Wipes applications for children: examples, photos

Applications - this is the kind of crafts that especially captivates children, because you can use many improvised items in any home to create your “masterpieces”. Applications from napkins are very simple and varied, children get special pleasure creating their works from this material.

Why creating applications is good for children

Every child from an early age shows interest in the world around him, in the study of everything new. Applications allow children to develop their imagination, fine motor skills of hands, study various textures, shapes, color palettes, get acquainted with new objects, animals, birds and insects, expand their horizons. In addition, with applications, the child develops his imagination, can develop a storyline, and more. Parents who work with their children develop perseverance, attentiveness, and accuracy in them.

Paper Napkin Appliques

Types of Applications

There are a number of criteria by which applications are divided, for example, they can be flat or voluminous. It can be divided into types by subject - subject, decorative, subject. But most often they are divided by material:

  • applications from napkins;

  • from paper;

  • from plasticine;

  • from the leaves;

  • from cereals;

  • from fabric;

  • from seeds;

  • cotton pads or pieces of cotton wool, etc.

Appliques from beautiful decorative napkins with a pattern or text.

Today, in stores you can find a wide selection of napkins, from the simplest white or plain, to decorative, made of a denser material, having several layers, and usually decorated with a bright color palette, drawings for the holidays, cartoon characters, flowers and more. They are well suited for creating interesting crafts.

Bright applique

So, for example, you can make interesting applications from napkins with your own hands with children of different ages. To do this, you will need:

  • A4 white sheet of paper.

  • Decorative napkins with a pattern.

  • Felt pens or pencils.

  • Scissors.

  • Glue.

Let's say dogs or cats are depicted on napkins. Invite the child to create a storyline, cut out these animals, stick on a sheet of paper and supplement the application with his imagination, draw some objects, or roll up balls from the remaining piece of the napkin and stick them on the base, making a bright colorful background for your craft.

How can I use napkins for crafts

Napkins are a great material for applications, firstly, they have a different color palette, from bright tones to pastel. Secondly, they are very soft and easily amenable to various changes - cutting, rolling and so on.

Applications from paper napkins are very effective and beautiful. How can you use napkins for creativity?

snowflakes from napkins

For children of different ages, napkins are associated with snowflakes that can decorate windows, a Christmas tree, and the whole house can be prepared for a wonderful holiday - New Year. In order to get a patterned snowflake, a napkin is enough to fold in half, now we take scissors and, based on our own imagination or the examples below, cut out future patterns. After which, carefully open the napkin and get an unusual snowflake.

Volume applications - “magic lumps”

This type of activity is designed for children of different age categories, for younger age it is recommended that parents prepare the material, while older ones will be able to do all the work on their own. To work, you need:

  • Paper napkins (different colors).

  • Glue for paper.

  • Scissors.

  • Cardboard.

  • Colored paper.

  • Pencil.

In order for the application from the napkins to turn out beautiful, you need to circle around the template or draw an object (house, ball, umbrella) or animal (dog, cat, tiger, elephant), flowers, birds, anything else that will turn into into a three-dimensional image.

Application from the "lumps"

After we prepare the napkins, each must be cut into small squares, or torn into strips, which are then cut into small squares. It is not necessary to use scissors, napkins can be torn into small pieces, after which each must be rolled up into a separate ball - in the future this will become the material for the application of napkins. When all the colors necessary for the crafts are ready, proceed to gluing each element on the template. The photo shows the applications of applications from the "magic lumps". This kind of beautiful application from napkins for younger groups of gardens is well suited, because rolling balls is a very exciting and simple process.

Beautiful applications for children

Paper napkins for creating individual elements

Children from the senior groups of kindergartens and elementary grades will be interested in using napkins to create individual elements. For example, pompons can be made from plain paper napkins. To do this, you need:

  • Plain paper napkins of different colors.

  • Scissors.

  • Threads (rope, ribbon, fishing line).

DIY pompons

We take about 5-8 napkins in expanded form, fold them into each other, and then bend them in the shape of an accordion, it should turn out to be quite dense, then in the middle we knit a dense thread or rope. The edges of the napkins can be rounded or cut off with a corner. Next comes the most interesting process for children - the separation of each napkin from the other on both sides of the rope. After separating each napkin and its layers, the pompom must be gently shaken, holding the middle so that it finally fluffs.

Paper towel flagella

From paper napkins, beautiful flower petals are obtained. To do this, roll a napkin into the flagellum, while leaving one corner straight, after which the flagellum bends and a petal is formed - in the middle of it is a smooth flat napkin, and the edges are voluminous - in this way you can create a beautiful applique from fabulous colors.

It will be interesting for children 5-7 years old to paste different patterns on cardboard with flagella from napkins. You can depict objects, flowers, animals, birds, anything. After that, napkins rolled into a flagellum are glued along the contour, starting from the outer part to the inner one. By the way, with such flagella, children can not only create beautiful crafts on paper, but they can also glue various voluminous objects - caskets, vases and other decorative elements. Such creativity is suitable for primary school children.

applique fish

Applications from napkins for children are not just an exciting activity, but also multilateral development. Despite the fact that paper napkins are such a simple material, you can create a huge amount of diverse material from it, from which stunningly beautiful applications come out. Napkins are easily cut, wrinkled, rolled up, they are easy to stick on. It is important for the child that classes with any crafts should be fun and easy. Applications from napkins are just that option. Develop a love of creativity in children from an early age.

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