How to decorate a house for Halloween? DIY Halloween decor

The mystical Halloween night can be turned into a grand party. This idea is best implemented in the country or in the country. But even if you do not have a house in the village, do not be discouraged! If desired, a city apartment can quickly be turned into a home for vampires and terrible ghosts. Let's try to make a decor for Halloween with our own hands.

history of the holiday

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do it yourself halloween decor

The main thing on Halloween is that the evil spirits do not suspect that good people live in the house. Let's start the Halloween decor with spider webs and bats. The web can be made of thin threads. Bats are best cut from thick black cardboard. Each mouse should be hung upside down from the ceiling. Halloween decor is not complete without the main holiday fetish - pumpkins. The pot-bellied “Watermelons” with a frightening smile can be cut from decorative vegetables. They can decorate the steps of the house and arrange on the shelves in the rooms. It is recommended to look into the store "jokes." There you can find unusual gizmos, for example, a Halloween accessory in the form of severed hands. They can be attached to the walls with tape. An eerie atmosphere at home will help create a chandelier. Lamps can be covered with torn starched pieces of gauze - and real ghosts are ready.It remains only to draw their eyes with a black marker.

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halloween decor ideas

As you can see, do-it-yourself Halloween decor is easy to do. But for the holiday to be special and to remain in the guests' memory for a long time, it is necessary to come up with appropriate dishes for it. First of all, pumpkin treats should be present on the "sinister" table. It can be an ordinary pumpkin pie, which will be decorated with berries in the form of a scary face. From champignons, you can also cut sinister faces that will be appropriate for the festive table.

halloween decor

Dishes for Halloween should be simple but scary in appearance. A little imagination and you will become “your own” among evil spirits!

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