Sunflower seeds during pregnancy: properties, effects on the body

There are some food restrictions for women during pregnancy. It is important to observe them so as not to harm the health of the child and himself. Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible to eat seeds during pregnancy? The answer to this question is presented in the article.


So, is it possible to nibble seeds during pregnancy? Doctors do not prohibit this. True, there are several categories of women who should not use this product, but this will be discussed below. Many doctors even recommend eating seeds during pregnancy due to several reasons:

  • to eliminate heartburn;
  • treating constipation;
  • strengthening the skin;
  • eliminate nausea;
  • appetite improvement;
  • restoration of injured bones;
  • improving the condition of nails and hair;
  • prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, biliary tract;
  • regulation of acid-base balance.
seeds during pregnancy

And these are just the main reasons. It turns out that seeds with heartburn during pregnancy are useful, as they allow you to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. They must be included in the diet in the same way as meat, nuts and dairy products.

You can eat seeds during pregnancy and if nausea suffers. The composition of this product is very useful. The seeds contain valuable folic acid, potassium, magnesium, calcium, protein, zinc, vitamins A, B, E, D. They are also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. If in doubt about the use of seeds during pregnancy, you can consult your doctor. But usually experts themselves recommend eating this product. Moreover, not only sunflower seeds, but also pumpkins, sesame, and flax are useful for pregnant women.


During pregnancy, pumpkin seeds are very useful. Their value lies in the following properties:

  1. Seeds include vitamin A. About 15% of the daily requirement.
  2. Vitamin C is also available, albeit in very small amounts - 0.3%.
  3. The product contains magnesium, no less valuable for pregnant women.
  4. In 100 g, 55 mg of calcium is present, which is considered 5.5% of the daily norm.
  5. Seeds are rich in potassium. 100 g contains 919 mg of this substance.
  6. By the presence of phosphorus, pumpkin seeds are inferior to sunflower seeds. In 100 g, 11.5% of the daily norm is present.
  7. The product is rich in manganese.
  8. It also has iron, which is valuable for every person, especially for pregnant women.
  9. Pumpkin seed contains copper. It is necessary for the correct formation of the heart and blood vessels, nervous system and skeleton of the child. For women, copper is valuable in that it provides support for healthy vision and accelerates the growth of nails and hair.
  10. A lot in the zinc product. 100 g of it contains 10 mg.
  11. There are dietary fibers in grains that have a beneficial effect on the cleansing function of the body.
seeds during pregnancy is it possible

Sesame seeds

Since ancient times, sesame seeds are a seasoning and flavoring. Depending on the variety, the seeds may have a white, yellow, red, brown hue. But the first 2 species are more popular. The benefits of seeds are as follows:

  1. Vitamin A in Sesame 9 IU.
  2. It has a lot of thiamine. In 100 g, 1.27 mg of vitamin B1 is present.
  3. Enough 100 g of seeds to cover the body's need for vitamin B2.
  4. The product is rich in B6.
  5. There is also valuable vitamin E.
  6. In 100 g there is a lot of calcium - 1474 mg.
  7. Potassium in 100 g contains 497 mg.
  8. Sesame seeds are rich in magnesium, which is useful for women with a small body weight.
  9. Sodium in these seeds is greater than in sunflower seeds.
  10. There is a lot of iron in sesame.
  11. In 100 g of seeds, 90% of the daily dose of phosphorus is present.
  12. The seeds contain valuable polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that have a positive effect on the health of pregnant women.
  13. Dietary fiber restores the process of defecation.
nibble seeds during pregnancy


Due to its nutritional composition, flaxseeds are very valuable. They contain many vitamins and minerals, which is complemented by the indispensable vitamin A, through which vision is strengthened and protected. Mucus in flaxseeds has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, envelops the mucous membrane with a natural film, and relieves inflammation of the intestinal walls.

The effect of the seeds is strong, therefore, a doctor should prescribe their intake. Often, experts prescribe a decoction for pregnant women:

  1. Grains (1 tbsp) are poured with boiling water (1 cup).
  2. Insist for 30 minutes.
  3. Take a decoction twice a day for 30-40 ml.
can eat seeds during pregnancy

Flaxseeds should be taken under medical supervision. From excessive consumption, the tone of the uterus rises, which is not always beneficial for pregnant women.


