Nutrilon 1
Nutricia Nutrilon 1 Premium, as well as Nestle NAN 1 Premium, are among the best adapted formulas for mid-range babies. The German manufacturer produces a mixture of excellent quality. Nutrilon 1 contains whey, minerals, lactose, rapeseed, sunflower, coconut and palm oils, fish oil, taurine, lecithin, choline, L-tryptophan and vitamins. A significant drawback, from the point of view of consumers, is the presence of palm oil and molasses in the product, although their harmfulness or usefulness is quite controversial. Moms note another significant drawback: the slow dissolution of the mixture in water, which slightly delays the cooking process.
The taste of Nutrilon 1, as well as NAN 1, slightly gives off to the fish, apparently due to the presence of fish oil in the product. It should be noted that Nutrilon 1 and NAN 1 have received a high rating of adapted infant formula for babies, including due to the advantage of packaging:
- well-established deliveries of boxes and cans of various volumes, allowing to satisfy the needs of any mother, even constrained in cash;
- in the case of using cans: a convenient lid that fits snugly after opening and does not allow extraneous odors and dampness to get inside;
- a measuring spoon supplied with the mixture, which can be stored separately from the powder inside the package;
- the jars are equipped with a special edge that allows you to remove the slide from a spoon so as not to overdose and dilute the mixture in accordance with the recommendations.
The negative aspects of packaging are:
- a small residue at the bottom of the can that cannot be removed;
- sticking of dry product to a spoon.
"Semper 1"
It should be noted that the two brands of foreign manufacturers noted above are one of the most acceptable adapted infant formula for babies. The rating of the best products would not be complete without a description of the Semper Nutradefense 1 brand. A Danish manufacturer is positioning the mixture as the only one in the world that has milk fat components combined with MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane). The composition of the mixture includes: lactose, skim milk, cream, sunflower, rapeseed, palm and coconut oils, whey protein concentrate, sodium citrate, choline chloride, taurine, fish oil, ascorbic acid, thiamine and pyridoxine hydrochloride, other vitamins and minerals. Pediatricians recommend Semper 1, as it contains the following components:
- MFGM + MILK FAT - the shell of live milk globules together with milk fat carries a protein-lipid combination, vitamins and enzymes, recognized as indispensable components of the product for the full development of the baby.
- Alpha-lactalbumin is a protein of whey of cow's milk related to proteins. He is responsible for the production of peptides that work in the body as immunoregulators.
- Galactooligosaccharides are peptides that help restore intestinal microflora to the proper level, prevent diarrhea and protect against intestinal infections.
- Omega-3, omega-6 are fatty acids.
- Nucleotides help in the synthesis of proteins and give the body extra energy.
The negative point, lowering Semper 1 to third place in the ranking of the best adapted formulas for newborns, is the difficulty of breeding it.
The manufacturer recommended pouring dry powder into hot water, the temperature of which reaches 70 ° C, shake well, and then cool to 36-37 ° C. For this reason, the mothers of anxious babies refuse to use the Semper Nutradefense 1 mixture.
Less adapted mixes
In addition to the mixtures listed, in the line of manufacturers Nestle, Nutricia and Semper there are products of the second group with the number "2", intended for children over six months. They are less adapted formulas for newborns. The list can be further expanded to include products such as Frisolak 2, Humana 2, Nestogen 2, Hipp 2.
Frisolak 2 refers to subsequent mixtures and has a good ratio of casein to whey protein of 45/55. The mixture contains nucleotides, polyunsaturated acids, minerals and vitamins. Thanks to cheap packaging, the mixture has a reasonable price. Moms note good taste: the finished product is similar to breast milk with a slightly sweet taste. An advantage is also the easy dilution of the powder in water, without the formation of lumps.
Humana 2 is made in Germany and has rather high ratings. An adapted mixture for newborns can not be called. The use of the product is permissible from 4, and preferably from 6 months. Some mothers refused to feed babies with the Humana 2 mixture when the developer of the new packaging indicated the presence of palm oil in the composition. However, the manufacturer assures that this type of oil is dangerous only with illiterate cleaning. German products at the exit from the plant undergo several types of control, including safety. For most Russian consumers, infant formula manufactured in Germany cannot be a priori bad. Pediatricians are advised to try Humana 2 and continue to feed the baby if individual intolerance does not manifest. Often, this recommendation is perceived by mothers positively, because the product has a good ratio between price and quality of the goods.
Nestogen 2 is manufactured by Nestle, but not in the Netherlands, like Nestle NAN 1 Premium, but in Switzerland. Baby food is characterized by excellent taste and pleasant aroma. Unlike most mixtures, there is no smell of fish in the dry product. But the low price has left its mark on the quality of packaging. In appearance, a convenient spoon with a clamping device does not tightly close the bag inside the cardboard box, and the box has no sealing devices at all.
Moms have to use a clothespin, stationery clip, or even pour the powder into another container. The manufacturer does not position Nestogen 2 as a mixture from the first days of life. In its Swiss line, Nestle has Nestogen 1 as an adapted infant formula without palm oil. The list of products for older children is led by the Nestogen 2 mixture and finished with cereals and chocolate products of the same manufacturer.
Hipp 2 - a quality mixture from Germany, which contains vegetable oils, probiotics, nucleotides. The palm oil in the product is beta palmit. The main component is nonfat cow milk. The mixture is prescribed if necessary to protect the digestive organs and prevent allergies. The main indicator, namely the osmolarity of the product, is 283, which is as close to breast milk as possible. Hipp 2 is highly soluble in water, has excellent taste, belongs to the middle price category
Partially adapted mixes
The third type of baby food experts include "Baby 3" and Similac 3.
