Osteoarthritis of the joints in dogs is a disease characterized by premature wear of the cartilage of the articular bags and destructive degenerative changes. If you don’t provide medical assistance to the animal in time, the consequences can be very serious: the joint deforms quite quickly and stops performing its functions.
Owners should be aware that arthrosis does not appear in dogs instantly - it develops gradually. At first, cartilage cells are affected, then the disease spreads and captures the joint, ligaments and bone tissue. Usually, such a course of the disease, which experts call primary arthrosis, is diagnosed in dogs at an advanced age, when the joint simply wears out due to objective reasons, does not withstand the stresses and stresses that arise throughout the animal's life.
Dogs are subject to secondary arthrosis after receiving an injury or having undergone excessive physical exertion. Arthrosis is most often diagnosed in representatives of large and giant breeds: Bernese Mountain Dogs, Great Danes, Rottweilers, etc.
Arthrosis and arthritis in dogs: what are the differences?
Many dog breeders are mistaken in accepting these two diseases as one. In fact, these are two different pathologies that have many differences not only in the clinical picture (provoking factors, symptoms), but also in the treatment regimen.
Arthrosis in dogs is a serious chronic disease with a long development period. In other words, acute arthrosis does not exist. Arthritis is characterized by a manifestation of an acute inflammatory process, which captures not only the joint, but adjacent tissues and organs, and sometimes the entire body. In this disease, against the background of an acute inflammatory process, the dog may have a fever, the animal becomes lethargic, refuses food, and loses activity.
Arthrosis is usually manifested by local symptoms. Therefore, arthrosis can be triggered by untreated arthritis, but not vice versa.
Causes of the disease
There are a number of causes of arthrosis in dogs. One of them is birth trauma, due to which the joint is deformed. The load on it is distributed unevenly over time, and as a result, the cartilage tissue in a weak place quickly wears out.
In addition, in large dogs, hereditary dysplasia, usually of the hip joints, is quite common. Due to a chromosomal malfunction, which is responsible for collagen synthesis in the animal’s body, the structure of cartilage is disturbed. From a very early age, in a dog with congenital dysplasia, the tendon-ligamentous apparatus is rather weak, blood circulation in the vessels supplying articular tissues is impaired. Dysplasia is a genetic disease of representatives of large and gigantic breeds, therefore experienced and responsible breeders take x-rays for future parents to confirm that the dogs do not have this disease and cannot be transmitted to puppies.
The main reason for the development of arthrosis in dogs, and regardless of breed and age, experts call impaired blood supply to the joint tissues. With poor blood circulation in the joint, metabolic processes slow down, bone tissue loses its ability to regenerate after exertion, and new cartilage cells do not appear.
There are secondary reasons that contribute to the development of this disease in a healthy animal. These include:
- joint inflammation (e.g. arthritis);
- hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, growth of the animal or during aging;
- pathology of blood vessels and veins, causing a violation of blood supply;
- injuries: ruptures of ligaments, fractures, prolapse of the patella, dislocations, joint hemorrhages.
In addition, veterinarians were able to identify that in order to preserve cartilage and articular tissue, the level of proteoglycans, protein and polysaccharide complexes that maintain fluid balance in cartilage tissues, is important. The cartilage is 75-80% water, which is why dehydration, as well as the poor unbalanced diet of the animal, are the cause of their destruction.
The vitamins and minerals that the dog receives must be balanced, since their excess is no less dangerous than deficiency. Excessive tension of the joints of the animal during sports activities or work often leads to injury and as a result to arthrosis. However, the lack of loads does not allow fluid to form in the joints, and also causes obesity, leading to arthrosis even in young animals.
Stages of Osteoarthritis
In most cases, the treatment of this disease depends on the symptoms of arthrosis in the dog that are available at the time of the examination of the animal. We have already found out that this pathology is characterized by a long development, passing through several stages. The earliest of them is characterized by dehydration of cartilage. Microscopic cracks appear on the surface of the cartilage, the circulation of fluids and blood is disturbed, stagnation, blood clots form in the lymph and veins, capillaries suffer from stenosis.
In the second stage of the disease, the cartilage tissue breaks down into fibers, it becomes thinner, swelling and pain appear. Due to the reduction of the cartilage layer and the interarticular gap, the pressure on the articular bones increases, and the load is distributed unevenly.
The third stage of arthrosis is exposure of bone tissue with its subsequent abrasion. In the areas of contact of the bones that are not protected by the cartilage, osteophytes are formed - the so-called bone spikes. Bone tissue begins to grow, thicken, the animal loses the ability to move freely, each movement brings him a stream of pain. An inflammatory process occurs, since fragments of cartilage fray with exposed bones and they fall into the interarticular gap. As a result, the limb is deformed, the animal cannot move.
If treatment of arthrosis in dogs is not carried out, ankylosis develops - the immobility of the affected joint. According to localization, pathology is divided into:
- arthrosis of the hip joint in dogs;
- shoulder joint;
- hind limbs;
- knee joint.
The characteristic symptomatology persists regardless of where the disease is localized.
Symptoms of arthrosis in dogs
The symptomatology of the disease depends on the age of the animal, the presence of concomitant ailments that complicate the course of the disease, the stage of the disease, the number of affected joints, the localization of arthrosis.
