The strongest jaws in dogs. Top breeds

Thanks to the work of dog breeders, today there are more than four hundred dog breeds. Some representatives, for example, the Pekingese, saw the rise and fall of ancient empires, others appeared recently. Watch dogs occupy a separate place; they are timeless and fashionless; people love them as true friends and reliable guards.

When choosing a breed of dog that will play the role of a security or house guard, special attention is paid to speed, distrust, and the ability to make independent decisions. Not the last place is occupied by the moment with the strongest jaws. What breed of dog is a bite powerful and capable of stopping an attacker?

Not with one teeth

Which dog bites the most? One that really wants to bite. This sounds like a joke, but only in part. The strongest jaws in dogs are not a guarantee that they will be launched. There are breeds in which aggression is genetically absent - Labrador, Golden Retriever. Although in terms of strength and mass they are not inferior to the German Shepherd, these dogs are not able to attack a person.

Among representatives of conservation breeds it is rare, but still there are good-natured specimens that cope poorly with the protection of the owner or property. In this case, the problem lies in education, under the guidance of an experienced dog handler in the Rottweiler or the Black Terrier, it is possible to wake up the potential.

Bite anatomy

In fact, a dog is a construction of bones and muscles. Looking at it purely from an engineering point of view, you can determine which breed of dog has the strongest jaws. There is a clear correlation of physiological features.

For "biting" the pet should have a massive head with a large mouth. To maintain balance, such a muzzle should be attached to a short neck, which reduces the load on the spine. The optimal ratio is equal in size to the cranial and maxillary. In this case, the capture is quite deep and strong. In breeds with an elongated muzzle, for example, Russian canine greyhounds, with a chewing muscle equal to the Doberman, that is why the bite will lose.

The short jaws of the bulldogs are of great strength, but due to their special structure, the so-called "dead grip" is inherent in them. The area of ​​capture and a bite decreases. The breeds with a shortened nasopharynx have a weak sense of smell, and having clung to the opponent, they lose their maneuverability and become vulnerable. It's hard for them to bounce quickly.

Golden mean

Knowing the aspects that affect the bite, one can understand that the strongest jaws are in dogs of those breeds that have a fairly large head with a wide opening of the jaws. In addition, the guard must have a sufficient level of aggression and courage to use his formidable weapon in battle. It was this rule that guided the people, introducing protective guards to protect a person and his property. In addition, security dogs are required to have a calm disposition, easy to learn, to be devoted to the owner's family. An overexcited dog reacts poorly to commands and can turn from a defender into a source of problems.

The strongest jaws in dogs. Top breeds

There are breeds that are recognized as the best guards. They have the power of bite and the desire to protect the owner, his property successfully complement each other. Some of them appeared during the course of life, nature itself was the main breeder, living conditions did not allow puppies with insufficiently strong jaws and character to survive. Others were bred by man, but they are not inferior in protective qualities and the ability to prove with their teeth to the enemy of the owner that he did stupidity by encroaching on his property.

Central asian shepherd dog

The strongest jaws in dogs of this breed are combined with large body sizes. Male growth at the withers from 70 cm and more.

Central asian shepherd dog

In addition, the blood of shepherd and fighting breeds flows in the representatives of the CAO, which makes them vigilant, but balanced guards. Nature carried out selection under harsh conditions, and people polished the result. As a result, the dogs turned out to be ideal family members, kind to children and other animals, they are merciless to large predators and uninvited guests. On distant teeth, the bite force is at least 300 kg.

Cane Corso

Speaking about which dog has the strongest jaws, it is impossible not to mention this breed. True guards clearly divide the world into "friends" and "strangers."

Cane Corso

You can safely trust them with a child, Kane will put his life to protect the master's offspring. To defeat a dog, consisting of 50 kg of iron muscles, possessing dexterity, fearlessness and incredibly sharp fangs is not an easy task. In the family circle, the animal is calm and good-natured.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

It can scare off one look. Huge, lion-like dogs can make independent decisions and act on the situation.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

They need to not be allowed to dominate, in which case the “Caucasians” are obedient and manageable. They do not have excessive aggression, but no one is allowed to offend the owner or encroach on his property. By the strength of the bite, it is not inferior to the two previous breeds - 13.5 atmospheres.


More like a bodyguard than a watchman. He is focused on people, needs their society. In the controlled territory, order is strictly observed.

Rottweiler breed

Sustained, calm, adequate, independent in decision making. This breed needs a strict but friendly atmosphere and thorough training. A great companion for adults and older children. Rottweiler is friendly to kids, but may not distinguish the game with rudeness and react too violently. The compression force is 146 kg.

German Shepherd

Excellent scent, lightning fast reaction, sensitive ears and strong jaws are the hallmarks of the breed. It is worth adding here a remarkable mind, a love of work and training - and we get the perfect dog.

German Shepherd

The shepherd does not choose one owner, she perfectly obeys all family members. She should have a job - to guard the house, look after the children, accompany the owner. Without this, she is bored, the character of the dog deteriorates. The pressure force of the teeth is from 120 to 315 kg.

Do not forget about pit bulls, bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers. The strength of the jaws of these dogs is 120 kg or more. They have a strong grip, quick response, extremely maneuverable. It will not be easy to escape from them. However, dogs of these breeds with adequate training are absolutely not hostile to humans and will not attack without serious reason.

It is impossible to say for sure which breed the dog’s strongest jaw belongs to. In the world there are dozens of breeds suitable for protection. And a representative of any of them in a dangerous situation can set a record that no one will know about.

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