Premature aging of the placenta: causes, treatment, consequences

Premature aging of the placenta is a term that scares many pregnant women.

The placenta is an important temporary organ that supplies the baby with nutrients and protects it from harmful factors. The health of the child depends on her condition.

Its formation begins around the third week of pregnancy, then tissue and vascular bed actively grows, and at the end of pregnancy, the reverse process begins, vascular blockage and deformation, tissue death - this is what they call “placental aging”.

If this happens prematurely, then the doctors diagnose “premature aging of the placenta”. What is the danger of this condition, what are the causes of its occurrence and how is it treated?

About the placenta

The placenta during pregnancy passes through several stages of development. So, at the beginning of pregnancy, it grows and develops, it finally forms around 10-12 weeks and from that moment begins to fully perform its functions.

The weakening of toxicosis at the end of the first trimester is associated with the activity of the placenta.

At the end of pregnancy, cells and blood vessels gradually begin to die and deform. This usually occurs by the 38th week, when all the organs and systems of the child are finally formed.

But there are times when the placenta dies at an earlier date. This is an occasion for urgent hospitalization, since pregnancy must be maintained, and this can only be done with medication.

Premature aging of the placenta

Placental maturity

The most reliable way to diagnose the maturity of this temporary organ is ultrasound and blood flow measurement.

The degree of maturity is classified:

  • 0 degree - normally it is characteristic up to 30 weeks of pregnancy. This is the period of her active work, placental tissues reliably protect from the harmful toxins of the baby, filter metabolic products. The vessels are well filled with blood, the child receives oxygen and nutrients in the required amount.
  • Grade 1 - observed from about 28 to 34 weeks of gestation. This is the period of continued growth of the placenta, it reaches its final size.
  • Grade 2 - observed from about 35 to 38 weeks, this is the normal work of an already mature organ. By the end of week 38, vascular changes begin that do not affect blood flow. The surface of the placenta becomes tuberous, uneven, dense.
  • Stage 3 - the stage when the organ reaches its maximum degree of maturity, approximately 38-40 weeks. The stage is associated with the natural deterioration of blood vessels and tissues. There are signs of changes in blood flow and salt deposition.

If the ultrasound shows that the baby has a normal heart rate, it is active, and its growth corresponds to the gestational age, then there is no point in worrying.

But if changes in the structure of the placenta are detected at an earlier date, they speak of premature aging of the placenta. In this case, vascular preparations and vitamin therapy are necessary, they will restore blood supply and provide the fetus with the necessary substances.

Premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks

Placenta value

The placenta is an element that preserves pregnancy and supports the development of the baby's body. It performs the following important functions:

  • Respiratory - the baby does not breathe on its own, gas exchange occurs due to the vessels of the placenta. Thanks to it, oxygen enters the baby’s blood and carbon dioxide is removed.
  • Nutrient - through the placenta, the baby’s blood is enriched with the necessary substances: fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates.
  • Immune - through the placenta, maternal antibodies penetrate, which protect the baby from microbes.
  • Endocrine - synthesizes hormones (progesterone and hCG) that support pregnancy and stimulate childbirth.
  • Protective - the placenta is able to destroy substances hazardous to the fetus.
  • Barrier - prevents the passage of microorganisms to the baby.

The consequences of premature aging of the placenta is a deterioration in gas exchange and nutrition of the baby. Early maturation during pregnancy of the placenta leads to a decrease in the quality of all functions.

Causes of premature placental aging

Causes of aging

The causes of premature placental aging can be associated with a woman's health or with her bad habits. The main ones are:

  • Smoking - nicotine has a negative effect on blood vessels, causing cramping. But secondhand smoke is just as harmful as active. If a woman regularly inhales tobacco smoke, the baby has an increased need for oxygen, and, therefore, the vessels of the placenta begin to work in an enhanced mode.
  • Chronic diseases of the mother (blood cholesterol, diabetes mellitus) lead to blockage of blood vessels.
  • Renal or heart failure - with these pathologies, the circulation of the mother is impaired, and this affects the work of the placenta. In such cases, the mother is prescribed therapy that improves blood flow.
  • Infections - such as herpes, toxoplasmosis - are toxic to tissues and cause premature aging of the placenta. Some of them may be in "sleep" mode and activated when immunity decreases during pregnancy.
  • A history of abortion and other operations on the uterus leads to a decrease in the endometrium, therefore, the placenta develops weakly from the very beginning, does not reach the desired thickness and quickly ages.
  • The Rh conflict of the child and the mother leads to the formation of antibodies in the blood, which complicate the work of the placenta and cause its aging.
  • Prolonged toxicosis, especially if multiple pregnancy.
Premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks of gestation

The causes of premature aging of the placenta are:

  • Violation of the diet.
  • Non-observance of sleep and wakefulness.
  • Swelling.
  • Overweight.
  • Polyhydramnios.
  • Adverse Ecology.

