Shelter "Murkosh": reviews, address, animal welfare

Cats are amazing animals. They are affectionate, but at the same time, on their own mind. The cat will come to the owner only when she considers it necessary. You don’t have to wait for dog devotion from her. But these animals in their own way know how to love.

Murkosh cat shelter saves homeless animals from death. Want to know more about this institution? Read the article where everything is told.

How it all began?

A young man lives in Moscow. At first glance, simple and unremarkable. Only the first and last names are unusual. His name is Gregory the Good. The surname is fully consistent with the character of the man. After all, he is the founder of the Murkosh cat shelter. This person invests all his time and money in a shelter. He is not married, and his brainchild is Murkosh.

How did it all begin? Four years ago, several cats were rescued from one sad, famous tomb. The tomb is a place where animals fall, which the owners abandoned. These unfortunate people have several days in search of a new home. If no one is interested in animals, they euthanize him. Hence the name.

Gregory the cats saved. And the question arose: where to put them? Three or four cats in the apartment is already a bit much, but bearable. And when do you have a good ten, mustachioed? What to do?

Gregory thought, and the first place where the saved animals found shelter was an ordinary apartment. Initially, the Murkosh Private Shelter did not exist. There was an ordinary apartment in Moscow, where rescued cats lived in cages.

Director Gregory Good

But there was not enough space. I wanted to help everyone, but this requires a large area. And Good decides to rent a room. And again, there is not enough space for everyone who needs help. The director of the shelter again decides to expand, and at present the Murkoshi area is about 600 square meters.

How to deal with this?

Such a huge area and a lot of animals. How does the Murkosh Private Cat Shelter cope with caring for its inhabitants?

To date, the institution employs 20 people. It is officially employed. And there are also volunteers - there are over two hundred of them.

Schedule at the shelter

Someone will be surprised: can there be a schedule at the Murkosh cat's shelter? Oddly enough, yes.

The schedule of the shelter is from 9:00 to 21:00. Without days off and without lunch break. Volunteers come earlier and leave later, respectively. Their duties include cleaning the cages and feeding the pets. Cats get food twice a day, kittens - depending on age and food needs. Sick animals are fed more often because they need it.

Every day begins with a pet inspection. If the volunteer finds something, then he reports this to the veterinarian paramedic. It works like this in a shelter. A specialist examines the pet and carries out the necessary manipulations. A sick cat is sent to a special quarantine room. And visitors are not allowed to visit her.

Cleaning begins after inspection and feeding of guests.

How to get?

Do you want to take a cat from the Murkosh shelter? Or get to know one or another inhabitant? Sign up on the official website in advance. In addition to recording online, you can call. Address and contacts will be presented below.

Keep in mind that the cat you like may not be given away. The fact is that the shelter conducts a very strict selection of future owners. According to the leader, the purpose of this selection is to find the best owners for the pussies. To whom horrible cats do not give.

How to qualify?

The Murkosh shelter in Moscow has a number of requirements for applicants for the host role:

  • You will have to fill out a questionnaire issued by a shelter employee.
  • Employees insist that there be special nets on the windows in the house of future owners. "Antikoshka" - that's what they are called.
  • It will be necessary to feed only the food that employees recommend.
  • Murkoshi workers are against taking pets to their summer cottages, letting them out and walking with them. This is because the animal may be injured on the street.
  • Be prepared for the most unexpected questions. For example, what will you do if a child is allergic to a cat? Or where do you leave the animal, leaving to rest?

If you safely answer all the questions asked by the shelter employee, then it is likely to take a kitten from the Murkosh shelter. Or a cat, or a cat - who liked it. All animals are sterilized (neutered).

Cat from the shelter

How many pets were added?

According to the official website of the shelter, today they have managed to attach more than two thousand disadvantaged cats. In October 2018, 173 cats found their home.

Wards of the shelter live in the families of famous bloggers, for example.

How is the process of finding a new home? The future owner passes the selection, which was described above. After this, an agreement is drawn up that the person takes the animal. When the paperwork ends, the newly minted owner is photographed with his pet. Photos of the lucky shelters of the Murkosh shelter can be seen on the official website. You will also find them in the article.

