Protect your pet from diseases: how to warm a parrot

Sometimes people, deciding to get a pet, are guided by the desire to get one that needs minimal care. And many are sincerely mistaken, believing that in this respect the ideal choice is a parrot. They say that he’s sitting in his cage, you don’t need to walk with him, combing him, too, and you can also teach him how to talk. However, this opinion is deeply erroneous. Like any living creature (with the possible exception of cockroaches), parrots require attention. They are responsive to affection and will not do without observing certain rules of detention.

how to warm a parrot

It must be remembered that such birds - whether they are small, wavy or like a cockatoo - are tropical creatures for which the features of our climate are far from comfortable.

Suitable temperature

If you have not had such pets before, do not try to immediately take care of how to warm the parrot. First of all, if it is acquired in the summer, it is warm enough for it, the bird does not need additional heating. Although a temperature of about 25 Celsius is most acceptable for parrots, lowering it even to 15 degrees will not bring much harm.

But if a bird was bought in winter, early spring or late autumn, how to warm a parrot so that it does not freeze already on its way home is a more than urgent question. The pet store will offer you a special bird carrier, insulated and protected from the wind. Since too often you obviously will not use it, but it costs pretty much, you can carefully put the live acquisition in a plastic jar with a door cut out on the side and wrap it in something warm - at least in a shawl, towel and scarf. If you bought a cage for a pet at the same time, do not try to immediately put a bird in it, first you need to warm the house.

Dangerous times and temporary measures

Contrary to popular belief, parrots have a slightly higher risk of freezing in winter than in summer. Radiators are already included in high-rise buildings, stoves are heated in private houses. How to warm the parrot, you have to think in the transition period - in the fall and spring, when it is already cold outside, especially at night, and the heating season has not yet begun.

how to warm a parrot photo

The easiest option is to hang an ordinary 60-kilowatt light bulb over the cage. Normal, because energy-saving ones do not heat at all. Before turning it on, it is better to paint it with blue or green paint, otherwise the eyes of the parrot will be irritated, which can result in conjunctivitis. This measure is temporary. You will also have to limit the flight of the bird - the rest of the room is chilly. Since winged friends get bored, languish, and even get sick without movement, they will have to look for a more radical solution. However, the proposed method of warming a parrot (the photo shows clearly) is reliable and convenient.

The lamp should not be close to the rods and should not illuminate the entire cage so that the “prisoner” could hide in the shade if it overheats. If the design of the house is not too conducive to creating an unlit area, you can cover the corner with a cloth - and this will provide shade.

Night heaters

When it’s still quite hot during the day, and at night people begin to hide under a blanket, it will also help in solving the problem of how to warm a parrot. We cover the cage with a dense, soft and warm cloth, we just leave small gaps so that the bird has something to breathe.

Both methods combine well: the lamp should be turned off at night - it will interfere with the rest of both people and their pets, and under the fabric, the parrots will be warm and cozy.

Thermal mats proved to be good as local insulation. In the house, the birds will not be cold with them. How to warm a parrot in a cage - there is a choice, and quite wide, but there remains the problem of limiting movement.

Long term options

how to warm a parrot in winter

If winter was delayed or arrived earlier than the heating season, the birds in the cage will not last long - in any case, healthy. So if it’s already cold, but the batteries still haven’t come to life, you’ll have to figure out how to warm the parrot in the winter, on its own.

A good outlet would be a heater. However, with some reservations. The main thing is to choose oil. If the spirals are open, a curious bird can singe feathers and seriously burn yourself. The second is to place the device at some distance from the cage if the winged mischief sits in it. Otherwise, he risks getting a heat stroke. Third, overdried air affects birds badly. Therefore, a bowl of water should be placed next to the cage (parrots, by the way, often take baths with pleasure in it). And the last: tightly close the doors to the room so that your pet does not run away into a colder room. Differences in heat and cold are much more dangerous for him than freezing.

What to do in extreme conditions

Worst of all, when suddenly and for a long time they turned off the electricity with the radiators not yet turned on. No gatherings in the kitchen with lit gas - the birds will be eradicated long before they give light. And how to warm a parrot in such conditions? Lock in a cage and place in it bottles (preferably plastic) with well-heated water. If the bird is tame, put it in a nest from a warm hat or scarf.

how to warm a parrot in a cage

Additional precautions

The main danger for parrots is not low temperatures; nevertheless, in most cases the air is cooled gradually, so there is time for action. The worst is drafts. No slots in the frames! You can and should air the room, but at this time the cage should be taken out of it.

It is better to water birds in cold weather with warm water; many parrot farmers advise giving honey decoctions of chamomile to prevent colds.

And the rest of these pets are a bit of a hassle, but a lot of joy and laughter. So a little effort - and your little bird will amuse you for many years.

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