I must say that in “Warhammer 40,000” it takes a lot of time to create your own network. Sometimes an acolyte can get to some place where everything is very confused, so you have to be careful. Many acolytes compete with each other, envy and so on. They have to endure a lot, because the master has strange quirks.
As soon as someone is recruited, they are united in a group. The groups are usually small, just recruited tasks are very simple so that they get used to and prove themselves. If there are any inclinations, but the number for the group is not enough, the gentleman gives the order to become a sleeping agent until the required number of participants is gathered.
History of creation
The creation of the Inquisition is truly shrouded in mystery, but there are two stories.
According to the first, when Terra was under siege of Horus, Malkador Sigillit was looking for decisive people. Subsequently, Malcador introduced 12 people to the Emperor - eight Astartes and four people with skills that were suitable for fighting the evil that emerged from the warp. The personalities of the twelve were never revealed. But it is known that among them was Captain Nathaniel Garro of the Deathguards. Also captain Yakton Cruz from the Wolves of the Moon, as well as Sister of Silence Amender Kendel.
According to the second version, when the Emperor was buried on the Golden Throne, four ministers gathered to discuss what would happen next. Their opinions were divided. Two believed that the Emperor could return to life. Others said it was stupid to interfere in events. The first two - Promeus and Moriana - began the search for the return of the Emperor. The latter two created an organization to combat Promeus and Moriana; it was from this organization that the Inquisition was created.
A task
In Warhammer, the inquisitor must confront threats while protecting the Imperium and its inhabitants. First, the threat is clarified, and then a method is chosen to combat it. Any inquisitor can act on behalf of the God-Emperor, so he can intervene in anything, not obey the laws, collect armies and so on. They have very large powers, so they themselves can become a threat to the Imperium. In connection with this fact, the Inquisitors often observe their colleagues themselves.
It was found that a static device is not very useful, it led to various problems, so there is no specific structure. A group of inquisitors is gathering, who decide that such a comrade is worthy to join their ranks. Responsibility is very big. When a student or agent receives a mark, he becomes an inquisitor. The photo below shows the emblem of the Inquisition.
In Warhammer, the inquisitor prefers to collect acolytes so that they complement each other. Most often, in a new group they take the oath of partnership, but this is rare. Results from each new group (investigations, observations, and so on) should be conducted. The better the group copes with the task, the higher its reputation. If a group fails, they rarely leave it. Members of such a group can be distributed, but from time to time they disappear in an unknown direction, on this occasion among the acolytes go gossip one worse than the other.
Much depends on the master, but most often groups can collaborate and communicate with each other. There are those who help with tips, instructions, train newcomers. Others, on the contrary, consider help unprofitable. Some may take beginners into their studies and become mentors. Gradually, the acolytes begin to understand that they don’t know anything about the Inquisition, their master.
Over time, the dangers only increase, so those who were weak and stupid die. The survivors turned out to be smarter or more cunning, the master can reward them with his trust, giving them the right to control some departments of the organization. The task can be very simple or difficult. If the master is absent somewhere, then he can entrust the management to the acolyte and so on. Some are even satisfied with an important post.
Ordinary citizens of the Inquisitors are terribly afraid. The organization can be called monolithic, but inside it is all mixed up. If you look at the Inquisition from the point of view of management, then we can say that this is feudalism. Power rests on power and duty for the service of the Emperor God. In the name of God the Emperor, any act is justified. Ordinary citizens do not immediately realize that they are working for the Inquisition, but they may not even guess for their whole lives. They believe that this is some kind of religious order.
Acolyte already knows that he works for the Inquisition. His career may go up, perhaps he will meet his master. He has what distinguishes him from pawns (ordinary citizens) - skill or talent, sometimes the inquisitor simply pays attention to him. Acolyte accumulates experience, gets a new building and learns a lot of new things. It is possible that one day they will tell him that now he is ready to become an inquisitor himself.
