Nasal flushing with saline for infants: step-by-step instructions, indications and recommendations of doctors

Many mothers face such a problem as the accumulation of fluid in the nose of their beloved baby. The causes of an unpleasant phenomenon can be many. Dry air in the room, a large amount of dust, etc. Sometimes excessive mucus is formed in the nasal cavity during a cold. Fluid prevents the baby from breathing normally. The kid becomes restless, sleeps poorly. That is why it is very important to provide him with quick and effective help.

One of the most popular methods for removing mucus from a child’s nasal cavity is flushing the nose with saline. The composition of the product cannot harm the baby. The result is noticeable after the first procedure. Parents need to know a clear algorithm of actions and other nuances of washing.

Purpose of the procedure

flushing the nose with saline infants Komarovsky

Nasal washing of the nose with saline to infants is carried out by new parents in several cases:

  • with a runny nose for medicinal purposes;
  • to moisturize the nasal mucosa.

Manipulations are also carried out to prevent the occurrence of a cold.

What is saline solution?

how to make saline for washing the nose of babies

Before proceeding with the procedure for cleansing the baby’s nose, parents must understand what the saline solution is and what components it contains.

This tool is an analogue of medications designed to cleanse the baby’s nose from the first days of life. The composition includes 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride.

Saline is not only used for washing the nose. The tool is also used for inhalation in special devices - nebulizers, as well as for diluting medications at home and in a hospital. Saline is used to reduce the pain of administering drugs and soaking dressings on wounds to better remove pus.


Parents should also be familiar with contraindications that interfere with rinsing the nose with saline infants. This product is not suitable for a hygiene procedure if:

  • in the nasal cavity of the infant there are neoplasms;
  • increased fragility of the walls of blood vessels;
  • severe swelling of the nasal sinuses;
  • the child has hypersensitivity.

In all other cases, the use of saline solution for washing the nose of the baby is not contraindicated. It is only important to observe a few simple rules.

How to make saline for washing the nose of a baby

You can buy saline in any pharmacy at a low price. You can prepare saline solution for washing the nose of the baby at home. But it is important to observe the proportions of the constituent components in order to obtain the desired concentration of the solution.

It will take one liter of water and a teaspoon of the most common table salt. As an additional component, iodine (a couple of drops) can be used. It will provide the solution with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

First of all, you need to boil the right amount of water. After that, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in boiling water (without a slide). Then it is necessary to strain the liquid through a fine strainer or clean cloth to get rid of insoluble particles of salt. The solution is ready. Before use, you need to cool the product to room temperature.

What is necessary for washing the nose with saline solution for infants


For washing, newly made parents in addition to saline will need:

  • several cotton tubes;
  • sterile pipette or disposable syringe;
  • soft tip syringe;
  • napkins.
    saline for washing the nose of a baby

Cotton tubes are best made on their own, and not buy ready-made products in a household chemistry store or pharmacy. You may also need oil. It is better to give preference to apricot or peach. Oil is necessary in order to lubricate the surface of the baby nose after the procedure.

saline flushing of the infant

The syringe can be replaced with an aspirator. It will significantly reduce the time of the procedure. In addition, the device is easy to operate and does not require any additional skills from mom. Currently, there are many types of aspirators. You can buy a product for cleansing the baby’s nose in almost any pharmacy and at a low price.

Stages of the procedure

how to use saline for washing the nose of babies

In order to carry out the procedure of washing the nose with saline to the baby as quickly and safely as possible, it is necessary to follow the algorithm of actions.

  1. If too much mucus has accumulated in the baby’s nose, it is recommended that you remove as much liquid as possible with a syringe before starting the cleansing procedure. This will allow saline to penetrate easier inside the baby’s nose. Replace the pear with an aspirator.
  2. Then you need to drip a few drops of saline into each nostril of the infant. To do this, you can use a pipette or the most ordinary disposable syringe. If the choice fell in favor of the last device, you need to separate the needle and draw a small amount of funds into the syringe. Then you need to put the baby on its side, and turn your head in the opposite direction. This measure is necessary so that the child does not choke during the procedure. Pediatricians strongly recommend that a pediatric doctor instill a saline solution into the nose with a pipette.
  3. Then it is necessary to clean the nasal cavity from excess fluid. For this, again, you need to use an aspirator or syringe.
  4. After that, you need to take a cotton swab or turunda and clean the baby’s nose from crusts and gnats. After interacting with saline, they soften and are easily separated from the mucous membrane of the respiratory organ.

This completes the cleansing procedure. Finally, a small amount of apricot or peach oil can be applied to the surface of the nostrils.

prepare saline solution for washing the nose of the baby

If the appearance of excess fluid in the baby’s nasal cavity is caused by colds or a runny nose, after all these manipulations, it is necessary to drip a few drops of the medicine prescribed by the children's doctor into the nose. Not more than four times a day, you can wash the nose with saline infants. Komarovsky - a well-known children's doctor, recommends reducing the number of washes to three altogether.

Doctors Recommendations

Doctors respond positively to the action of saline. Experts note the high effectiveness of the drug in cleansing the nasal passages of not only a child, but also an adult.

Before starting use, doctors strongly recommend making sure that the baby has no contraindications to the use of this tool. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur.

A mixture prepared at home should not be too cold or, conversely, hot. After the procedure of washing the nose, it is categorically not recommended to take the newborn baby for a walk. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the crumbs for at least an hour.

During washing, it is very important to monitor the pressure of the jet. He should not be too strong. Otherwise, you can injure the nasal cavity of the baby. To reduce the risk of injury, doctors strongly recommend choosing the last device when choosing between a syringe and a pipette.

Parents need to understand that the saline solution purchased at the pharmacy is sterile. While the home mixture does not possess such a property. This must be remembered. Before proceeding with rinsing the nose with saline, infants should consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to wash more than four times a day. Manipulation should be carried out only if the child’s breathing is difficult. If a runny nose does not go away within a week, parents need to seek help from a pediatrician.

Too frequent washing of the nose with saline solution for a baby can lead to unpleasant consequences. Frequent manipulations can cause a weakening of the immune system, as well as irritation of the mucous membrane of the baby's nasal passages. In addition, rinsing the nose gives the baby little discomfort. Frequent procedures can lead to a deterioration in the psychoemotional state of the baby and swelling. In order to prevent saline, you can use it no more than twice a week.


It is no coincidence that saline solution for washing the nose of a baby is very popular. Its demand is due to a number of undeniable advantages.

The main advantages are simplicity and accessibility. The price of the drug is low, the composition is devoid of any chemical additives and is completely safe for the body. The high efficiency of saline is also an indisputable advantage. The result is noticeable within a few minutes after the nose cleansing procedure.


Saline is often used to cleanse the nasal passages of adults and children from excess mucus and gnats. The tool is highly effective. The result is noticeable after the first application. Despite the simplicity and accessibility of the product, it is too often not necessary to carry out the washing procedure. In order to prevent the drug can be used no more than twice a week. Too frequent use of saline to cleanse the baby's nose is fraught with serious consequences. A child may experience swelling of the respiratory organ, as well as a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

It is important for parents to know how to use saline solution for washing the nose of the baby, and to strictly follow the algorithm.

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