Eraser game: remember the rules

Modern children are very familiar with computer games. But are they familiar with backyard fun popular in Soviet times? Participating in them, students improved their physical qualities, learned to be friends, fight for the sake of victory and adequately accept defeat. The game of rubber on feet, popular around the world, can bring many benefits to children. Its rules will be described below.

Game history

This entertainment was invented in the 7th century by the Chinese, who jumped over a long rope with tied ends. Gradually, the gum game spread throughout Asia and from there ended up in European countries. Fun came to the USSR in the 60-70s of the last century. Most likely, this happened as a result of an active friendship with Vietnam.

Game of rubber

The rules for playing rubber on your feet are simple. Two players stand against each other and fix sports equipment on their ankles, gradually raising it higher and higher. It turns out a double jump on which you need to perform a certain set of exercises. In many countries, including China, this process is accompanied by the singing of songs that set the correct rhythm.

"Erasers": the rules of the game

Three or four children can participate in the entertainment. In the first case, two hold an elastic band, and one player jumps. If he was mistaken, then he takes the place of a standing one. When the line comes to him again, the exercise starts from the moment at which the inaccuracy was made.

In the second case, children are divided into teams of two people. While some are fixing the rubber band, others are jumping. If the player made a mistake, a friend can help him out by completing difficult exercises. If both have stumbled, the teams change places.

Girls play the rubber band

The game of rubber bands provides for several levels. The jump is alternately fixed on:

  • ankles;
  • Knees
  • hips
  • Waist
  • breast
  • neck.

Asian children manage to jump over an elastic band stretched at ear level and also raised above their heads.

Basic exercises

If the rules of playing the rubber band are practically unchanged, then the set of performed "tricks" can vary significantly. Here are a few of the most common exercises:

Rubber Bands at Level Two

  • "Birch". Stand sideways, bounce so that the near end of the rubber band is between your legs. Then jump in the same way to the second half of the rubber band. In the end, just jump out of it.
  • "Pedestrians." We stand up to the shell, jump, feet pressing both halves of the gum to the ground. We change our legs several times, at the same time pronouncing the word "pedestrians" in syllables.
  • "Steps". Jump to the nearest end of the gum so that one foot steps on it, and the second is under it. Jump to the other half of the projectile, while having to change the position of the legs.
  • "Bow". The exercise is similar to the previous one, only during the second jump you need to keep the first half of the elastic on your feet.
  • "Handkerchief". Hooking the nearest end of the projectile with your legs, jump over the second.
  • "Candy". First perform the previous exercise, legs wide apart. Then bounce up and land with each foot on your gum.

The game of rubber allows you to invent your own "tricks", so their number is constantly increasing.


Sometimes the rules of the game in the rubber band provide for the implementation of a series of interrelated tasks. So, for example, occurs during the exercise "Tricky". It is this number of jumps on the spot that the player performs, making the next movement.

Gum jumping on the third level

Initially, he bounces outside the gum, then - moving one leg over its first half. Then jumps are performed between two rubber bands, on its far half, located between both legs. This cycle ends with jumping out of the shell with a simultaneous rotation of 180 °. All movements are repeated, but now you need to bounce in place twice. At the end of the second cycle, a third is done. Now the jumps are performed once. The main thing is not to lose count.

Tens: game rules

They often jumped into gum, performing a more complex sequence of movements. She got the name "Tens" by the number of exercises included in its composition. The following are the actions that children must take during this common game:

  • You need to jump into the rubber band with two legs and jump from the opposite side, repeating movements 10 times.
  • The child stands between the two halves of the projectile, jumps out of them, spreading his legs wide, and again moves to the middle. The action is performed 9 times.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Now you need to land with your feet on the elastic bands and repeat your actions 8 times.
  • The player stands so that one half of the projectile is between his legs. In the jump you need to turn 180 °, then go back, and do it exactly 7 times.
  • The child steps with each foot on its half of the shell. In the jump, a 180 ° turn is made, with the feet landing on the rubber bands. The exercise is repeated 6 times.
Eraser Jumping

We continue the account

This game of rubber on feet ends with the following set of exercises:

  • "Candy". It is done 5 times.
  • With two legs jump over the near half of the elastic, then - over the far. After which all actions are repeated in the opposite direction, but you need to move forward with your back. Exercise done 4 times.
  • Having hooked the nearest gum, jump over the far. Then jump up, in the air turn 180 ° and land next to the shell facing him. Repeat 3 times.
  • Standing on the side, make a jump and land with two feet on one half of the projectile, placing them in one line. Then, rotate 180 ° in the air and descend in the same way onto the distant elastic. Repeat the combination again.
  • Standing with your back to the projectile, land on the far half of it, hooking your neighbor on the heels. Then jump on the other side of the gum facing her. Do it 1 time.

Playing rubber on your feet is a fun and useful activity that will make children's leisure more diverse. Mastering exercises, children become agile, hardy, attentive and sociable.

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