I can not take a cat

It also happens: a person really wants to help, but he does not have the opportunity to take the animal to himself. What to do?

You can help the shelter "Murkosh", and taking the pet under guardianship. It looks like this: someone who wants to help this or that cat sponsors it until the animal acquires its owner. Voluntary donation is carried out monthly. This money is used to buy food for a cat.

You can visit your favorite animal and bring him the necessary things.

Shelter pet

How to help the shelter?

Murkosh animal shelter is in great need of help. How to help miserable cats?

  1. Make a donation on the official website.
  2. Send SMS to a short number with the amount of the donation.
  3. Bring the necessary food for cats.
  4. Give shelter toilet filler.
  5. Help with medication.
  6. Help advertising on social networks.
  7. Become a shelter volunteer.

Feed List

Want to help? Donate the following feed to the residents of the Murkosh shelter in Moscow:

  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary diets - dry and wet.
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary diets UR ST / OX URINARY for adult animals - only dry.
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Urinary Feline UR for cats with ICD - wet.
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets NF RENAL.
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets NF Renal Function Feline formula.
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets DH ST / OX DENTAL HEALTH.
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets DM for diabetics - canned food.
  • Purina Pro Plan for allergy cats.


The lucky ones from the Murkosh shelter were lucky. They have found loving hosts who care for and treat them. But those who stayed in the shelter also need medicine. They will be grateful to the people who donated the following drugs:

  • "Rinofluimucil";
  • "Sialor" - only in drops;
  • "Famvir" 125 mg and 250 mg - in tablets;
  • Suprax
  • Sumamed
  • Hemomycin;
  • "Unidox solutab" - in tablets;
  • Amoxiclav ";
  • Baneocin;
  • Fluimucil;
  • Oftaquix;
  • Okomistin.

Cleaning Items

This is one of the most important parts in the life of the shelter. There are more than 500 animals. And for each of them you need to remove the cage.

Therefore, you can bring detergents, disposable napkins, rubber gloves, shoe covers to the shelter.

Cats also need cages to keep. They will not be offended even if the cells turn out to be second-hand.

Disposable diapers are also needed.

Help hands

The biggest help that can be provided to the animals of the shelter is to become a volunteer. There are many pets, each of them wants to sit in a clean cage and be fed on time. Volunteers are not always able to cope with their responsibilities in full.

Want to be part of a team? Come to the shelter to get acquainted with the wards and employees.

Auto Volunteers

Another point: sometimes cats need to be taken to a veterinary clinic or brought something for them. Travel for shelter animals in public transport is paid. No one makes discounts to the shelter. If you have a car and a little time, then you can help the animal transportation.

Where to go?

We are talking about help. But how to help if the person does not know the address? Now fix this mistake. Make a note of the address of the Murkosh shelter: Medvedkovo metro station, Ostashkovskaya street, Vlad. 14, building 1, p. 2.

In order to make it more convenient to find a shelter, you can consider the map.

On the fate of animals in the shelter

From the street in the shelter "Murkosh" gets a lot of cats. Someone was thrown out by the previous owners, and someone was born homeless. Maimed, deprived of a chance at life, they suddenly find it.

Here the cat got into the shelter, and then what? Let's look at his life in Murkosh.

  • After the animal found itself in a shelter, it is neutered or sterilized.
  • They chip it right there.
  • A veterinary passport is issued for each animal.
  • All cats are kept in individual cages. Cages are cleaned daily.
  • If the animal is sick, there is a special quarantine room.
  • In the rooms with cells are quartz lamps.
  • If the animal has some health problems, for example, the cat is a diabetic and requires special food, this is reported to the potential owner.
  • Disabled cats also live in the shelter. We will talk about them below.
  • Here, sanitary standards are strictly observed. Visiting the shelter takes place only in shoe covers.

That is, the possibility of contact between cats and the likelihood of contracting a disease are minimized. The only negative is the constant presence of the pet in the cage.

First meeting

Disabled cats

Kittens in the shelter "Murkosh" get different. There are healthy ones, but people managed to make fun of others. So, blind, lame, crippled animals live in the shelter.