As a rule, at first the owner notices that his pet begins to limp on one paw, but if the arthrosis affects two joints at once (for example, the hind legs), then the dog moves uncertainly, the functions of the pelvic girdle are disturbed, the dog acquires a shaky gait, hardly gets up, gets tired quickly even from a slow walk.
Symptoms of arthrosis depending on localization
With brachial arthrosis, the animal moves in small steps, shifting from paw to paw, trying to transfer weight in order to ease discomfort. When the arthrosis is localized in the knee joint, the animal is lame, stops overcoming obstacles, falls into the front shoulder girdle when walking, gets tired after a few minutes of walking. It is seen that each movement causes severe pain. With arthrosis of the joints of the hind limbs, the dog slowly and carefully gets up, walks for some time on half-bent, not fully straightened paws.
The animal ignores toys at any localization of the disease, avoids any, especially active games, does not allow sudden movements, is not interested in communicating with its brothers. Movement activity decreases, the dog lies more.
It should be recognized that the symptoms of the disease depend not only on the degree of damage to the joints and its stage, but also on the individual characteristics of the animal. Some dogs have a rather high pain threshold and begin to limp already at the last stage of the disease. This must be taken into account both in the diagnosis and in the treatment of arthrosis in dogs.
In animals with a high pain threshold, the absence of claudication cannot be the reason for completing therapy.
Arthrosis Treatment
Anti-inflammatory non-steroids are most commonly used for dogs with arthrosis. Drugs in this group can be prescribed in the form of tablets or in injections. They are taken as prescribed by the doctor. Self-treatment of arthrosis in dogs with drugs does not only not make sense, but can also harm the animal, since all drugs are prescribed individually.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are combined with the use of chondroprotectors, which restore cartilage tissue. The most common of them include:
- Chondrocan Forte.
- "Artroglycan."
- "Glucosamine."
- Stride Plus.
- "Kinosil" and others.
In addition, the composition of complex therapy includes:
- immunostimulants ("Gamavit");
- minerals and vitamins (calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins of groups A, B, D3);
- analgesic blockades, tranquilizers (Voltaren, Novocain).
Sometimes the veterinarian prescribes injections directly to the affected joints. The procedure is rather unpleasant, but very effective. In addition, in severe cases, surgical intervention is allowed - arthroplasty of the joints. Usually it is done at the initial stages of the disease in young animals, when the symptoms of the pathology are not too pronounced. In older dogs or in the last stage of the disease, such an operation is ineffective.
Elderly animals treatment
Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure elderly dogs of arthrosis, but the doctor will prescribe all necessary medications to the animal. Owners of such dogs need to direct their efforts to supportive therapy, create all conditions to ensure a calm and comfortable existence for their old four-legged friend.
Set up a warm and soft couch for him, where the dog can sit comfortably. It is advisable that such a place be in a secluded corner of the room on the floor so that the dog does not experience problems with climbing onto a chair or sofa.
It is necessary to minimize the activity of the dog on walks. Walk with her on a leash, at a pace convenient for the pet. In cold or wet weather, walks should be shortened in time, and the animal should be dressed in special warm clothes, for example, overalls.
An accurate massage of the diseased joint is effective, in some cases the veterinarian recommends warming or pain relieving ointments and tinctures. Massage can improve blood flow, reduce pain. Quite often, after a session, the dog begins to move more confidently. The veterinarian should familiarize the owner with the massage technique.
During the procedure, the movements should be soft, but confident, not causing animal discomfort. The effectiveness of the massage will manifest itself only if it is carried out regularly - it is done daily, usually in the morning and in the evening.
Disease prevention
An attentive and caring owner from the first days of the appearance of a puppy in the house will take measures that will prevent the development of arthrosis in older adulthood. It is important to plan the physical activity for the dog, allowing it to splash out energy, they will prevent the development of obesity and problems with the nervous system.
Your four-legged friend should spend a total of at least three hours a day on the street. At this time, training, games with the owner and other animals, swimming, running should be included.
Another important aspect of prevention is a balanced diet, which includes micro- and macro-elements and proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates, fats, necessary for the animal. The dog should not be hungry, but this eliminates overeating, which can lead to overweight and, as a result, a large load on the bone apparatus. The dog should always have access to drinking water because it needs fluid. With its help, new cells of cartilage tissue are formed.
It is necessary to prepare in advance for the appearance of the puppy in the house. Veterinarians are well aware that the first injuries that can later provoke arthrosis are given to puppies at home, slipping on linoleum or laminate. Slippery floors are dangerous for babies, especially for puppies of large breeds, so cover the surfaces with material that does not allow the legs to disperse, for example, carpet.
It is necessary to properly arrange a place for sleeping and resting the animal. Your pet should not spend all the time on a hard surface - the dog needs a soft bed. Its softness largely depends on the weight of the animal: the larger the dog, the softer the litter is required. Each domestic dog should be regularly examined by a veterinarian.
To summarize
Arthrosis is a disease that the owner of the animal can prevent, so that later he does not watch the torment of his pet. Preventive measures are quite simple, and we talked about them above. Make sure that your dog is not injured or supercooling, which is especially true for hunting dogs and animals, which often participate in sports.