Diagnostics of the computer power supply: reasons, rules of conduct, necessary programs, step-by-step instructions and expert advice

A power supply is one of the components of the system without which your computer simply cannot work. From here it is important to monitor the condition of the PSU, to take effective measures to troubleshoot during the "first calls". Diagnostics of the computer's power supply will help determine exactly what exactly this component of the system is suffering from. This service is offered by many service centers, private computer masters. We will present to the reader a number of recommendations that will help to carry out this manipulation independently.

What is it?

Before talking about the diagnosis of the computer power supply, a little theory.

BP (power supply) is the secondary power source of the system. The primary, respectively, is the power outlet. The purpose of his work: conversion to constant alternating voltage, providing power to the system components at a given level.

A power supply unit is an intermediate link between the electric network and the internal components of your computer (motherboard, video card, etc.). The functioning and operability of other elements of the system depend on its serviceability, proper operation.

how to diagnose the power supply

Causes of PSU malfunction

As a rule, the diagnosis of a computer power supply is unambiguously required in cases when you suspect that something is wrong with the power supply. The following can most often cause malfunctions:

  • Poor network voltage. It manifests itself in frequent drops in mains voltage, as well as its output beyond the boundaries of the operating ranges of the power supply.
  • Low quality of the component itself. As a rule, budget models quickly fail and without external influences. However, the same fate sometimes befell their dear brothers. Often in the world of technology, everything depends on the luck and luck of the buyer.

How to determine the need for diagnosis?

When exactly will I need a computer power supply diagnostics? The system itself can "tell" you about its necessity with the following features:

  • Computer does not work. After pressing the power button, nothing happens: the network indicators do not light, the coolers do not make noise, there is no sound.
  • PC turns on once.
  • The operating system cannot boot. In some cases, the OS still starts, but after a few seconds the computer shuts down spontaneously. Sound and light indication is active, and cooler fans work.
  • You have found an elevated temperature of both the power supply itself and the system case.
  • Device memory errors.
  • Stopping the hard drive.
  • Periodic system freezes.
  • Stop fans.
  • A characteristic odor of smoke may appear (from swollen capacitors, a burned-out transformer).
  • Squeak coming from the power supply.
power supply troubleshooting

Is there a program to check?

Unfortunately, there is no specific program for diagnosing the computer’s power supply unit that would do all the necessary checks automatically and at the end give the result: the PSU is working / faulty. Diagnostics must be done manually. Hence the conclusion: an experienced PC user can handle the task. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it's better not to take risks. It's easier to visit a service center or call a wizard at home.

As a program for diagnosing a computer's power supply, many users recommend the popular AIDA. The application, connecting to the available sensors on the motherboard, is able to derive some characteristics of the PSU, by which it is possible to recognize a malfunction.

Diagnostic methods for BP

How to make nutrition diagnostics? Experts advise three simple ways:

  1. Check voltage supply. Here a so-called rough check is made - the master observes whether voltage is present or not.
  2. Checking the output voltage. Why is it important? The voltage in the power supply must be within certain limits. Even his slightest deviation is unacceptable.
  3. Visual inspection The master inspects the power supply for swollen capacitors.

And now we will analyze each of the methods for diagnosing faults in the power supply in more detail. Let's start in order.

power supply diagnostic program

Work Rules

The power supply diagnostic programs, of course, can only work when the device is turned on. But if you do it manually, if the check involves opening the cover of the system unit, removing components, working with special tools, then the device must be de-energized!

How to diagnose the power supply? Turn off the computer, disconnect it from the network. Only then can you start work. Remember that the PC operates at a voltage dangerous to humans - 220 V.

Power supply voltage check

We disassemble the diagnostics of the power supply, repair. The first verification algorithm involves the following actions:

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. Unscrew the side cover of the system unit.
  3. An important note from specialists: remember, sketch or take a picture of how the system components are located and connected to the power supply - an optical drive, hard drives, a motherboard, and so on.
  4. Only then disconnect them from the power supply.
  5. Now grab the tool - the best use is a simple paper clip. An alternative is a piece of wire, similar to a paper clip in diameter and size. Why do we need this item? With it, we will close the contacts of the power supply.
  6. Bend a paper clip or wire in the shape of the Latin character U.
  7. Next, you should find a 20/24 power connector. It is not difficult to find it on the PSU - this is a bundle consisting of 20/24 wires that go from the power supply to the motherboard.
  8. On the connector, find the connectors in black and green (the wires of the corresponding colors lead to them on the back of the connector). Both ends of our paper clip need to be inserted into them.
  9. Check that the clip is firmly locked and that it is in contact with the connectors.
  10. All is well? We continue to diagnose the PC power supply. Now you need to turn on the power to the PSU. Before doing this, check if the unit itself is activated (the power button must be active on it).
  11. How to recognize that the device is turning on? Fans on it after voltage starts to rotate. You can judge that it is in working condition.
power supply diagnostics repair

If coolers do not work ...