One kitten got his eyes gouged out and his forepaws broke. Another suffered from children's games. Lovely kids decided they had a soccer ball in front of them. The result was a broken eye.

Contained in the shelter and adult pets. Got under the car, bitten by dogs and fell victim to human cruelty. They do not know that they are not like everyone else. People with disabilities want love and care the same way as ordinary cats.

Fortunately, there were still people who did not disdain special animals. Seals and cats go home, despite their external flaws.

Special cat


Reviews about the Murkosh shelter are very different. Positive and negative - equally. Some people are convinced that the shelter’s employees are doing a good job helping animals. And others say: there is no interest in giving the cat away. The shelter makes money on miserable purrs.

The shelter for cats "Murkosh", according to reviews, is a rather strange place. Many people who wanted to take an animal there were refused. And in rude form, what they write about on the Internet. Although on the official website of Murkoshi it is written: the shelter employees have the right to refuse potential candidates to receive a cat. Without explaining the reasons.

Believing reviews from the Internet or not is everyone's business. It’s easier to go to the shelter on your own and draw conclusions, having personally talked with his staff and seeing how animals live.

Positive reviews

In the reviews of the Murkosh private shelter left by those who managed to get a pet from there, people wholeheartedly thank the staff and volunteers of the shelter for helping the animals. Of course, they are very glad that they took the kitten and believe that the pet has brought something new to the life of its owners. Many people wonder how they used to live without a pet and thank the shelter for it. And besides, they note that they love animals here and take good care of them.

The reviews talk about strict compliance with sanitary norms and rules in the institution, about high-quality feed and trays with helium filler. Visitors note that the staff are friendly, answer all questions that interest the owners, and then monitor the fate of their graduates.

You can always call here and consult on a particular issue. The new owners are helped with the treatment of animals. And in a number of veterinary clinics, service is provided at a discount.

Negative reviews

Alas, it was not without negative reviews about the Murkosh shelter. And many visitors complain that employees are openly rude. And in order to get a cat, you have to go through the most severe selection.

Having barely heard that there is no special protective net on the windows, and they will take the cat to the cottage, they explain to potential owners that they do not fit the requirements of the shelter. And nothing that failed hosts had cats all their lives.

Visitors are offered to make a contribution to the needs of the shelter, the services of a wizard for installing nets on the windows are imposed and very rudely declare that you need to feed only the food that the animal ate in the shelter.

By the way, people complain that they do not draw up any agreement here, although the opposite is stated on the official website of Murkoshi. Cats have dirty bowls and trays. The room has a terrible smell. Animals do not look healthy.

As we see, there are so many people, so many reviews about the Murkosh shelter. Those who decided to take the animal from there can be recommended to go "for reconnaissance" and draw independent conclusions.


You know that three years ago, when the shelter was just starting its work, a terrible tragedy occurred? A fire broke out, as a result of which more than 10 wards died. Another 50 received burns and remained disabled.

Despite this, the shelter managed to recover and continue its activities.

Murkosh, according to reviews, is the only shelter in Russia of this magnitude.

Happy stories

I would like to tell a few stories about the graduates of this institution. Reviews about the Murkosh shelter vary, unequivocal conclusions are difficult to make. The site published stories and photos of attached wards.

We will start with the cat's grandfather and granddaughter who arrived at the Murkosh shelter from distant Abkhazia.

Grandfather Mikhalych and granddaughter Arishka

Looking at these furry, you draw conclusions: they are not relatives. Too unlike the ordinary tabby teen cat on a majestic cat. It is white and fluffy, with amber eyes. And she is the simplest.

How did these animals end up in the Murkosh shelter? Arrived from distant Abkhazia. A Muscovite woman was resting there. And she happened to catch a vile picture: an adult beautiful cat and a small kitten were literally kicked out of the same house. The woman felt sorry for the poor fellow. What is behind the execution of documents for their export from the country, we do not know. Nevertheless, the savior brought the animals to Moscow, where she identified them in a shelter.

