Since ancient times, the relationship between the breathing technique and the well-being of the body has been noticed. In the modern world, people have forgotten how to focus on how they breathe. Proper breathing has not been practiced in everyday life for a long time, and now medicines are used to relax and calm down. However, with all the possibilities of modern pharmaceutical technologies, to date, such a tool has not been developed that will allow relieving pain during contractions without risk of consequences for the mother and child. Therefore, the correct breathing technique during childbirth helps a lot. It helps to more efficiently distribute oxygen throughout the body, slowing down the development of oxygen deficiency in a child.
In order for the correct breathing technique during childbirth to be beneficial, rather than disappointing, you need to start training during pregnancy. In this case, just reading the literature on this topic will not be enough. It is necessary to constantly practice breathing exercises to bring them to automatism.
What is the reason for the need for breathing exercises during pregnancy
During pregnancy, along with changes and changes in the body of a woman, her breathing also changes. In connection with the growth of the fetus and an increase in the uterus, the organs of the abdominal cavity rise up, and the volume of the lungs decreases more and more. Meanwhile, the future baby needs an increasing amount of oxygen as pregnancy increases. Under such conditions, the pregnant body experiences some kind of stress, trying to cope with the burden placed on it. Learning how to do breathing exercises during childbirth, a woman helps her body cope with a lack of air during pregnancy.
By the end of the period, cardiac activity intensifies, the number of red blood cells - red bodies in the blood that carry oxygen increases, and therefore the need for the latter will increase by about 30-40 percent. Performing breathing exercises contributes to a faster adaptation of the body to increased requirements.
Breathing exercise training
Starting to learn proper breathing should be gradual. Every day after exercise, you need to spend time on a set of breathing exercises. Gradually increase the duration from 1-2 to 10 minutes in one day. If during the exercise you feel dizzy, you need to hold your breath for a period of 20 to 30 seconds.
By type of respiratory gymnastics is divided into static and dynamic. The first is carried out in a stationary state, and the second - with any movement. First you need to master static exercises, and only then move on to dynamic ones. The main requirement is not to hold your breath while moving .
The benefits of breathing exercises
As a rule, during training courses, future mothers are explained in detail what constitutes a breathing technique during childbirth. With increasing pain should be inhaled, and with a decrease, on the contrary, exhale. Such a simple system will help to cope with fights almost painlessly. You need to know that the rational technique of breathing and childbirth behavior will significantly alleviate the condition of the baby by protecting it from oxygen starvation and the negative consequences associated with it.
Without preliminary preparation, in a state of stress, it will not be easy for a woman in labor to recall the techniques that were perceived at the reading level. On the contrary, the technique of breathing during childbirth, worked out to be automatic, helps to open the cervix, intensify attempts, and accelerate the birth of a small miracle.
Why you need to breathe properly during childbirth
Why take control of your breath during labor? The fact is that the main organ that determines the process of contractions is the uterus. It is a powerful muscle that, contracting, expands the neck and pushes the baby to the exit. At the same time, attempts to consciously control the process in the form of clenching fists or screaming will not bring the proper result. During the cry, the woman's body tenses up, contributing to the involuntary compression of the muscles of the perineum. The cervix becomes stone below, stretching under the action of the scrum up. As a result, tears appear, intensifying with the passage of the baby’s head. Therefore, no technique will bring such relief as proper breathing in childbirth and labor. It helps to reduce the release of stress hormones, relax muscles and avoid tearing of the cervix, which will become much easier to stretch. You should concentrate and stabilize deep breathing during childbirth. The technique of breathing during contractions and attempts to relax the blood vessels. She will also saturate the blood with oxygen and provide it through the placenta to the baby.
Therefore, it is very important not to forget how to breathe during childbirth. Proper breathing techniques during childbirth are not able to completely relieve a woman from pain. Nevertheless, the process of controlling the duration and intensity of exhalation and inhalation makes you distract from spasms. When a woman in labor holds her breath, there is an increase in pressure on the child and acceleration of its passage through the birth canal.
Proper breathing during childbirth
In the first period of labor, the cervix opens slowly, the contractions themselves are not very painful, during breaks there is an opportunity to rest. At this point, you should begin your workout. It is necessary to inhale deeply with the nose, and then gently and longly exhale through the half-closed lips. In the process of increasing the intensity of contractions, this respiratory system continues, but it should be accelerated. Acceleration of inhalations and exhalations is allowed. As the contractions weaken, breathing slows down, and the woman in labor should try to relax the body.
Respiratory Technique
By the time of the full opening of the cervix, the contractions will become more intense, becoming much more painful and longer. The technique of breathing during childbirth includes the so-called "dog-like breathing", which will need to be used during the most painful fights.
Very frequent shallow inspirations and exhalations through the mouth must be performed, like dogs in hot weather. At the end of the bout, the woman relaxes and takes a deep breath, then a leisurely exhalation.
Attempts at breathing
When the onset of effort will have to take a deep breath and hold your breath. In this case, you need to imagine how all the air from the lungs is concentrated from above the uterus and begins to exert pressure from top to bottom on the pelvic organs. The pain recedes, there is a strong desire to push. It is not necessary to suppress it, since the resulting tension will lead to the rupture of small capillaries in the face and decollete. It should be remembered that before childbirth every woman undergoes an enema procedure, so constraint and the desire to get rid of the attempt are extremely inappropriate. You should take a deep breath and try to force the baby's head out.
How to breathe when the head appears
During one of the fights, the head will appear. After this, it is necessary to stop pushing and breathing faster until the obstetricians remove the perineal skin from the crown of the baby. Then the obstetricians will ask again to tighten the abdominal muscles. As a rule, it will be sufficient to take a deep breath and push a little so that the shoulders of the baby appear. After the obstetricians get the baby, you can relax and breathe freely.
Thus, breathing techniques in the i stage of childbirth have a positive effect not only on the mother, but also on the baby. Proper breathing helps to avoid tearing, relaxes the pelvic muscles, and also provides the baby with better oxygen.