In order to prevent the development of this adverse phenomenon, prophylactic treatment is necessary, which will slow down the process and support the normal functioning of the temporary organ.

Signs of aging

Symptoms and signs of the development of this pathology do not exist. Only a specialist can diagnose the phenomenon using ultrasound. But by observing the baby's movements and counting their number, a pregnant woman herself may suspect premature aging of the placenta.

The effects of premature placental aging

A decrease or increase in the activity of the baby can be a symptom of hypoxia - oxygen deficiency. This pathology develops with premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks - 2-3 stages. If a woman has noticed excessive activity of the baby, you need to contact specialists and undergo an ultrasound.


What is the danger of premature placenta aging? With this phenomenon, the supply of the child with nutrients and oxygen is disrupted, the filtration function is greatly deteriorated, the placenta is no longer a reliable barrier. The baby is exposed to toxins and viruses, which can lead to malformations.

Premature aging of the placenta at 32 weeks of gestation and earlier is very dangerous, as this can lead to a halt in the development of the fetus and even death.

This pathology at a later date can lead to fetal malnutrition and impaired development of certain body systems.

If necrotic areas appear, then placental abruption can occur as a result of tissue aging - this is an extremely dangerous condition for the baby and mother.

Grade 3 premature aging of the placenta can lead to the development of serious pathologies. This is the detachment of the placenta, the outflow of amniotic fluid, premature birth and the worst is the death of the baby.


On ultrasound, the doctor may find that the tissue has become denser, there has been a change in blood flow (Doppler ultrasound). With aging of the placenta, a clear boundary between the uterine wall and the body of the placenta is clearly visible.

Premature aging of the placenta treatment

If the baby's heart rate is normal and there are no signs of hypoxia, then do not worry. But you need to constantly monitor the growth of the fetus.

An additional diagnostic method is Doppler ultrasound, with it you can evaluate the placental blood flow and the degree of oxygen supply to the child.

Doctors also often use cardiotocography - with its help you can observe the baby’s life, the method shows the baby’s movements and his heartbeat, and their relationship. Based on the results of this method, you can evaluate the degree of hypoxia of the baby.


Premature aging of the placenta poses a threat to the health and life of the fetus, so maintenance therapy is needed. First of all, the causes that caused this condition should be eliminated. Otherwise, drug treatment will not be effective. Treatment for premature aging of the placenta is carried out in a hospital, where there is the possibility of medical supervision.

It is necessary:

  • Expectant mother to quit smoking, avoid secondhand smoke.
  • If the cause is a mother’s disease (blood cholesterol, diabetes), then adjust the dose of drugs, this will reduce the rate of aging of the placenta.
  • If the cause of the infection is to undergo treatment.
  • If the cause is late toxicosis, start taking drugs that will reduce toxic tissue damage.
What is the danger of premature placenta aging

Treatment should be started as early as possible. A set of measures to restore blood flow in the placenta and to preserve pregnancy includes:

  • Vascular drugs and medications that improve blood flow.
  • Vitamins C, A, E.
  • Drugs to minimize uterine tone.

In addition, a pregnant woman needs to spend more time in the fresh air, to avoid stressful situations, overstrain. The future mother should reconsider her diet, do not eat fatty, smoked, salty, semi-finished foods. Eat as much fruits and vegetables, fish, dairy products, cereals as possible.

If drug treatment yields effective results, then a woman can give birth on her own, but if progressive aging of the placenta is diagnosed, doctors recommend a cesarean section.


To avoid such a pathology, it is necessary to prepare in advance for conception, undergo examinations, treat infections on time, and do the necessary vaccinations.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to take multivitamin preparations, abandon bad habits, comply with all the doctor's recommendations, undergo an ultrasound scan in time, treat all complications in time (anemia, gestosis, hypertension), rest more, do gymnastics and yoga. And the most important thing is to have a positive attitude to life and be in a good mood!

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