In the modern education system, a personality-oriented approach to the child occupies a special place. Today it is not enough just to pass the standard amount of knowledge to the younger generation. It is important to contribute to the establishment of a harmonious personality of the child. To implement this task, you need to carefully examine the desires and opportunities, abilities of each baby. In connection with the development of such trends in world society, increased attention of psychologists and educators to the issue of gifted children has appeared. If just a few years ago this concept meant that a person has any superpowers, today it is formulated differently.
In our article, we will find out how the abilities of gifted children are manifested, by what diagnostic methods it is possible to identify them, and what features of pedagogical work with such kids exist.
The history of the concept of "giftedness"
Despite the fact that today a gifted child is a sought-after and promising personality, until recently psychologists and scientists were not involved in identifying and developing abilities in children.
The history of the concept of "giftedness" (characterizing an adult) has several centuries. So, even in ancient times, people who were distinguished by any abilities, non-standard skills, and possess a high level of intellectual capabilities stood out from the crowd: they were chosen as tribal leaders, they became shamans or healers.
Terms such as “genius” and “talent” originated in the ancient world. It is known that this era was famous for a large number of outstanding creative people, thinkers. Studying the works of various authors of this period, one can highlight such a main idea that genius and talent are nothing more than a gift from the gods. Hence the term "genius", which is translated from Latin as "spirit". Ancient thinkers believed that people with non-standard abilities in any industry were sent by the gods in order to improve the existing world. Such an idea is described in the treatises of G. Hegel, I. Kant and others.
Who is this “genius" in the understanding of ancient thinkers? Rather, it is a mythological figure who appeared to the people of that time as an immortal demigod in human form. First of all, poets and artists were attributed to geniuses and only later prominent researchers and public figures began to be considered talented people.
Only in the middle of the 19th century the scientist F. Galton (cousin of C. Darwin) put forward the theory of the “earthly” origin of human giftedness. In his book “The Heredity of Talent: Its Laws and Consequences,” the researcher states that giftedness is inherited. The scientist obtained such conclusions experimentally by analyzing the pedigree history of 300 families.
But at the same time, other views on the origin of talent appear. Namely, the researchers suggested that a gifted child is not a gift of nature or divine powers. The authors of the idea of a "clean slate" ("tabula race") argue that children are born without hereditary abilities, no predisposition to extraordinary mental activity. And the formation of genius is influenced by the social environment and education. Such views also exist in modern society. And there is a certain truth in them - indeed, the environment has a great influence on the development of children's abilities, but it is impossible to exclude a person’s natural makings, a genetic predisposition.
Intellectual giftedness
With the development of medical and psychological science, the possibilities of analysis and research of factors that determine the concept of giftedness have expanded significantly. During this period, the so-called level of intelligence (IQ) became the most important criterion for assessing abilities. Specialists such as A. Binet, V. Stern, G. Müller, G. Wiesenck, D. Hebb have developed special tests to determine this characteristic. But this approach was criticized.
Opponents of this theory argued that even people with a low level of mental development can be gifted. Examples are known when children with congenital genetic diseases had extraordinary abilities in such fields as, for example, art, music, arts and crafts, and others.
The concept of giftedness in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century
This period is characterized by increased interest in the problem of gifted children. Many scientists, psychologists and educators are trying to give the most accurate formulation of this phenomenon. Various techniques for diagnosing children's abilities are also being developed. So, the system of G.I. Rossolimo, which involved the measurement of personality traits such as:
- will;
- Attention;
- associativity;
- memorization.
Thus, as proven experimentally, a gifted child is not only one that has a high level of intelligence. Capable children are distinguished by strong-willed qualities, persistence of attention and memory, non-standard thinking.
During this period, the idea was formulated and scientifically proven for the first time that the child’s giftedness develops on the basis of innate genetic inclinations in the process of social, educational and educational activities.
The ideas of K. Sototin are interesting: this author claims that every person can become gifted as a result of regular exercises. And, on the contrary, innate abilities can disappear without a trace if they are not developed.
