"Papaverine" during pregnancy: reviews, instructions for use, contraindications

During pregnancy, many women try not to use any medications so that the baby is not harmed. But one cannot ignore the occurrence of uterine hypertonicity, since the increased activity of its muscles at a certain moment can lead to premature birth or even miscarriage. It is worth reading reviews about Papaverine during pregnancy (injections and suppositories).

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Description of the drug

Before you read the reviews, the instructions for Papaverine during pregnancy (suppositories and injections) are also important to study. The drug from the antispasmodic group, which effectively relieves spasmodic pain, reduces pressure, and also relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs. When taking a large dose of papaverine, a woman may feel a sedative effect, and her heart rate will be slightly rarer.

It is noteworthy that papaverine is active only for smooth muscles, since it is it that is responsible for the contraction of internal organs and blood vessels.

Skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle has a completely different structure. These are striated muscles, which the drug does not act in any way. But nevertheless, papaverine has some effect on the heart.

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Types of Papaverine

The release of papaverine is presented in the following types:

  • Tablets. This form is used at a milder stage of ailments, when a slight antispasmodic effect is needed. As a rule, papaverine tablets are taken by a pregnant woman for several weeks before eating. The excipients that make up the tablet form are usually sucrose, stearic acid, talc and starch.
  • Candles Most pregnant women at least once used this remedy in candles, for example, when there is a tone of the uterus, as well as after heavy loads. Candles are administered rectally no more than 3 times a day, following a certain time interval.

The drug, which consists of stearins, emulsifiers and fats, in this form gradually melts, being absorbed into the blood, entering various organs. Candles lower the tone of the uterine muscles, eliminating the unpleasant sensation of tension and pain, effectively lowering the pressure.

  • Injections. Injections in most cases are prescribed in the case of more pronounced symptoms of painful manifestations and hypertonicity of the uterine muscles. Papaverine, which is administered in the form of injections, acts immediately after it enters the body. Injections are usually performed intramuscularly or directly under the skin, and for introduction into the vein, the substance is mixed with an isotonic solution. Intervals between use should be at least 4 hours. With the preferred introduction of papaverine intravenously, this categorically should not be done on your own!

The fact is that intravenous injections will quickly reduce the pressure, thereby significantly slowing the heartbeat. Therefore, the drug should be administered intravenously in the clinic under the supervision of a medical officer.

Papaverine injections are the most effective, and immediately after use, pregnant women feel the normalization of the heartbeat, the stability of the central nervous system, as well as a relaxing calm.

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Indications for use

So, why are gynecologists advised to use papaverine when carrying a child? Doctors have determined that this medicine helps:

  • lower blood pressure;
  • reduce temperature;
  • relax the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • relieve intestinal and renal colic;
  • reduce the risk of miscarriage;
  • improve blood supply;
  • relieve bronchospasm, improve breathing.

Papaverine, combined with analginum, which lowers temperature and anesthetizes, is used to eliminate hypertension, in which there is the appearance of unpleasant muscle cramps, as well as to quickly reduce the temperature.

Normally, progesterone should eliminate spasms in order to prevent the child from being pregnant or possible premature birth. It should be understood that the amount of hormone in each woman will be different.


Since doctors note side effects and contraindications of this drug, some women can use it very carefully during pregnancy. Judging by the reviews of Papaverine during pregnancy (suppositories and injections), as well as the instructions, the following contraindications are described:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Lactation.
  • Renal failure.
  • Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).
  • Pulmonary and hepatic diseases.
  • Cranial, brain injuries.
  • Tachycardia.
papaverine pregnancy instructions reviews

Adverse reactions

Numerous reviews about the use of papaverine during pregnancy indicate the absence of a negative effect on the woman and the fetus. But nevertheless, in addition to the positive effect, papaverine can have certain side effects, so you should definitely not use this tool without consulting a gynecologist.

With frequent use of papaverine, a woman may experience the following side effects:

  • renal, gastric, or intestinal colic;
  • violation of the heart;
  • increase in the number of eosinophils;
  • the occurrence of a gag reflex;
  • violation of bowel movements;
  • apathy and relaxation;
  • temperature rise;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • decrease in concentration;
  • pressure reduction;
  • excessive sweating;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dizziness attacks.


It is worth noting that side effects are rare in practice, and they do not cause much harm to the child. Basically, they appear due to an overdose of the drug, in the presence of contraindications, as well as improper use of papaverine.

Often, a spasm occurs that accompanies pain, which can occur due to squeezing of nerves and various tissues, as well as difficult circulation of various types of substances. For example, the accumulation of gases in the intestine can cause excessive pressure on the walls of the organ, causing great pain.

It is worth noting that in certain situations, taking analgesics while carrying a child can be dangerous, because he does not solve the cause of the pain - a spasm, but only hides it. Because of this, the condition of the pregnant woman may worsen, and after the end of the action of the analgesic, painful sensations can acquire new strength.

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Trimester Admission

It is worth considering in more detail how to take the drug in trimesters:

  1. First trimester: it is known that the list of safe drugs at this stage is very limited, due to an unformed placenta. But papaverine is still allowed to be used as an effective antispasmodic. In women, uterine hypertonicity can be noted as a result of insufficient and defective production of progesterone, so papaverine is combined with hormonal agents. Before taking it, you need to study all the reviews about "Papaverine" during pregnancy (suppositories) in the early stages, in order to know the likely consequences and side effects.
  2. The second trimester is characterized by a more extended list of approved drugs. If there is a risk of miscarriage and hypertension, doctors can prescribe to pregnant women medicines that inhibit uterine contractions — injections of magnesia, Brikanil, and Ginipral. Suppositories containing papaverine are usually used to eliminate pain, as well as reduce pressure.
  3. Third trimester: at this stage, suppositories are prescribed for excessive muscular tension of the uterus, while the date of birth will not come soon. In addition, steroid hormones can be prescribed to a pregnant woman. Rectal suppositories before the birth process can serve as indicators of "false" contractions. At the very end of gestation, papaverine candles are used to prepare the neck for the upcoming labor soon.
papaverine pregnancy injection reviews


It is worth examining in more detail the reviews about Papaverine in early pregnancy.

People say that even at the first appointment, the doctor says that from this moment on, papaverine suppositories become an invariable friend. And this really can be a salvation if you feel full in the stomach, especially after actively cleaning the apartment or at the end of the day.

When she begins to pull her stomach, women end up in a hospital, where they are prescribed papaverine. The drug relaxes the uterus, as well as the intestines, as a result of which constipation and abdominal pain can begin. As the doctors explain, this phenomenon is quite likely, and therefore it is not recommended to use papaverine very often, and small sips in the early stages can be considered normal.

Some women say that for almost the entire first trimester they were bothered by the tone of the uterus, and at a later date doctors predicted a premature birth. However, using candles with papaverine, they easily reported their baby and gave birth on time. Therefore, if the gynecologist has prescribed to use this tool, it still needs to be used.

papaverine during pregnancy reviews

Instead of a total

It is very important to understand that, although recent studies indicate the complete safety of papaverine, it is strictly forbidden to take it without prior consultation with a gynecologist! It is the doctor who must prescribe the optimal dose of the drug for each pregnant woman.

It is necessary to notify the doctor about the presence of problems with the thyroid gland, heart, liver, as well as intraocular pressure. Perhaps in this condition, papaverine will be contraindicated.

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