Pregnant women need to pay increased attention to their health and constantly struggle with the manifestations of a negative state. Health related illnesses are particularly unpleasant. Heartburn during pregnancy. How to get rid? After all, a woman at this time is prohibited many drugs.
How does heartburn occur?
Unpleasant sensations occur in the abdominal cavity due to the formation of a large amount of acid, which helps in the digestion process. An increase in its level leads to irritation of the mucosa on the walls of the stomach and esophagus. In expectant mothers, pain occurs due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the abdominal cavity.
The occurrence of this unpleasant condition does not indicate an increased acidity of the stomach or that the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus.
Discomfort manifests itself most often in the form of heartburn during pregnancy in the later stages. This condition occurs due to the large mass of the fetus. An enlarged uterus presses on the stomach, so the woman feels discomfort. This usually occurs after eating. Before starting treatment for heartburn, a specialist determines the causes of a burning sensation. Only after that appropriate treatment is prescribed.
Causes of Heartburn
When preparing the female body for conception, it produces the hormone progesterone. Its main task is to relax the uterus so that its increased tone does not prevent the fetus from developing properly. However, the hormone also affects other smooth muscles located between the stomach and esophagus, as well as those that move food through the stomach to the duodenum.
Progesterone exerts maximum effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract by the end of 13 weeks. It was at this time that women began to feel heartburn during pregnancy when consuming acidic foods or taking up a lying position 1-1.5 hours after a meal.
In the second trimester, the uterus begins to grow actively and displace the abdominal organs up. Due to the relaxed muscle of the esophagus, a small portion of the food is thrown into the esophagus. This occurs as a result of bending, due to overeating and sudden movements.
Heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester occurs due to an even more enlarged uterus. It manifests itself even in a standing position, usually after eating. Before labor begins, the uterus drops slightly, and the level of progesterone produced decreases. A woman feels this by reducing the manifestation of symptoms such as burning.
The main causes of heartburn are associated with pregnancy, and all its manifestations usually disappear after childbirth. Sometimes during this period, exacerbation of chronic gastritis may occur, especially when consumed in large quantities of acidic or pickled dishes. Therefore, if, in addition to heartburn, sensations such as nausea or stomach pain occur, then a consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.
The main symptoms of heartburn
In some cases, the main signs of this condition (if they are not complicated by other negative sensations) can be eliminated independently.
Typical symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy include:
- A burning sensation that spreads not only to the sternum or abdomen, but can also affect the throat.
- The occurrence of acidic burping, although it may be absent.
- Pain occurs when a woman bends over or takes a horizontal position.
- Bitterness is felt in the mouth along with an admixture of acid.
So, heartburn is determined during pregnancy. What to do? You should contact a specialist in the following situations:
- When heartburn is accompanied by a continuous cough.
- Nausea appears that provokes vomiting.
- Pain in the larynx and stomach is felt.
- Diarrhea occurs.
- Sweating increases.
It is impossible to ignore these unpleasant sensations, and it is also not recommended to self-medicate. With minor manifestations of heartburn during pregnancy, home remedies can be used.
What is important to remember about treating heartburn?
It is difficult to find an effective way to treat discomfort in pregnant women. In many situations, the choice of drugs is limited due to the negative effect on the fetus.
What can be done from heartburn during pregnancy? First of all, treatment is based on the correction of a woman's lifestyle and her proper nutrition. However, there are simple methods that can be used at home. They belong to the so-called "ambulance".
How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? To the most affordable means, which eliminates the discomfort, can be attributed to soda. However, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and after childbirth. The tool is able to briefly eliminate heartburn and, being absorbed from the intestines into the blood, changes its pH. Thereby, harm may be caused to the fetus. In addition, soda can damage the protective layer of the gastric mucosa, which sometimes leads to the formation of ulcers or gastritis.
Sometimes, instead of soda, you can drink Borjomi or Polyana Kvasova in small quantities. You need to release gas from the drinks, otherwise it will increase the volume of the stomach, which leads to the opposite effect.
If you are worried about heartburn during pregnancy, what should I do? The following is used for treatment:
- drink milk at room temperature in small sips throughout the day;
- freshly squeezed potato juice to take in small volumes for heartburn;
- if an attack occurs, you can chew nuts (almonds), but in small quantities;
- take oatmeal jelly 1/2 cup after an attack;
- eat a small amount of sunflower seeds;
- chew a small slice of carrots.
Such funds can only help for a short time, during an attack of heartburn.
Lifestyle change
How to remove severe heartburn during pregnancy? In order to eliminate discomfort as much as possible, you must follow these rules:
- Starting from the 2nd trimester, a woman needs to eat food often, but in small volumes.
- The last meal 3 hours before bedtime. Proper nutrition will reduce and quench acidity.
- Chew food thoroughly.
- After a meal (especially during an attack of heartburn during pregnancy), a woman should not tilt her head down or take a horizontal position for 1-1.5 hours.
- Exclude fried, spicy dishes from the diet, limit the use of seasonings.
- Women need to monitor daily bowel movements. With increased intra-abdominal pressure, heartburn occurs. To eliminate the occurrence of constipation, at night you can eat a few pieces of prunes.
- The diet must include dishes with alkaline pH. These include: steamed omelets, cream, milk, boiled meat and fish.
- Press exercises during heartburn attacks during pregnancy in the early stages are not done.
- You need to sleep on high pillows, if there are no contraindications. In this situation, the outflow of gastric juice to the mucous membrane of the esophagus stops.
- Do not wear clothes squeezing the stomach. It increases pressure and provokes the penetration of acid into the esophagus.