A great contribution to the psychology of giftedness was made by N.S. Leites, B.M. Teplov, A.G. Petrovsky and others.
We also note that at the beginning of the 19th century, in addition to purely scientific interest, the social need for the development and study of this phenomenon also joins the problem of giftedness. Modern society needs talented people: innovative ideas, scientific discoveries, high achievements in any field of knowledge contribute to the development of each individual and the country as a whole.
The concept of giftedness
To date, there is no single, concrete formulation of such a concept as “giftedness”. Each researcher finds his own approach to this problem. Nevertheless, if we analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature, we can define “giftedness” as a quality of the human psyche that develops throughout life and affects the individual’s ability to achieve results that differ from standard ones. Psychologists also note that such a phenomenon is the result of the interaction of the innate data of a person, the surrounding society and the psychological mechanisms of self-development.
Why did psychologists conclude that it is in childhood that special attention should be paid to the diagnosis and development of abilities? The fact is that it is precisely in the period of growing up that various individual psychological qualities are formed. The education of gifted children is an important component of the subsequent development of abilities. Therefore, teachers should pay special attention to such students. Children's age is characterized by increased activity of various mental processes, the formation of personality. Such soil is fertile for the development of the innate inclinations of the baby.
Who is such a gifted child? This is a question for which there is no single answer. So, today there are such directly opposite opinions, such as:
- gifted children are a rarity, non-standard abilities develop in the process of education;
- all children are born gifted, the further manifestation of their abilities depends on the conditions of society.
One way or another, a gifted child is an individual who shows any abilities above the average established level. How these same abilities should manifest themselves - in one or several areas of knowledge, how to diagnose them at an early age, what is the "standard" and what is "eccentricity" - psychologists all over the world continue to search for answers to these questions.
Nevertheless, a certain structuring, systematization of the data obtained from various observations, studies, experiments are noted in the special literature. We will share this information below.
Characteristic signs of giftedness
What personality traits can indicate the presence of extraordinary abilities in a child?
It is customary to distinguish between two aspects of a child’s behavior:
- Instrumental is how the baby performs an action.
- Motivational - determines the attitude of the child to the activity.
In turn, these aspects of behavior can be analyzed according to the following criteria. So, instrumental is characterized by:
- quick (what is called "not by age") mastery of any activity, its successful implementation;
- the invention of new ways to solve the current problem situation;
- the formation of creative ideas, discoveries (innovation).
Also, a talented child often creates his own style of performing an activity, has the skills of structuring, generalizing, analyzing, and also has a special type of learning ability. Therefore, working with gifted children in the lesson requires an individual and personal approach.
The motivational aspect is manifested in the following:
- the child has an increased interest in any type of activity;
- the baby is distinguished by cognitive activity, a tendency to research, analysis of phenomena;
- desire for self-improvement, rejection of ready-made standard answers to the task;
- increased selectivity (for example, a biased attitude to objects of art, music and more).
Often gifted children of preschool age are identified by the teacher precisely on motivational grounds - such kids are distinguished by a high desire for knowledge of the world around them, they are ready to experiment, to find non-standard ways to solve a problem situation.
But having noticed the described signs in the child’s behavior, one can only assume the presence of certain abilities and inclinations.
Types of giftedness
Based on observations of children with certain abilities, the researchers concluded that it is possible to classify giftedness according to the following criteria:
- the type of activity in which the child succeeds;
- the form of external manifestation of abilities;
- degree of formation;
- the breadth of manifestation in various activities of the child;
- by age characteristics.
According to the criterion of “type of activity”, the classification of giftedness is carried out on the basis of five well-known types of activity: theoretical, practical, communicative, spiritual-value and artistic-aesthetic; and three mental areas: emotional, volitional, intellectual. Often gifted children in the kindergarten have abilities in a certain field of activity: singing, drawing, designing, etc.
In the form of external manifestation, talented and gifted children can have obvious and hidden extraordinary abilities. If in the first case the results of the baby’s activity clearly indicate his genius, then diagnosing the pupil with a hidden form of talent is the task of psychologists, teachers and parents of the child. Often, such abilities of children go unnoticed, which leads to the fact that a talented person from birth simply does not use his potential throughout his life.