Whatever reviews of the Murkosh shelter go, refugees are accepted. And they planted them in different cells. Cat Mikhalych, ten years old, was not satisfied with this state of affairs. He worried about his granddaughter, meowed angrily and strove to get out of the cage. Well, what did the shelter staff have to do? They planted animals together. Only then did the cat calm down. It came to the realization that this couple would have to be attached together. This was worrying: not everyone wants to take such an adult animal.

Nevertheless, a loving heart was found. A woman named Maria took the old cat and his nimble granddaughter named for permanent residence. Now both pets live well with their new mistress.

Masya - Masenka

You imagine, it turns out, you can get rid of a purebred Abyssinian cat! This story deserves special attention.

Once upon a time there was a rich couple. They have a lot of money, but little compassion. The rich wanted to get a girlfriend for their cat. And since it was an Abyssinian breed, the choice fell on the same pet.

Yes, that's bad luck. The owners did not take into account the nature of the new cat. She did not want to get along with the permanent resident of a luxurious apartment.

What do you do with unnecessary toys? Throw it in the trash. Masi’s owner did differently: he just locked it in his car. In the month of December. And kept him there for a week.

What happened to a soulless person? Why, seven days later, he decided to call the Murkosh shelter, the story is silent. The volunteers who came for the animal were in shock. Losing weight, like a skeleton, getting cold, constantly sneezing - it is not clear how the animal survived.

The cat showed a swelling in the nose, which prevented her from breathing. Masenka underwent surgery, after which she recovered for a long time. She was supervised by a kind woman who took the sufferer to her life.

Now Masya lives in a modest apartment. In addition to her, a purebred but no less beloved cat lives here.

Volodya from the Donbass

This is not about a man, but about a cat. War is such a bitter word. Frightening by its cruelty, bringing suffering not only to people, but also to animals.

Volodya was left near a dilapidated five-story building. The owners were evacuated, but they forgot about the animal. A domestic cat with huge blue eyes has not seen street life before. How long he sat in the bushes near the house is unknown. A frightened, skinny and trembling with horror cat came across a volunteer who came to Donbass to help abandoned animals. The cat was taken and taken to Murkosh.

Here he ate, began to turn into a handsome man. But psychological trauma made itself felt. The animal shook in a cage, did not allow people to approach themselves. Potential hosts met with a loud hiss. Because of what many passed by a magnificent cat. Nobody wanted to take an inadequate animal into the house.

But there were people who could not pass the refugee from the Donbass. Volodenka was taken home. At first he was sitting under the bath. Went out at night to eat. The new owners did not disturb the cat, giving him the opportunity to get comfortable.

As time passed, Volodya began to trust people. And now, instead of the old incredulous coward, a confident and affectionate handsome man lives in the family. Photos from his life are regularly sent to the shelter.

Buried alive

The title sounds like the name of a horror movie. For a black cat, a few minutes of life became the worst, worse than any movie.

It was in a summer park. In the evening, at sunset, when the sky was playing with bright colors. People walking in the park noticed a strange man. He was burying something. Indifferent citizens came closer, and it turned out, this is not something. It was someone.

A frightened kitten who could no longer meow. He resigned himself to his fate. They explained to the man on fists that they should not scoff at animals. They called the police, and the kitten went to live in a shelter.

What happened in the head of this bastard? Why did he so mock the kitten? Just because the girl is black. And this uncle didn’t like black cats.

Now the baby has found a loving owner. She lived in the shelter for less than a month.

One eyed jack

This is not a pirate from the movie of the same name. This is a special cat.

While still small, he became a victim of human cruelty. The kitten boxman got rid of the kitten, simply throwing it out onto the street. He lost his presentation, they do not take such.

A weakened baby fell victim to adolescents. They broke Jack's foot and gouged out his eyes. The kitten was lucky to stay alive. He nailed to one of the cellars, where good residents fed homeless cats.

And again the baby was lucky. A volunteer of the Murkosh shelter passed by. She drew attention to a crippled feline child. The guy went to live in a shelter, where he was cured and fed.

The kid spent more than six months at Murkosh. Finally, they paid attention to him. The young family became interested in a special cat. And she came to get acquainted, and when she saw the guy, she fell in love with him. So Jack found his home. His current owner is a very large man. This will not give offense.

