Why brings legs together during pregnancy: causes and consequences

Convulsions are one of the most common complaints of women awaiting replenishment in the family. Pain attacks in the muscles most often come at night. Why does it reduce legs during pregnancy? There can be several reasons for this condition.

Magnesium deficiency

If he brings his legs at night during pregnancy, a woman should reconsider her diet. Most likely, the body lacks important trace elements necessary for the full development of the fetus. One of the most important substances for women and children is magnesium. This element takes part in the creation of all the vital systems of the fetus. The body of a woman gives magnesium to the child to the maximum. In this case, the health of the future mother herself may suffer. If calves the legs during pregnancy, it is worth informing the gynecologist about this. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex, with which it will be possible to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Pregnant woman

Leg cramps are not the only sign that a woman’s body is deficient in magnesium. The future mother may have digestive problems, heartburn will torment. Nausea in the first months of pregnancy can also indicate a lack of vitamins. A pregnant woman will have to rethink her diet. The highest magnesium content is observed in parsley and dill. Do not give up seasonal vegetables and fruits. In addition, the expectant mother may be given drug therapy. Often, women are prescribed “Magne-B6.”

Calcium deficiency

Calcium is the main building block for the fetal bone apparatus. If the legs cramp during pregnancy, it is possible that this substance in the mother's body is not enough. Calcium plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses, minerals, as well as energy metabolism. The problem is that this element is absorbed in the body only in the presence of magnesium. That is, if the female body does not have enough magnesium, calcium will simply go by. You can restore balance by taking vitamin D.

Pregnant girl

Most often complain about the fact that it reduces the calves of the legs during pregnancy, women whose births are scheduled for late winter or early spring. The second part of the term for such representatives of the weaker sex falls on cold weather. The sun is an important source of vitamin D. The problem is easily solved by proper nutrition. Additionally, multivitamin complexes for pregnant women can be prescribed.


Anemia is a condition that, to some extent, is experienced by almost every pregnant woman. In red blood cells, hemoglobin levels are significantly reduced. As a result, almost all body systems begin to suffer. Hemoglobin also includes iron. A decrease in the level of this element in the body of a woman can be the reason that brings her legs during pregnancy.

In the daily diet of the expectant mother should be up to 20 g of iron. However, there is no guarantee that an important trace element can be absorbed in the right amount. Therefore, it is impossible to cure anemia with a diet alone. If the hemoglobin level is significantly reduced, drug therapy may be prescribed to the expectant mother. The Sorbifer tool will help to quickly cope with anemia. But you can not start treatment on your own if he brings his legs during pregnancy. The causes of this condition should be determined by the doctor.

Varicose veins

30% of expectant mothers who have a first-born are diagnosed with varicose veins. In subsequent pregnancies, the risk of developing the disease increases. The circulatory system of a woman experiences a heavy load. As the fetus grows, the pressure on the vessels increases. Why does it reduce legs during pregnancy? It is possible that there are problems with the veins. The severity in the legs and cramps should definitely be reported to the gynecologist. Most likely, the doctor will refer the woman to a narrow specialist - a phlebologist.

Foot massage

The best prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy is the use of special compression hosiery. You can also bandage the legs with an elastic bandage. Special knitwear should be used throughout pregnancy, even if there are no signs of varicose veins. After childbirth, the load on the legs will be reduced, and unpleasant symptoms will go away.

Contrast pouring of the legs also helps to improve vascular tone. First, moderately hot water (about 40 degrees) is used, then cool (18-20 degrees).

Inferior vena cava syndrome

To the right of the spine is the inferior vena cava, which collects blood from the lower body. As the fetus grows, the uterus begins to put pressure on it. In this case, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities is disrupted. A woman experiences unpleasant symptoms similar to varicose veins. Most often this occurs after 30 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetus is large, or the expectant mother is overweight, it is possible to encounter the inferior vena cava syndrome even earlier. If he brings his legs during pregnancy, it is possible that he had to face such a pathology. Unpleasant symptoms develop if a woman lies on her back or right side. Drug treatment of the inferior vena cava syndrome is not provided. A woman should choose a comfortable sleeping position. It is recommended to sleep on the left side, placing a pillow under the buttock.

Legs hurt during pregnancy

For normal venous outflow, a moderate physical activity is recommended for a pregnant woman. The last weeks of gestation should not be carried out lying on the couch. Walking in the fresh air will be useful for both mother and baby.


If during pregnancy brings legs together at night, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about this. The doctor will do everything to find out what unpleasant symptoms are associated with. Already related complaints can make a preliminary diagnosis. So, if dizziness is present, appetite is reduced, most likely, I had to face anemia. A laboratory study of blood parameters is necessarily carried out, the level of hemoglobin is studied. If you suspect a varicose vein, consultation with a phlebologist or vascular surgeon is required. In the most difficult cases, a woman is hospitalized for a detailed examination of the entire body.

First aid for cramps

If it reduces legs during pregnancy, what should I do? How to deal with terrible pain? Unpleasant attacks usually occur at night. A woman should know how to quickly relieve muscle tension. The first thing to do is to try to grind the area in which pain occurs. Special warming ointments help well. But before using a specific drug, it is worth consulting with a gynecologist.

Pregnancy Nutrition

It will be possible to quickly remove the spasm in the calf muscle if you take the fingers of the foot with your hand and pull yourself. Walking on the cold floor also helps. A gentle massage will help restore blood circulation in the affected area. It is difficult to do any manipulations on the legs independently in the last stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth taking the help of loved ones. You can avoid repeated cramps if you put a pillow under your feet.

Prevention of seizures during pregnancy

Almost every pregnant doctor prescribes vitamin complexes, regardless of the tests. Neglecting the use of such drugs should not be. Special vitamins for pregnant women will help compensate for the deficiency of all trace elements necessary for the health of women and the fetus. Even in the early stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to purchase compression tights. Such a wardrobe item does not harm. Along with this, the risk of complications will be minimized.

Even if the woman is completely healthy, leg cramps may occur due to excessive overstrain of the calf muscles. Therefore, in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to abandon heels. A flat sole is also not suitable. The ideal option is a wedge heel with a lift of 3-4 centimeters.

compression tights

For women who are forced to stay on their feet for a long time (teachers, hairdressers, sellers, etc.), there are special exercises that can help normalize blood circulation and relieve tension in the muscles. Alternate standing on one leg is an excellent prevention of seizures. You can also roll from heels to socks for 4-5 minutes.

We are reviewing the diet

Proper nutrition is the basis of women's health and the full development of the fetus. If you make an appropriate diet, there will be no need to take special vitamin complexes. You need to eat more foods rich in vitamin D, magnesium and calcium. Seafood should be included in the menu if the woman does not have allergies to them. Many vitamins and useful minerals are found in red fish, cod liver, and seaweed.

Pregnant woman sleeping

There should be cottage cheese daily in the diet of a pregnant woman. It is best to eat it for breakfast. This product will not only energize for the whole day, but also make up for the daily need for calcium. But coffee must be completely abandoned. This drink leaches calcium from the body. Magnesium is found in almost all foods. But with a normal diet, this trace element may not be enough. It will be possible to reduce the risk of developing seizures if you eat a handful of nuts daily.


If your legs are reduced during pregnancy, you should not panic. But to report unpleasant symptoms should definitely be a gynecologist at the next examination. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate therapy. And the expectant mother should reconsider her diet and take care of moderate physical activity. Leg cramps during pregnancy are temporary. The pain will go away immediately after the baby is born.

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