Intel Corporation is known not only for its advanced processors in every sense, hand in hand with their production, the company is conducting several other projects, in particular, it releases a large number of different products in the network communications market. So it is not surprising that any network controller (the more familiar name for this device is a network adapter) from this outstanding company has long and deservedly been taken as a standard when compared with other similar devices.
Every year, Intel presents several new products. Among them, a gigabit Ethernet network controller, created using the development of CSA (Communications Streaming Architecture). And also the world's first server adapter with a bandwidth of 10 Gbps for use in large networks and enterprises.
What is hidden behind the name of the CSA?
CSA, PRO/1000 CT, , . , , «» .
CSA, , PCI, . , , , . , CSA , .
CSA 2 / . , .
Ethernet, . 10 , , , . , Intel PRO/10GbE LR, 10 Gbit . , , , . , , , , 10 1 . , , , Intel PRO/10GbE LR 10 .
, , , Cray, , IT-, Red Storm. 1 . , 40 . .