Thematic control in preschool educational institutions: theoretical foundations

dow thematic control

Control in a pre-school educational institution is necessary, first of all, in order to timely detect and solve problems that arise before they become too serious, as well as to stimulate the successful work of teachers, to identify and summarize the best pedagogical experience. Unfortunately, the word “control” is often perceived negatively by educators and kindergarten specialists, like any test. One of the main types is thematic control in the DOW. It is usually held at least twice a year for annual tasks. The senior educator, together with the head of the institution, draws up a control plan, which sets out the goals.

Conducting thematic control in the DOE. Goals

There are several goals and sub-goals of this control. Here are some examples. Purpose: to study the system of work of educators and other specialists in the education of moral and ethical feelings in children in game activities; sub-goal: to study the level of professional skills of teachers and other specialists in the organization of the game activities of pupils. The tasks that this sub-goal implies may be the following: to study the methodology for playing children's activities, to identify the most effective methods of managing a children's game, to provide an individual approach to children in a game with different individual characteristics and abilities.

conducting thematic control in dow

The next sub-goal that this thematic control in the preschool educational institution may contain is to study the state of work with the lawful representatives of the pupils on the issues of raising moral and ethical feelings in children in game activities. Tasks: to identify the most effective methods and forms of working with legal representatives to educate children of moral and ethical feelings in game activities, to study the content of materials in parental corners and other visual information for parents to increase their pedagogical competence in organizing game activities in a family environment, to study the planning of work with parents to educate children of moral and ethical feelings in the game and so on.

Thematic control plan in the DOE

When planning, it is necessary to take into account the time frame in which the audit will be carried out. Usually about a month is allocated for thematic control in a preschool educational institution: three weeks directly for verification, a week for writing a certificate (analysis), which is read out at the pedagogical council. The plan must prescribe the type of control, its content, goals, objectives, as well as objects and subject of control, methods, terms and responsibilities.

dow thematic control plan

When conducting thematic monitoring, it is very convenient to use special diagnostic material and developed maps for evaluating an activity.

Types of control in DOW

As already mentioned, thematic control in the preschool educational institution is the main control. But besides him there are also operational (monthly), medical and pedagogical (once a quarter), preventative, personal, self-monitoring and mutual control - as necessary. All types of control are prescribed in the annual plan of the institution for the current academic year.

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