Midori - sushi set: the dish should be not only tasty, but also beautiful

The past few years, the national cuisine of Japan is experiencing a real boom. The world is just crazy about sushi! They are served in expensive restaurants and small cafes, the culinary departments of supermarkets offer

midori sushi set

small packages with rolls as snacks, round-the-clock delivery of Japanese delicacies works in many cities ... Professional sushi simply amaze with their skill and imagination, depicting portraits of celebrities, cartoon characters, flowers and even miniature paintings on sections of rolls. Of course, in order to learn such complex techniques, it is necessary to learn and practice for more than one year. But this is not surprising, because the price of some sushi masterpieces reaches exorbitant heights. Ordinary people do not lag behind the most famous chefs. For many, cooking sushi has become a favorite hobby that gives pleasure to the process, and then you can also please the result of friends and family. Many lovers of cooking Japanese cuisine have already discovered wonderful devices with which you can cook the most amazing rolls. One of the most popular and famous is "Midori" - a set for sushi, with which you can cook real masterpieces.

midori sushi set

Description and equipment

The Midori sushi set is a special piece that is completed with each other, with which you can press rice, roll perfectly even rolls and give them any shape. The kit includes several devices that allow you to make both large and small rolls of various shapes: round, square, triangular, curly. In addition, there is a spatula and a fork. All parts of the kit are made of hypoallergenic material that is absolutely safe for health.

Recruitment Benefits

  • the ability to cook fresh sushi at home;
  • a wide variety of forms for the preparation of rolls of any size;
  • high-quality and absolutely safe for health material;
  • compactness, convenience of storage;
  • ergonomics of all parts (they are very easy to clean and wash);
  • the presence of a convenient spatula and fork.

How to use Midori?

The sushi set contains detailed illustrated instructions with which anyone can master the ancient art. But even without instructions, all parts of the set are understandable enough for use, even intuitively, you can easily figure out what it is intended for. The main principle of work is laying a sheet of nori on the base of the mold, putting the filling on it, wrapping it with the appliance and cutting through the grooves into portioned pieces. Cooked rolls are obtained neat and even, which, in fact, is designed for Midori - a set for sushi. Responses of owners convince that it is really simple to use, and to "get your hand", you need very little time.

midori sushi set reviews

Midori Sushi Party

You can turn into a holiday not only the feast in the Japanese style, but even the preparation of rolls. In order to arrange such an adventure for friends, Midori is perfect. The sushi set allows everyone to cook together a huge set filled with a wide variety of goodies. After all, sushi made from fresh and high-quality products at home used to be inferior to restaurants except for their appearance. But today, this omission is fully offset by a wonderful set called Midori.

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