When there was no scientific evidence, people took into account only signs. They were recorded and transmitted. So there are many facts that many continue to believe in. Some signs relate to pregnancy. For example, it is considered dangerous to raise your arms above your head in the later stages. Allegedly, you can not cut your hair, pet animals and eat seeds.

pumpkin seeds during pregnancy

According to national experts, it is impossible to eat seeds during pregnancy, otherwise there is a chance that the baby will be born:

  • tearful;
  • slobbering;
  • snotty;
  • dark.

There is still an opinion that childbirth and pregnancy will be difficult.

Now the sources of these beliefs have not been established, but according to experts, you can bite seeds during pregnancy. Scientists say that you can eat seeds, because they are useful. So, it was noticed that among lovers of seeds, children with strong and beautiful hair were born. This is due to the fact that the product has special components that have a beneficial effect on the growth of hair and nails, as well as on the skin. Therefore, in moderation, you still need to use seeds.

The choice

Speaking about whether it is possible to seed during pregnancy, we repeat that sunflower seeds are very useful, you just need to follow the rules for choosing seeds:

  1. They should only be dried. Fried lose their value.
  2. Unrefined grains are healthier, since many trace elements are stored in them.
  3. Only clean seeds should be consumed.

Although peeled seeds are safer for tooth enamel, they have no value for the body. Upon contact with air, the fats present are rapidly oxidized and lose valuable properties. You need to acquire seeds only in the peel.

It is important to know the date of packaging of the product. Seeds are harvested in September-October. Kernels packaged in the fall include more nutrients than those packaged in the spring. During storage, the oils in them rancid, and with increasing humidity, the raw materials will churn and have an unpleasant taste.

Roasted and salted seeds are of little use. Fried kernels are rich only in plant fiber. They are not valuable in vitamins and minerals. Salt does not affect the product, but edema appears from its large amount, which prevents weight loss.

There are not many quality products in supermarkets. On sale there are seeds in packages fried and with salt. You should not choose such products. You can find natural seeds on the market. They are sold by weight, in bulk.


Sunflower raw materials have low resistance to external conditions. At high temperatures, it deteriorates in a few hours. Normal temperature is not more than 10 degrees, and humidity - up to 20%.

It is better to store seeds in the refrigerator. They perfectly tolerate temperatures in the range of 0-8 degrees. Such conditions ensure the blocking of oxidative processes and the preservation of high quality grains. At home, storing large quantities of products is not worth it. It is better to buy it in no more than 500 g and immediately dry it. Grain is stored in finished form for several weeks.


Seeds during pregnancy, like other products, should be consumed in moderation. They should not be nibbled constantly. 100 g of dried seeds will be sufficient per day. If there was overeating, then a few days it is better not to use the product. Seeds are high-calorie, so excessive consumption negatively affects the figure.

you can bite seeds during pregnancy

The danger of seeds lies in their negative impact on the condition of the teeth. Teeth are already vulnerable during pregnancy, and there will be more problems with eating seeds. It is advisable to clean the product with clean hands.

If grains are purchased in packaging, no one can guarantee their quality. As the results of test purchases show, even advertised products can include heavy metals or have genetically modified origin. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase raw seeds and dry them yourself.

Some women are allergic to sunflower seeds. In this case, do not use them. Still this should not be done with problems with the throat. This is especially true for cases of chronic pharyngitis. A transparent film of nuclei is an irritant to the mucous membrane of the throat.


Seeds during pregnancy are sometimes prohibited. This applies to cases:

  • excess weight gain;
  • the presence of dental problems;
  • allergies to seeds;
  • severe toxicosis.

Often, seeds lead to an upset digestive tract. There is an irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation. It is undesirable to use the product for chronic gastrointestinal ailments.

Seeds are prohibited in urolithiasis. Salts of oxalates lead to the appearance of new stones. It is important to adhere to these recommendations in order not to provoke health problems.


Some relatives, especially grandmothers, often start to panic when they see a pregnant woman with seeds. They believe that a woman who loves them may have appendicitis. But peeled grains do not carry danger, the culprit of this complication is only the husk, which is not digested by the human stomach.

Is it possible to bite seeds during pregnancy?

It is necessary to observe 5 basic rules for taking seeds during pregnancy:

  1. Only dried grains that are not pre-cleaned are useful.
  2. The norm per day is 100 g.
  3. It is advisable to dry the seeds yourself, rather than purchasing ready-made ones.
  4. Small, dried seeds in small quantities will be useful to mother and baby.
  5. It is important to consider the high calorie content so as not to overweight.

Thus, gnawing seeds during pregnancy is allowed in moderation. The product is useful for the general condition of the body. It is only necessary to use natural grains.

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