- Drinking water with meals is not recommended.
Compliance with these recommendations will reduce the manifestations of severe heartburn during pregnancy.
A few recommendations for proper nutrition will save a pregnant woman from discomfort.
With attacks of heartburn during pregnancy in the later stages, junk food is excluded. It is necessary to completely remove from the diet foods that irritate the gastric mucosa and weaken the sphincter:
- chocolate, regardless of color and grade;
- carbonated drinks;
- flour products (cakes, pastries);
- smoked dishes and spices;
- black coffee;
- sour fruits and berries.
There should not be foods in the diet that increase the acidity of the stomach:
- pickles and sauerkraut;
- garlic;
- food that is difficult to digest (mushrooms, barley);
- fried and fatty foods should be avoided, if possible replace them with dietary ones.
The listed groups of products are best eliminated from the diet or to minimize their consumption. How to eat to eliminate discomfort?
Often helps meals in small portions, without overeating. Eat slowly. The last meal should take place several hours before bedtime. Thanks to this, unpleasant sensations are reduced and the well-being of the future mother and child improves.
Folk ways
How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? The following products will help:
- Oat and buckwheat porridge. Their daily use prevents the occurrence of heartburn.
- Jelly, which is cooked on natural fruits.
- It is good to consume milk and dairy products. An individual approach is needed here. Many future mothers get rid of heartburn during pregnancy with a few sips of warm milk or yogurt. However, this does not always remove the discomfort.
- Honey comb. A natural product is best consumed in small portions, chewing like chewing gum. However, the remedy is ineffective with constant bouts of burning.
- Mint or linden honey is consumed with aloe juice. The leaf of the plant is rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with the same amount of beekeeping product. Use 30 minutes before meals or when an attack occurs.
- Grated carrots. Vegetable, as it is not surprising, allows you to get rid of heartburn in a short time. To do this, it is recommended to eat a couple of tablespoons of chopped root vegetables to remove an unpleasant sensation. You do not need to add sugar to the resulting mass, otherwise the opposite effect will occur.
- Seeds and seeds. As mentioned above in the article, raw sunflower seeds have a positive effect. Steamed flax seeds can also help (tbsp.spoon in a glass of boiling water). Overuse of this tool is not recommended, so as not to aggravate problems with the digestive tract.
- Medicinal decoctions on herbs and roots. Tea made from lemon balm, mint, chamomile, fennel seeds, dill is suitable for this. The broth is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist under the lid for 20 minutes. Drink 3 times a day, 200 ml before meals.
- Grind eggshells into powder. Take 1/3 teaspoon no more than 4 days in a row.
- Fresh ginger or ginger tea. You can chew a small amount of fresh root or make tea from it in a thermos. To improve the taste, add a spoonful of honey to it.
- Aromatherapy For the procedure, it is best to use lemon or orange oil (4 drops). The base is grape seed oil (1 teaspoon). The mixture is used to massage the upper back and chest. It can be added to bath water and inhaled vapors. Aromatherapy can be used as an independent procedure, as well as in combination with other means to combat unpleasant sensations.
What can be done from heartburn during pregnancy? It is useful to drink water with an alkaline reaction. At the first sign of heartburn, you need to drink a small amount.
Women who suffer from discomfort can carry a small bottle of Borjomi water or another brand with them.
There are drugs that are designed to get rid of the discomfort in the form of heartburn. However, they should not be prescribed on their own, so as not to harm the body of the mother and child.
What medicines for heartburn during pregnancy can be used? One of the most popular drugs is Rennie. These are chewable tablets that are taken 40 minutes after a meal. It is best for pregnant women to use the drug without any fruit additives.
It is recommended to take no more than 11 tablets per day. This is the maximum dose. 1 tablet can be chewed no more than once every 2 hours.
In the absence of a positive effect, a specialist can prescribe a more effective drug. Among them: "Maalox", "Gaviscon", "Smecta", "Almagel" and others. They have antacid properties. The active substance of the drug neutralizes the acid in the stomach and envelops the mucous membrane with a protective film.
Remedies for heartburn during pregnancy are not recommended to be combined with other medicines. Only by trial and error can you choose the perfect version of the drug.
Psychological attitude and sleep
A healthy way to deal with heartburn during pregnancy in the third trimester is a healthy and strong night's rest. After all, he is able to restore strength and relieve many diseases.
Experts put forward a version that is based on the psychosomatic causes of heartburn. This manifests itself as a kind of message to the mother and child.
Sometimes this condition occurs if the parents are expecting a boy, and a girl develops in the womb. A woman in some situations is very afraid or worried, and also for some reason does not accept a child. Toddlers are usually sensitive to this. It is just that the expectant mother needs to be in a positive mood, as well as change the course of her thoughts.
It is very useful to walk outdoors in a park or park. Spend all your free time with positive-minded people who will help to completely get rid of all fears. With the normalization of the emotional state, negative feelings disappear on their own.
Heartburn during pregnancy torments almost every woman. Although this is a natural state, it should not be endured.
Heartburn during pregnancy can occur in many women. Unpleasant sensations give her a lot of inconvenience.
If possible, it is best to abandon chemical drugs. After all, they can adversely affect the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.
In some cases, folk remedies and the transition to proper and balanced nutrition will provide effective help. By eating certain foods, you can stop burning and other unpleasant symptoms.
If a woman observes the recommended daily regimen, does not overeat, go for a walk after eating, she will receive a positive attitude.
After all, pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life, despite some negative points. And the condition of the future mother is fully reflected in the health of the child.