Paste for modeling DAS. Instructions and usage tips

The famous Italian brand FILA produces a whole line of pastes for modeling DAS. Previously, they could be purchased only in white and terracotta colors, but now pastes of all shades of the rainbow are produced. Modeling material is sold in a resealable plastic bag with a self-adhesive tape for reusable use.

The DAS modeling paste is self-setting, it does not need to be dried in the oven or near the fireplace, as is the case with polymer clay. It starts to set in about an hour after sculpting, and within 24 hours it dries completely and becomes very strong. Packages of 150 and 500 grams are sold, as well as kilogram. For the first samples, get a small brick of white paste. Visually, when you open the package, it seems grayish, but after hardening it turns bright white.

In the article we will tell you how to use paste for modeling DAS, what you can sculpt, how to fix defects and where to store the material in order to use it several times. We will share the secrets of experienced masters to make it easier to sculpt from such material.

Material quality

Self-setting pasta has been produced since 1968 and has established itself well in the global market. The material is non-toxic, but according to the instructions, paste for modeling DAS should not be given to children under three years of age. It does not contain any flavors, so many users note the presence of a slightly pungent odor when opening the package, which over time does not feel so strong.

color paste for modeling

From the bag you need to get the necessary amount of material for modeling, and the rest immediately pack with specially attached tape. It is recommended to store the paste in the refrigerator. Many have noticed that after cooling, the material is easier to knead and it is more pleasant to work with it.

How to work with pasta

Cellulose paste is made, so when kneading, you can notice the presence of long fibers. Sometimes people who use paste for DAS modeling for the first time are confused by such a structure; moreover, they cannot connect anything together, since the clay simply crumbles in their hands and does not at all look like usual plasticine or polymer clay. Since the instruction is given in a foreign language, buyers can not always understand the instructions on their own and use the paste incorrectly.

pasta craft

To make a smooth and beautiful craft with your own hands, you need, firstly, to hold the paste a little in the refrigerator, and secondly, periodically wet your hands with water.

What is DAS paste used for?

From Italian paste to create crafts sculpt any figures, masks, beads and bas-reliefs. It must be remembered that after hardening, adding elements is useless, since air remains between the frozen paste and the wet one. A sticking on top can simply fall off. All defects should be corrected immediately, while still wet.

how to use pasta das

Parts are connected by priming with wet hands. Works from paste for DAS modeling work well if you make a base from wire or, as in the photo above, a plastic bottle or glass jar. The sample shows how the master, using this material for modeling, made a decorative house with ladders and visors of windows.

In reviews, some users complain about small cracks that remain after the material dries. We can advise you to fix all the flaws with a paste well soaked in water.


The dried figure can be polished and decorated in different ways. It is recommended that the child is given ordinary markers for drawing or offered to paint the craft with gouache paints. If an adult master is engaged in modeling, then apply acrylic paints and varnishes.

When working with colored paste, it is enough to cover the craft with a layer of matte or glossy varnish so that it remains for a long time.

Try and you make interesting figures using self-setting pasta of a time-tested manufacturer from Italy!

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