Dog sterilization

Today, opinions regarding the sterilization of bitches and castration of males have begun to diverge significantly. Most veterinarians continue to argue that sterilizing dogs is a safe and even beneficial procedure. Ostensibly sterilized bitches do not get cancer after the operation.

Dog sterilization

There is undoubtedly some truth here: removal of the ovaries in puppyhood (up to six months, or rather, before the first estrus) reduces the percentage of breast cancer. But this disease, in fact, is not common, and the “percentage” is interpreted as the “theory of probability” - no one gives insurance. A sterilized dog can get cancer just like an unsterilized dog.

And the situation with males is generally the opposite. Justification for castration by medicine is no longer given. Veterinarians who promote the sterilization of dogs (cost of surgery from 3.5 thousand to 9.2 thousand rubles) answer the questions vaguely. On the one hand, they cannot argue that the operation is safe and will not have to wait for negative consequences, and on the other hand, they do not want to refuse to make money. And meanwhile, the fact that castration of a dog can “hoot”, for example, with prostate cancer, is still silent. An indication for castration can be, for example, perianal adenoma, and even then - when making a diagnosis.

The theory that castration of dogs affects character is also questionable.

Dog Sterilization Cost

Behavioral problems after sterilization often remain. For example, shoots, aggression, uncontrollability. Dog owners who dream of resolving the issue as quickly as possible surgically are deeply mistaken: the problem may remain, and others will also add to it: overweight (up to obesity), underdevelopment of the chest, etc. .. In addition, the operation is carried out under anesthesia, which is far not every dog ​​can tolerate well.

Before deciding to operate a dog, think a thousand times: Do dogs need sterilization at all? Pros and cons will always sound.

If the dog is kept, sorry for some rudeness, "just for decoration" (this happens), and even more so if it does not represent breeding value at all, then this is undoubtedly the best option. The owner insures against unwanted dvorterery. This can be understood and even greeted. If a pedigree dog with an excellent exterior carries beautiful genes, is it not better to resort to drugs like "Miboleron" that suspend ovarian activity? If you cancel this drug, the normal cycle of the bitch will be restored, and it can be mated.

Dog sterilization pros and cons

So do dogs really need sterilization? Alas, the animal is not given the right to vote and the right to choose. Only the owner decides.

Take the matter as seriously as possible. Are you really burdened by minor problems for which you are ready to send your pet to the operating table? Are you sure that it is necessary to deprive a full life? Perhaps he (or she) will become more balanced, and all his needs will be reduced only to feed, sleep and toilet, but plans sometimes change, and sterilization will mutilate the animal forever. There will be no turning back.

I am not an ardent opponent of sterilization. Sometimes there are serious indications for such an operation (prostate disease, testicular tumor, perineal hernia, etc.) - in this case, surgery can even save a life.

But in other cases it is better to find a compromise: exhausting and fun activities for both, long walks, a serious approach to training. After all, problematic behavior is precisely the omission of the owner. So why should the dog be responsible for his mistakes? And estrus, which happens only a couple of times a year, can be tolerated ...

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