Shelter staff

Let the reviews about the shelter "Murkosh" vary, there are people who work to help animals in distress. Who, except Gregory the Good, is in the shelter daily, saving animals?

  • The main administrator is Alena Kanaeva. She meets visitors, conducts conversations with them and introduces the inhabitants of the shelter. On her shoulders lies paperwork.
  • Administrator Yana Serkova. Like Alena, she introduces cats and cats to the guests of the shelter. He conducts excursions and talks about how to keep a fluffy pet.
  • Olga Vasina is the administrator. The activity is the same as that of Yana.
  • Elena Markacheva - administrator.
  • Alla Blinova is a veterinary paramedic. First aid kit.
  • Vladislav Skorokhodov is a veterinarian. What Alla cannot do, he will decide.
Shelter administrators

Who can pick up a pet from a shelter?

Despite the negative reviews about the Murkosh private cat shelter, which suggests that its employees are spinning people up for money, you can pick up the animal from there.

And for this it is not necessary to be a rich person. On the shelter's website there are many photos indicating that the most ordinary people become owners of animals. And yet, employees have certain requirements for candidates for the hosts:

  1. Age strictly from 21 years.
  2. The presence of a stable income. It is understandable, the animal wants to eat, he needs a filler, toys, veterinary examinations. And a person who wants to take a pet must be prepared for certain expenses.
  3. The absence of young children from future owners is desirable. This point will seem strange to some, but there are some nuances here. A child, especially a small one, does not understand that a cat is a living creature. And it hurts. So begins pulling the tail, mustache, trying to check how the cat’s eye works, twisting the paws. And parents, unfortunately, do not particularly hinder this. Son or daughter learn the world. This is a wrong cognition; it smells more like mockery and laziness of parents. It’s easier to let the cat torture than to explain to the child that this cannot be done. The cat does not stand up and repels the offender. Only then do parents begin to act. But as? Of course, get rid of the pet. That is why Murkosh is trying to give pets to people with older children.
  4. A positive attitude towards tracking the fate of the pet. Potential owners should be prepared for periodic calls from the shelter. They may ask you to take a picture of your pet. This is not to be afraid, this is an absolutely normal condition. Unobtrusive tracking of fate - this is the behavior of the staff of the shelter.
  5. The owner should be able to provide a full life to the animal. This includes its safety. As mentioned above, the presence of nets on the windows is one of the prerequisites for transferring the animal to new owners.
Happy owners

They don’t want to give me a cat

If you read the reviews about the Murkosh private cat shelter, many complain that they are not given an animal. It seems that they have already chosen, and agreed with the employees on the arrival. A carrying man arrives, ready to pick up a pet. And they conduct an interview with him and declare that they will not give up the selected cat. How to respond?

The main thing is not to make scandals to the shelter employee. There were also people who behaved very badly when they heard the refusal.

Try to find out the reason. If they insist that they are not obliged to explain anything, silently turn around and leave. There is a pronounced confirmation of negative reviews. People wrote about similar situations.

If the reason is explained, try to agree that after its elimination the cat will be given to you.

In the event that an employee refuses to make contact, just leave. Yes, very sad. I wanted this particular cat. But what will you do now? Screaming and resenting, stomping feet like a child? This is stupid. All that remains is to roll out angry reviews on the Internet.

The man left, but the desire to take the kitty remained. At one shelter, the light did not converge. Shelter a stray animal. No matter how strange it may sound, but homeless cats are much more grateful than purebred. And they purr very loudly. Like real tractors.

Would you like or are you afraid to take a cat from the street? There are other shelters where they will gladly give you a kitten. Browse the free animal classifieds board. Many are afraid to take cats this way. But, in fact, most of those who give kittens in good hands via the Internet are absolutely ordinary people. Which did not spy on their cat, and destroy the kittens - the hand did not rise.


That was all I wanted to tell about the Murkosh cat shelter in Moscow. Believe reviews or not - everyone decides for himself. There is an opportunity, go and get acquainted with the institution yourself.

We remind you that the organization is located in Moscow. A more detailed shelter address is given above.

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