Can pregnant women knit? What you can and cannot do to pregnant

Pregnancy is not only a pleasant expectation of a small miracle, but also a lot of previous worries, because at this time the daily routine and habitual lifestyle of a woman are completely changing. The expectant mother is worried about a huge number of questions, for example, is it possible for pregnant women to knit, get a haircut or go to the cemetery. In this, as it turned out, there is nothing shameful, because in such a period women become more vulnerable and sensitive, which is caused solely by concern for the future baby. For the most part, superstitions and signs regarding pregnancy were compiled in ancient times. But, despite the abundance of information and a fairly high level of education of modern women, some of them still adhere to the opinion that beliefs must be respected. So, we offer to understand what pregnant women can and cannot do.

can pregnant women knit

The truth about knitting and sewing

One of the first superstitions that misleads future mothers is: "pregnant women should not be knitted." And why? Good question! Let's figure it out.

In ancient times, our ancestors did not have the information that is available to a modern woman today, so in the event of an unsuccessful birth it was easier for them to say that sewing and knitting are dangerous than to understand that a pregnant woman could have, for example, anatomical bone mismatch the pelvis and head of the baby, or that the position of the baby in the womb was longitudinal. What is the reality of knitting during pregnancy? We will understand further.

Decreased motor activity

The most interesting thing is that there is still some danger in knitting for the expectant mother. If you understand the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to knit, first of all, one should think not about superstition invented by our ancestors, but about a real threat. As it turned out, the point here is not the knitting itself, but the consequences of this interesting and exciting process, in other words, a woman, creating a beautiful dress or booties for her future child, stops preparing for childbirth. Moreover, this happens both on the emotional level and on the physical. Therefore, it is against this background that various complications arise during pregnancy. In other words, the expectant mother simply stops moving, which leads to the cessation of oxygen to the baby or stagnation of blood. But no one says that a pregnant woman must necessarily stop doing what she loves. It is simply necessary to warn yourself against such consequences. To do this, you should carry out a light warm-up every 15-20 minutes, as well as often change the position of the body.

what can and cannot be pregnant


“Is it possible to knit pregnant women and will their vision deteriorate?” - This is the second urgent question, the answer to which is quite obvious. Sight, of course, can spoil, but only if the basic rules of lighting the room are not followed. It used to be that women could knit with a burning candle. The life of a modern girl is much different, and today the market is replete with various lighting devices available to everyone.

Of course, looking at one point when knitting is also quite harmful, so no one has canceled the workouts for the eyes. To do this, try to look out the window or at a distant point more often, break off during the knitting process, closing your eyes for a few seconds. After such elementary exercises, the question “is it possible for pregnant women to knit and does it harm their eyesight” will disappear by itself.

What about pre-prepared things for an unborn baby?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to prepare things for an unborn baby in advance. What are the reasons for this opinion? Let's figure it out! Firstly, active preparation of clothes for a child, according to superstition, can lead to the birth of a dead baby. It is believed that these very things will become some guides to another world. This is perhaps the most terrible statement. Therefore, the question of whether pregnant women can knit clothes for an unborn child should be answered only by the expectant mother herself, because she alone has the right to decide what to do in this situation.

Can pregnant women knit

Umbilical cord entanglement

This is perhaps the most basic “reason” as to why pregnant women should not be knitted. Many argue that it is the tying of loops and knots that can lead to this terrible consequence. In this case, it is necessary to understand that if knitting really had anything to do with cord entanglement, then every second pregnancy would end just like that. Therefore, it is worth looking at things more realistically and not letting go of what is called extreme.

The influence of others

Another reason why many pregnant women refuse to do what they love is because of the influence of those around them. You need to be prepared for this, as there are people who like to give advice and say that they are the most experienced in this business. To believe their words or not, it is up to the expectant mother only, but it is still necessary to try to refrain from the suggestions of such "experienced advisers".

pregnant women can not be knitted

In a word, remember that the question "can pregnant women crochet or knitting" will become irrelevant if the expectant mother will move more, do exercises, walk in the fresh air and not listen to all the advice of others.

What else can not be done during pregnancy?

To the question whether pregnant women can be knitted, we answered in detail. Now consider what other superstitions exist regarding prohibitions for a future mother.

Is it possible to talk about the onset of pregnancy in the initial stages?

Many future mothers are sure that this should never be done. So they are doing everything possible to keep their interesting position a secret. What is the reason for this? The roots of this belief are again closely intertwined with the life of our ancestors. In ancient times, it was believed that this ban protected a pregnant woman and a child from evil spirits. And now almost every expectant mother is afraid of the evil eye or unnecessary questions, and therefore adheres to this prohibition.

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy?

You can, why not? What woman will deprive herself of pleasure and will not go to the hairdresser for 9 months? There are probably very few of these. It was only in antiquity that people believed that hair is a source of vitality, but at the moment there is no reason to think so. Therefore, cut and dye your hair for health.

why pregnant women should not be knitted

Can pregnant women go to cemeteries?

To rather impressionable and sensitive persons it is more expedient not to do this. Doctors advise to do so, because the psyche of a pregnant woman while carrying a child is rather shaky. But the circumstances in our lives can be different. It happens that a loved one can die suddenly, and a pregnant relative is simply obliged to take him on his last journey. No one is ever safe from such a situation!

Can pregnant women crochet

So, before you seriously think about the question “what can and should not be pregnant”, decide if you need all this. Ask yourself: is there a need to hang some obscure labels on yourself when you can just enjoy such a wonderful moment in life? Better often listen to calm and good music, regularly stay in the fresh air, attend classes for pregnant women, and then you simply will not have time to observe any superstitions and prohibitions.

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