The degree of formation distinguishes giftedness:
- Actual, which is characterized by the visual results of the activities of a talented child. The teacher’s work with gifted children who demonstrate their talent is to further develop abilities, help overcome obstacles to the result, motivate to work.
- Potential is said when the baby has natural inclinations and abilities that currently remain undeveloped. In the diagnosis of this type of ability in a child, not only teachers, but also parents of gifted children should take part, because it is close relatives who have the opportunity to observe the behavior of the baby for a long time, to identify patterns.
By the breadth of manifestation distinguish:
- General giftedness, which is characterized by the fact that the child shows non-standard abilities in different types of activities and areas of knowledge. It is about such people that they say: "A talented person is talented in everything."
- Special giftedness manifests itself only in a narrow sphere, for example, in music or drawing.
By age characteristics, giftedness is classified into the following types:
So, often teachers identify gifted children in kindergarten. Such kids are called child prodigies ("wonderful children"). Just a few years ago, such a term as “intellectual prodigy” appeared in psychology. This designation is given to children who are over the years developed in the mental sphere, for example, at two or three years of age, they master the work of electronic gadgets, computers, household appliances. With the development of technologies and the introduction of information and computer technologies in the education process, there are more and more such kids, it is possible that soon the described knowledge and skills will be considered the norm of development.
Methods for diagnosing giftedness
Despite the fact that psychologists have developed various questionnaires and tests, the main methods for diagnosing giftedness are observation and a natural experiment. A large contribution to science on this issue was made by A.F. Lazursky. He suggested observing the child for a long time (several years). Such a study of the personality of a baby who has shown certain abilities can be carried out continuously (every day), or maybe sporadically.
Another way to track the child's predisposition to any abilities is the biographical method. Most often in practice it is carried out in the form of a questionnaire.
Thus, in order to detect a gifted personality in a group of children, a whole range of diagnostic measures will be required, including:
- monitoring the behavior of the child in an educational institution, at home, in additional classes and leisure;
- professional assessment of the results of the baby;
- conducting various psycho-diagnostic measures (surveys, tests, experimental work, and others);
- organization of intellectual, physical and creative competitions.
Problems of gifted children
Unfortunately, psychologists noted that a gifted child often faces a number of specific problems. Let us describe the most common of them.
- Lack of interest in studying at a comprehensive school.
- Often such children are condemned for their boldness of judgment, resourcefulness, activity, originality, since usually such qualities as obedience and strict adherence to the rules are valued by teachers and educators.
- Adult parents and teachers sometimes have too high hopes for a gifted child. The kid, trying not to upset adults, often performs the tasks, although in reality he would like to prove himself differently.
- Often such children become outcasts in the circle of peers.
- Usually capable children choose friends older than themselves, but in such a situation, the kids cannot realize their full potential due to significant differences in physical development.
Thus, working with gifted children in preschool and school requires knowledge of psychology, an individual approach, attention and responsiveness.
Features of pedagogical work with gifted children
Of course, there are features of working with gifted children. There is an opinion in society that such babies do not need guidance and control of an adult. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Talented children need the constant help of senior mentors. So, gifted children in kindergarten still do not understand their “status”, which adults assigned to them. Only under the direct supervision of a teacher can one develop, open up new horizons for the talent of a preschooler. , .
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We can proudly note that Russia is rich in talents. Children defend the country's honor at international music and art competitions, participate in world-class sports competitions, and speak at symposia and scientific conferences.
Within the framework of the state program, the project of creating the encyclopedia “Gifted Children of Russia” was implemented. This book contains the names of children who have distinguished themselves in a certain field of activity. In addition, educational institutions that created the most favorable conditions for the development of students' abilities were also noted. Also listed in the book “Gifted Children of Russia” are the names of distinguished teachers and even philanthropists.
Thus, the identification and development of gifted children is an important task for the world community. Indeed, in the hands of talented, creative, capable of flexible non-standard thinking people is the future development of a civilized modern society.