Why do dogs have a wet nose and what does it mean?

For many, dogs are best friends, beloved pets. Unfortunately, they cannot talk, and if they suddenly get sick, they are not able to report their poor health. Perhaps a dog nose can help. Everyone knows the fact that the canine organ of smell is much stronger and more sensitive than the human. Dogs are able to smell faint odors, and even a large distance is not a hindrance to them. That is why people actively use this feature, for example, to search for drugs, despite the fact that they can be well hidden. Even in the most inaccessible places for dogs, such work is not impossible.

why dogs have a cold nose

Scientists, having studied such a wonderful sense organ, came to the conclusion that dogs have several different smell receptors for the perception and analysis of different smells. These receptors are located at different levels of the organ of smell. Part of the smell is delayed upon entry due to sputum, due to which other smells can penetrate deeper into the nose of the animal. This allows him to more accurately analyze the smell. But still, why does the dog have such a wet and cold nose? This has been of interest to people for a very long time, because of which there are many legends on this topic on the Internet and other sources.

What is a dog's olfactory organ?

People, speaking about the nose of a dog, mean only its tip. The animal has a nasolabial mirror, consisting of a long cartilage protruding beyond the incisors. The nose consists of its apex, lateral parts, root and back. Also it is not covered with hair. The serous gland secretes a special mucus, and it is in large quantities on the nasolabial mirror. This is why the dog has a wet nose and a cold touch. This is necessary, since it is this feature that allows you to capture odors better. Noses vary in size and shape in the canine world. But no matter what they are like, they are important for survival.

Why do dogs have a wet nose?

It is necessary to pay attention to the surface of the nose of the pet to help him stay healthy. In order to capture the subtlest odors, as well as their direction, it is necessary that the dog's nose be wet. Once in the olfactory organs, the molecule begins to move at different speeds due to the glands secreting the secret. It is this property that allows the dog to separate odors from each other and, accordingly, analyze them correctly. Moisture is very important for canine smell. Animals keep them moist constantly and automatically lick their noses when they become dry.

Smart dogs do not want to miss important information due to a dry nose. So, a wet nose helps the animal to smell and see the world better. By the way, this organ also helps keep the animal cool. Dogs have long tongues that can easily reach the tip of the nose. This applies even to a breed such as collie. As you can see in the photo below, she has a very long nose.

why dogs have a dry nose

Why do they lick their noses?

Dogs do this to keep them clean, as they are constantly getting dirty. Animals often stick their noses when learning something new, sticking them in moist grass, leaves, plants, puddles, food, etc. They also lick the organ to moisturize the surface of the nose, which contributes to the preservation of a wonderful scent.

why dogs have a warm nose

So, following the information above, the norm is a wet nose. Why is it dry in dogs? This is not always a good sign. Many people think that a dog with a wet nose is absolutely healthy. And when he gets sick, he will be a little dry with her. This is not always true. In a sick dog, it can also be wet and cold.

Dry nose

Any physical activity associated with dehydration can cause the nose to become dry and warm. In some dogs, this occurs with age or after exposure to the sensory organ of strong wind or sun. So a dry nose is not always a sign of trouble. It is for this reason that this organ is not an indicator of measuring total body temperature. Therefore, if your dog has it hot and dry, and it behaves normally, there is no reason for alarm. And when dry nose is accompanied by other signs of the disease, it becomes lethargic and loses appetite. Here you can not do without a veterinarian. If the skin around the nose turns red or if the organ is covered with cracks or ulcers, an urgent veterinarian consultation is necessary. Excessive humidity is also a poor indicator of health. Transparent discharge is still the norm, but if you notice an excess of mucus or if it becomes thick, then the help of a veterinarian is also required. Discharges of this kind may indicate respiratory infections or even the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passages.

Why do dogs have a warm nose but are wet?

Is a warm nose a cause for alarm? This is often normal for an animal. Although many dog ​​breeders raise a panic about this and immediately take their pets to the doctor. Therefore, this fact can be called another false statement. If the dog was sleeping or the room was dry from heating, then the nose may become warm.

why dogs have a wet nose

The same effect will be due to the fact that she experienced strong physical exertion or played with the sand, burrowing into it with her nose. Another reason is cold or hot weather. If your pet with a warm nose is joyful and cheerful, it has a great appetite, then there is no reason for worry and panic. But indeed, sometimes a warm nose can be a sign of illness.

If your pet is very lethargic, does not respond to commands, and the nose is not only warm, but also dry, then this is an occasion to see a doctor. Especially if this organ is covered with some secretions or crusts. It is necessary to give the animal water and not disturb him for some time.

Why does the dog have a hot nose?

As we have already found out, a wet organ is the norm. And what does the hot nose of a beloved pet say? This may be the same situation as with a warm nose. It all depends on the behavior of the dog, the reaction to the outside world and the actions after which the nose became hot and dry.

why the dog’s nose is wet but warm

But often this is an alarming sign. For example, this may be a consequence of an allergy. The latter can be not only of a vegetable nature. It is a reaction to detergents, products, and chemicals. Sometimes the owners have to change even food bowls to better ones that do not contain toxic substances.

So, we found out why dogs have a wet nose.

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