Even regular and active users of social networks sometimes want to log out of their account. This problem arises not only among visitors to Odnoklassniki, it is also encountered on other resources.
Causes of malfunctions
It is worth noting that the question of how to get out of Odnoklassniki is of interest not only to those with a computer on “You”, but also to fairly advanced users. The thing is that when creating the site used a huge amount of JavaScript codes. They are designed to perform certain scenarios. For example, the “Exit” button is responsible for ensuring that the user, when pressed, leaves the social network.
But each browser processes JavaScript codes in its own way, some do it correctly, but when using others, a number of problems arise. When a user clicks the “Exit” button, it happens for some users that the picture becomes darkened and the site freezes. Moreover, nothing else happens, and people cannot get out of Odnoklassniki.Problem Browsers
Most often, the described problems arise when using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, much less often they appear when using other programs. If you prefer these browsers to others, then you just have to put up with the fact that from time to time you will have problems with the social network. Most likely, you will wonder more than once about how to exit Odnoklassniki if the page freezes.
The easiest way to solve an ongoing problem is to change the browser. To do this, you just need to access the Internet using another program (Google Chrome, Yandex, and others).
How to log out of the network?
Many do not want to abandon their favorite browser, preferring it to everyone else, despite periodic problems with the Ok.ru network. But at the same time, they are interested in the question of how to get out of Odnoklassniki, for example, so that another person can enter this social network. In this case, you can just clean the cookie. Often, problems arise due to the fact that JavaScript does not work correctly. If this is true, then you most likely will not open messages, you will not be able to view alerts and other information on your personal page.Why delete cookies?
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If you decide to delete Cookies, then the following cleaning method is suitable for Internet Explorer. You need to select the "Service" menu, if it is not visible, press the Alt button. In it, select the item "Delete browser history", in the proposed menu, check the box next to the inscription "Cookie".If you use Mozilla Firefox, then you need to select the "Tools" item in the standard menu and click "Erase Recent History". After that, the “Clear” menu will become available to you, you need to click “Details” and check the box next to the word “Cookies”.
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, Google Chrome, , «», , , . Cookie. ( 3 ). «» - « ». « cookie » .
Many users are perplexed why some are interested in the question of how to get out of Odnoklassniki. At first glance, you don’t even need to think about it, you just have to close the corresponding tab or completely quit the Internet or turn off the computer. Of course, these are the simplest options. But often, from a single computer, several people use a social network, each logs in with its username, enters its password. In order for another person to enter, just press the “Exit” button., «» , . , . , .
Some users cannot exit Odnoklassniki not only because the page is hanging. Having visited the site, they find that they simply do not have a “Logout” button. But this is not a website glitch, as many believe, most often the reason is the wrong page scale. To figure out how to exit Odnoklassniki, if there is no exit button, is quite simple. To do this, you just need to reduce the page. You can do this as follows: simultaneously press Ctrl + -. You can do this several times in a row, until you see the cherished “Exit” button in the upper right corner. After that, you can click on it and feel free to leave the social network.Delete page
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