The latter are few, but they constitute the heart of the organization — a huge network of agents, resources, contacts, and so on. Each such network is independent. The subordination here is not entirely clear. The groups within the Inquisition itself are fuzzy, each may have different functions and views.
Since the Imperium has a bunch of enemies (for example, mutants), it became necessary to systematize all these opponents. They were divided into three categories of enemies: external, internal, otherworldly. For quite a long time, groups called the Ordos were singled out at Warhammer 40,000.
For example, Ordos Hereticus are fighting heretics, respectively. Ordos Xenos - with xenos, Ordos Malleus - with demons. All of them are the most powerful. We can say that the Ordos are special departments of the Inquisition. They consist of experienced citizens who have already fought with some kind of threat and gained experience in the battle.
Even if the inquisitor enters into some Ordos, he can calmly deal with the affairs of another. That is, there is no division. For example, the inquisitor entered Ordos Malleus, but may spend some time on the Ordos Hereticus. Many argue that it is impossible to divide enemies in any way. The inquisitor can devote himself to the struggle, which is largely dependent on the situation.
If you are a member of Ordos, you can get some achievements and resources. Representatives of one organization sometimes switch to others, however, the former Ordos will no longer trust him, the “defector” will not be able to gain knowledge, as former colleagues begin to distrust him and declare him an outcast.
There is no doubt that the Inquisitors can distinguish themselves by some signs, for example, things, a suit and so on, but they do not do this so that the enemy does not know who they are.
There are holy orders of the imperial inquisition in Warhammer (except for the three above): Ordos Chronos and Ordos Sikarus. The first oversees the non-human races, their plans, especially technology and goods, as well as trade and diplomatic relations. The second order is small, but no less powerful. He oversees the Inquisitors so that they do not exceed their authority. There are also several small hordes who are engaged in some kind of research, wrestling, and so on.
Essentially speaking, this is a meeting. Their specialization is a segment or sector. They can direct their efforts against a specific enemy, and support the Inquisitors in some territory. It is believed that the inquisitor should declare that he is part of a conclave, but there are no mandatory requirements for this. The conclave is needed as an activity, help, presence.
In Warhammer, the Inquisitors gather in some territory for a specific task and form Kabbalah. While the task is completed, there is Kabbalah. Most often in the composition there are inquisitors and some citizens who can help with the implementation of these tasks. For example, the tyrannical Cabal is known.
A very long time goes a prophecy about the Star-Tyrant. She can act with ominous power. As soon as she appears somewhere, she sows death and destruction everywhere. Thus, the Tonis system was influenced by the star, as a result of which a lot of inhabitants disappeared or died in an unknown way.
In Warhammer, the structure of the Inquisition is rather confused, and the fraction is included in any group. Like-minded people gather in factions to achieve a goal. Fractions are radical and puritanical. Some are one, some have a conflict. The Puritans extol the Emperor and his teachings; the radicals are engaged in very different philosophizations, including almost heretical ones. Both can work together to identify a problem.
Structure and methods
Each inquisitor has his own method, some work alone, others prefer companies, field activities, puzzles. There is no subordination as such, but one inquisitor may affect another.
In Warhammer, the inquisitor takes the acolyte under his command and begins to teach him. It can also give him a group at the beginning, while the group may already be experienced or unimportant. The downside is that sometimes it is required from the acolyte to denounce the gentleman - the situation is rather unpleasant. Perhaps he himself feels suspicion of a mentor, he will face an important choice: what if this citizen is suspected for good reason? After all, then he will have to share the blame.
The Inquisition can be compared with hydra - each head has its own ideas, its own goals, each embodies the decisions of its Emperor. We can say that fractions are a philosophy, and not some specific unit. Any acolyte is more devoted to its fraction than to a conclave or even an Ordos. Most often, the Inquisitors are specifically looking for those who can share their beliefs in order to take in their faction.