In a dog, like any other animal, the nose is covered with mucus produced by special glands. This allows them to feel even the smallest fluctuations in air and discern odors. A cold and wet nose in an animal is an indicator of normal health.
However, sometimes a dog has a hot and dry nose. Pet owners begin to worry about their pet's health. Often, this phenomenon is completely safe and is associated with the influence of short-term factors. A dog’s hot nose may be due to the fact that the animal spent a lot of time in the sun. However, there may be cases when such a phenomenon is associated with a malfunction of one of the organs of the animal.
Main reasons
The causes of a hot nose in a dog can be very different, and this does not always indicate the presence of a dangerous disease. However, there may be serious violations, in particular such as:
- allergy;
- colds;
- mechanical damage;
- pemphigus.
Pemphigus is a disease of the autoimmune system, accompanied by the appearance of blisters in the nose. Gradually arising neoplasms burst, dry out, and a crust forms. After a while, the blisters spread over the entire surface of the body.
To determine why the dog has a hot nose, you need to consult a veterinarian, as this can be the cause of a dangerous disease. Provoke changes in the body of the animal can stressful situations, as well as changes in the environment. All experienced emotions can also cause dryness.
If the dog has a hot nose and lethargy, then this can be the cause of colds. In addition, there is another symptomatology. The animal's appetite disappears, a runny nose and cough appear, and the temperature rises.
For small breeds of dogs, the normal temperature will be 38-39 degrees, and for large - 37-38 degrees. At the same time, the temperature is several degrees higher for puppies than for adult animals.
You can measure your dog’s temperature using an electronic or mercury thermometer. A similar procedure is performed rectally. It is best to take measurements when the animal is in a calm state, so as not to scare him, as this can lead to damage to the thermometer.
Animal allergy
An allergy can be triggered by flowering plants, as well as woolen things, food, household cleaning products. It is quite difficult to independently determine the source of allergies.
When a food reaction can be observed:
- itching of the skin;
- inflammation of the ears;
- violation of the stomach and intestines;
- lacrimation.
Skin allergy may occur when exposed to aggressive substances. As a result of this, itching and redness on the skin are observed, which does not go away even after the use of antibacterial drugs.
A dog’s hot nose can also be due to a nose injury, burns or a strong blow. This is a rather dangerous condition that requires complex treatment.
It is important to provide the pet with first aid in a timely manner, namely, to stop possible bleeding, bandage the wound, and only then visit the veterinarian. If there is an injury, it is forbidden to use zelenka, alcohol and iodine, as this can provoke a burn of the mucous membrane.
Rabies is mainly observed in animals that do not have the appropriate vaccination. Besides the fact that the dog has a hot nose, there is also a lack of appetite, photophobia and apathy. Every pet owner should know the symptoms, so that in case of infection, he should consult a doctor in a timely manner.
In case of infection of a pet with a plague, among the first signs it is possible to distinguish:
- the nose is dry and hot;
- loss of appetite;
- pale mucosa;
- vomiting and diarrhea;
- cramps and fainting.
This disease progresses very quickly, which is why, if you have symptoms, you should definitely contact your veterinarian. In order to avoid infection, you need to vaccinate the animal.
Worm infection
Helminths can provoke intoxication of the dog's body. In this case, in addition to dry nose, there is another symptomatology, in particular:
- unstable chair;
- vomiting
- difficulty swallowing food;
- itching in the anus.
The dog will be very lethargic, as worms weaken the body of the animal. Therefore, for prophylaxis, it is recommended to periodically take anthelmintic drugs. In the presence of such symptoms, it is advisable to take tests and, if necessary, conduct anthelmintic therapy.
Vitamin deficiency
A dry, warm and slightly cracked nose can be with an insufficient amount of vitamins A and D in the animal's diet. Vitamin A is found in vegetables, fruits, liver, fish and egg yolks. Vitamin D is found in dairy products, beef, fish.
What to do if there is a problem
Many pet owners are completely unaware of what to do if the dog has a hot nose. If such symptoms appear, you need to contact a veterinarian who will help establish the root cause and prescribe adequate therapy. The peculiarity of the treatment depends largely on the reason that provoked it.
If a dog’s hot nose is observed due to allergies, then you should try to clean the room where the animal is located, without the use of chemicals. In addition, you need to clean just warm water as often as possible. If the litter of the pet is woolen, then you need to replace it with cotton. When choosing dishes for eating an animal, it is worth giving preference to metal or glass.
If you suspect a cold, if the dog’s condition is not too serious, you can treat it at home, however, it is advisable to show it to the vet if possible. It is imperative to ensure a calm atmosphere for the animal, give a drink and a favorite treat.
Where the sick dog is resting, there should be no drafts; it is advisable to ensure a normal temperature in the apartment. You need to go out only as needed, and walks be limited in time.
If the dog freezes, then you need to cover it with something warm or even warm it with a heating pad. From time to time, you can comb the animal with a brush, as massage will help activate the body's defenses. If the cold is severe enough, then the veterinarian can prescribe medications. In the presence of wheezing and coughing, treatment with antibacterial drugs is necessary. Additionally, drugs will be required to normalize the microflora of the dog’s stomach.
Having found that the dog’s nose is hot, you need to check whether he has water in the drinker. Perhaps it was inattention to the animal that became the main cause of discomfort and dehydration of the body. Water must always be present in the drinking bowl of the animal.
In winter, the skin on the nose can be exposed to natural factors, resulting in painful cracks. In this case, the skin of the mucous membrane requires competent care and the use of special moisturizing and protective agents. In addition, for some time you need to protect the pet from being outdoors.
When not to worry
What does it mean if a dog has a hot nose, and what to do with it is a concern for many pet owners. Not always this condition is considered a signal of the disease. If the dog behaves as usual, she is very peppy, playful and there is no cause for concern. You just need to watch him.
There are a number of different reasons for a dry nose when a pet owner does not need to worry. Dry and warm nose can be during sleep and for 10 minutes after waking up. Among the provoking factors, one can distinguish:
- fatigue after exercise;
- extreme heat or frost;
- stress or severe fear.
In a nursing dog, after puppies are born, the nose may be dry. Also, a similar condition can occur during dehydration. Regularly you need to monitor the presence of fresh water in your pet, therefore, it is advisable to change it after each meal.
A pink nose may be prone to severe sunburn. If he reddened and cracked, and the skin began to peel off, you can use sunscreen and limit direct sunlight to your pet. Some dogs have a specific nose structure and a slowed metabolism, which is why they will have a dry and hot nose throughout their lives. To make the pet feel better, you can periodically lubricate the surface of the nose with calendula.