We continue to disassemble the diagnostics of the computer power supply step by step (5V). During the test, the cooler did not start working? The fact may be that there is no contact between the ends of the clip and the black, green connectors of the connector. Check it, reconnect the wire and repeat the diagnosis.

Note that this is a “crude” verification method. It only allows you to determine that the PSU is turned on. But not the fact that the device is in working condition. For a more accurate diagnosis, we suggest you move on to the next test.

Checking the correct operation of the device

How to diagnose the power supply? For this test, we also strongly recommend that you turn off and power off your computer beforehand. Next, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the side cover of the system enclosure.
  2. Once again, we advise you to remember, sketch or photograph the correct initial connection of the system components to the power supply. After that, you can, with a clear conscience, disconnect them from the power supply.
  3. Again, you need a 20/24 pin connector on the device. It is distinguished by its large size, 20/24 wires that were previously connected to the motherboard.
  4. Now your task is to find the connectors on the connector - yellow, pink, black and red.
  5. The next step is to connect the load to the power supply.
  6. At future stages of the test, we will measure the output voltage of this device.
PC power supply diagnostics program

We organize the load of BP

We note an important point: in the normal mode of operation, the PSU will work under a standard load, providing power to components such as the motherboard, coolers, hard drives, optical drives. Therefore, if you start measuring the output voltage of the device without load, then the tests will show a rather high error.

And one more important question. What can be used as a load on the power supply for diagnostics? The following can be connected to the device:

  • External cooler fan 12 V.
  • Old hard drives.
  • Optical disc drives.
  • A combination of the above devices.

Voltage measurement with a voltmeter

And we continue to diagnose the health of the power supply. Next, we propose to act according to the presented algorithm:

  1. Turn on the power supply (if at the beginning of the test you deactivated it with a special button on the case), apply voltage to it.
  2. Now we need a special tool - a voltmeter. With it, we will measure the output voltage of the above found connectors: black, pink, red and yellow.

Imagine the reference indicators that should be displayed on the device screen:

  • Black and pink wires: 3.3 V.
  • Red and black wires: 5 V.
  • Yellow and black wires: 12 V.

But that is ideal. In practice, it is assumed that indicators may vary somewhat. Experts say that the following values ​​are normal for BP:

  • Black and pink wires: 3.14-3.46 V.
  • Red and black wires: 4.75-5.24 V.
  • Yellow and black wires: 11.4-12.5 V.

Everything is okay? So, the power supply is most likely working fine. We also suggest holding a final tet to check its condition.

computer power supply diagnostics

Visual inspection: disconnection and analysis of PSU

It is important here that you imagine how the power supply unit looks in working condition. Here is the algorithm for visual inspection of the device:

  1. Be sure to turn off, power off your personal computer.
  2. The next step is to open the side cover of the system unit.
  3. Remember, take a picture or write how the components of your computer are connected to the PSU.
  4. Disconnect all devices connected to it from the power supply.
  5. Now remove the PSU from the system unit. To do this, you need to unscrew the four screws that secure the component to the system case.
  6. Disassemble the power supply: again, unscrew the four screws that secure the two covers to the device, carefully remove them.

Visual inspection and its results

Now you have the "insides" of the power supply. Carefully inspect them for:

  • bloated capacitors;
  • accumulations of dust;
  • foreign bodies that interfere with the rotation of the cooler.

Identified problems are solved simply:

  1. Swollen capacitor is changing to a new, similar in model, characteristics. Reinstallation is carried out by soldering.
  2. If dust has accumulated inside the device, then it is easiest to collect with a vacuum cleaner. Experts recommend putting a narrow nozzle on his tube for this.
  3. A non-working cooler is changing to a similar new one. If its course is simply difficult, then the problem can be solved by lubricating its motor components with oil.

If none of the above diagnostic methods could not determine the problem, then we advise you to take the device to a specialized service center for examination by professionals. Another cardinal exit: replace the power supply with a working one similar in characteristics.

How to extend the operation of the device?

In order for the need for both diagnostics and replacement of the power supply to pursue you as rarely as possible, we also recommend that you pay attention to the following recommendations from the masters:

  • Make sure that the power supply is securely and firmly mounted in the system unit.
  • Install a power supply with a reserve power reserve. This is necessary in case you subsequently acquire more powerful components. After all, they will increase the load on the power supply.
  • Provide a constant input voltage, protect the computer from sudden deactivation (as a result of a power outage). For this, it is only worth buying an uninterruptible power supply.
  • Periodically monitor the condition of the fan cooling the PSU. It needs to be cleaned of dust, to refresh grease.
  • And the last recommendation: do not purchase suspiciously cheap devices. As practice shows, the price affects the life of the PSU.
    how to do power supply diagnostics

Now you know how to independently diagnose the power supply. This can be done in three relatively simple ways. But we draw your attention to the fact that experienced PC users should start work, so as not to aggravate the problem.

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