“Baby 3” is produced by Nutricia, so mothers who switch for some reason from Nutrilon to a more affordable mixture choose the same manufacturer. This fact and the good old name from Soviet times helped the company to conquer a huge market segment in Russia. In addition, reasonable price contributes to the wide distribution of the product. Indeed, consumers always have less complaints about products of low and medium price categories. As for Baby 3, mothers note an overly sweet taste, a high degree of frothiness and the difficulty of breeding the resulting lumps. However, these factors do not particularly affect the health of the child. A negative point can only be called the possibility of sticking a lump of powder to the nipple opening, which complicates the sucking process. Otherwise, the mixture suits everyone: pediatricians, mothers, babies.
Similac 3 is one of the products manufactured in two countries: Denmark and Ireland. Judging by the reviews, the Russians liked the Danish version more: for some reason, it has fewer complaints and cases of intolerance or allergies. The taste of the mixture is sweet, which kids really like. Well-closing cardboard packaging and a convenient measuring spoon create usability. The presence of nucleotides and arachidonic acid add value to baby milk. In addition, the product is advertised as a partially adapted blend without palm oil. For newborns, of course, pediatricians do not recommend using Similac 3. It is better to choose the same brand, but with the number "1" in the name, intended for the youngest age.
Goat milk mixes
A separate niche in baby food is occupied by products for babies whose body does not perceive cow's milk protein. Baby food for such children is produced on the basis of goat's milk, which practically leads to a double cost of goods. Three adapted formulas for newborns in goat milk deserve popularity: “Mamako 1”, “Nanny 1” and Kabrita 1.
Of the presented products, Mamako 1, manufactured in the Netherlands, is the most budget option. The mixture is distinguished by a tin packaging, where a separate place for a spoon and a convenient mechanism for opening the can are allocated. The composition pleases with the presence of skim goat milk, vitamins, prebiotics, minerals, which contributes to the normal development of the baby and the elimination of digestive problems. In addition to the fishy smell, which is not at all a burden to the newborn, no other shortcomings are found. Moms like the product because of the ease of dilution of the powder and the affordable price.
The best adapted formula for newborns based on goat’s milk is called Kabrita 1, also produced in Holland.
Its components gently act on the digestion process, protecting the intestines and contributing to the improvement of its microflora. Pediatricians recommend the mixture to the most finicky kids, because it has a creamy taste, which is impossible to refuse, and prevents colic. Some mothers pay attention to foaminess and a not very good degree of solubility, while others say that the problem is slightly contrived. One thing is certain: Kabrita 1 copes with constipation. Specialists respond well to the product, because the mixture strengthens the immune system, protects the baby from adverse environmental conditions and is suitable for children with diabetes.
The only adapted formula for newborns without palm oil in goat's milk is Nanny 1. Convenient packaging, equipped with a protrusion for whisking excessively collected powder from a measuring spoon, captivates even a skeptical mother. Doctors call this mixture an elite product, but not because of the price, but because of the lack of palm oil and the base - goat milk. A disadvantage is called poor solubility of the powder and a thin measuring spoon, which bends and complicates the intake of the mixture. And yet, the Nanny 1 mix found its place on a shelf of identical goods. The product helps mothers of infants to establish digestion and normalize the baby's stool.
Specialized Mixtures
In the practice of pediatricians there are situations when the condition of the baby requires special adapted mixtures for newborns. These mixtures are prescribed by doctors strictly individually, depending on the existing problems:
- For premature babies, mixtures with the pre mark or the number 0 on the package are used: Pre Nan, Nutrilon Pre, Nutrilak Pre, Similac NeoSure 0, Frisopre.
- In order to improve the digestive system, get rid of constipation and colic, sour-milk mixtures are used: “Nutrilak Premium Sour-milk”, “Similac Premium”, “Similac Comfort”, “Agusha”, “Nutrilon Sour-milk”.
- If the child is prone to constant allergic reactions, hypoallergenic mixtures are prescribed: Nutrilon Pepti, Nestle Alfare Amino, Nutrilon Hypoallergenic, Friso PEP, Nan Hypoallergenic, Frisolak GA.
- If it is necessary to treat anemia, children are fed a product with a high content of iron: Similac Expert Care, Baby Semp, Enfamil.
- For babies whose body does not accept milk protein, lactose-free food or soy mixes are recommended: Nan Lactose-Free, Belact Lactose-Free, Nutrilon Lactose-Free, Friso Soy, Humana SL.
- With frequent regurgitation, antireflux mixtures are used for feeding newborns : Hipp AR, Nutrilak Premium Antireflux, Humana AR.
Despite the wealth of information available, the choice of an adapted mixture for newborns remains the main factor that affects the growth and development of the baby. Mom is looking for a product that meets most of her requirements. A pediatrician, having examined the baby, recommends the most optimal mixture, based on the weight and individual characteristics of the child.
Nevertheless, the responsibility of parents in the selection of a child’s nutrition is an order of magnitude higher than that of the most competent specialist. After listening to the doctor, the mother should use only the mixture that suits her baby. The well-being of the child in the first days of feeding will help determine the choice. If the baby's body reacts negatively to the mixture, it is necessary to exclude the product without regret, and then, on the recommendation of the pediatrician, try a new mixture. Only through trial and, often, mistakes, will a mother achieve a positive result and be able to feed her baby with the selected mixture for health benefits.