When is it better to pierce a child’s ears, or all about this procedure

Is there at least one mother who does not dream of making her daughter nice and attractive? Of course not. Some parents try to dress their princesses in the latest fashion, others buy a variety of hair clips and jewelry for the child, and some do not imagine the girl without sparkling earrings. If you have firmly decided to fulfill your dream or to realize the desire of an adult child and to pierce his ears, then you need to think about some points. For example, when it is better to pierce the child’s ears , how to prepare for it and how to take care of the ears later.

when is it better to pierce the child’s ears

At what age is it better to do?

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So, experts disagreed, and only parents decide when it is better to pierce the ears of the child. Today, even many maternity hospitals provide this service, at the request of parents, a specialist can pierce the ears of a newborn girl immediately after birth. But it’s better to wait until the child grows up and expresses a desire to have earrings in his ears. Sooner or later, girls want to imitate mom or older girlfriends, they have a craving for everything that is shiny and beautiful. When deciding to wait with ear piercing, consider the fact that after 11 years the risk of keloid scars is particularly high.

decorations for baby

Preparing for an important moment

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What to do with metal? If you want to choose earrings on your own, then purchase silver or gold items for your child. These metals have disinfecting properties, which will help to avoid infection and subsequent problems.

ear piercing contraindications

We care for the puncture site

So, the dream came true, in the little ears the first jewelry sparkles. But in order for this beauty to bring only joy, regularly treat the puncture site with antiseptics. Do not remove the earrings for the first two to three months, but scroll them during processing. Let the baby know that you can’t touch the ears with dirty hands or pull the earrings.

I want, but you can’t

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