An exciting question: is it possible to walk with a child when coughing?

Thinking about whether you can walk with a cough, you should remember that fresh air is good for everyone and always. Walking is forbidden exclusively to seriously ill patients who are assigned to bed rest. Regular ventilation and wet cleaning will help meet the needs of such people in the fresh air.

Is it possible to walk with a child when coughing

Why did it arise?

Caring parents thinking about whether it is possible to walk with the child with a cough, first you need to establish the cause of the child. Most often, a cough is the result of a cold, a respiratory infection, or is allergic. If we talk about colds, then this disease is easily avoided by engaging in hardening a child from an early age. And it arises against the background of hypothermia of the body, which, in turn, promotes the reproduction of a microbe called staphylococcus. This microbe is present in almost all people.

But a healthy immune system can easily cope with it. At the moment of hypothermia, the immune system weakens, and the microbe multiplies unhindered, causing such manifestations of the disease as coughing, nasal congestion and temperature. Similar symptoms are also characteristic of diseases associated with ingestion of a respiratory infection. But if you forbid the child to run barefoot even in the summer, endlessly wrap it and grow it like a greenhouse plant, strong immunity will have nowhere to come from. When you first get into a puddle, the baby will earn a cold.

Is it possible to walk a child with a Komarovsky cough

Opinion Komarovsky

To the question often asked by parents, is it possible to walk a child with a cough, Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, replies that fresh air is one of the main points of treatment. He does not cease to convince concerned parents of the need for walks in the fresh air, unless, of course, the child has a high temperature and the weather outside is favorable. The fact is that coughing occurs as a result of the inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa, which is caused by edema and the formation of excess mucus. By coughing, the child is trying to free herself from it, but the apartment may not have enough moist and fresh air, and on the street the necessary humidity and mobility of the child will help the bronchi to get rid of the collected mucus.

Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to walk with a wet cough for a child will be: "Of course, it is possible and necessary." It often happens that the cough of the baby during a walk on the street intensifies. Why is that? This is due to the fact that dry room air dried up the mucus accumulated in the bronchi, and moist street air helped to soften and swell. Therefore, do not immediately grab the child and run home. After all, fresh air will help to clean the bronchi. If the child has suffered pneumonia and is still weakened, do not allow excessive activity when walking. It is enough to breathe air calmly, leaving the courtyard or balcony.

Is it possible to walk with a child coughing in winter

The Importance of Fresh Air

In his conversations with his parents, Dr. Komarovsky always talks about how important fresh air and frequent warm drinks are for a sick child, that there is no “golden pill” that can cure a baby instantly, and fever and snot are a normal reaction of the body to infection . This means that the child’s immunity is trying to cope with it, and parents should in no case be allowed to overheat the child with mustard plasters or other compresses and baths at a temperature. Instead of rushing to the pharmacy and buying up a huge amount of medicines, you need to ventilate the room every two hours, warming your child up for this time, moisten the air in the apartment. You also often need to give a warm drink in the form of compote or a decoction of herbs, rinse your nose with a solution similar to sea water (such a solution - physiological - can be purchased at pharmacies).

Temperature increased to 37.5

A short walk in the fresh air is permissible even at a low temperature of up to 37.5 degrees. So you can dress the baby and go for a walk, and to the question of a caring grandmother, whether it is possible to walk with the baby when coughing, give an example with gypsy offspring. Nobody bothers them, they can be seen with bare feet even in the cold season, snot by a stream, but at the same time they have excellent immunity, and they are sick much less often than our children.

is it possible for a child to walk with a wet cough

What to do in the winter? Is it possible to walk with a child when coughing?

Various respiratory diseases bloom violently with the onset of autumn. In children, snot and cough begin. Even parents who are accustomed to staying with their babies in the fresh air for a long time wonder if it is possible to walk their baby in the winter when coughing: suddenly, frosty air will harm the baby. Of course, if there is severe frost and a blizzard in the yard, you should refuse to walk. In all other cases, walking is necessary. Walking in the fresh air is not just a pastime, it is a medicine. And the concept of “frost” is different for each region. If the baby used to walk at a similar temperature, and it is quite familiar to him, then after an illness such frosty air will not harm him.

Allergic cough and walks: opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

If the baby has an allergic cough, Dr. Komarovsky also strongly recommends walking in the fresh air. And for concerned mothers, she suggests revising the baby’s nutrition, recalling whether she has changed the laundry detergent, soap or baby shampoo, cleaning the apartment, getting rid of dust-collecting things, and, of course, visiting a pediatrician. For centuries, man has lived in harmony with the environment. The healers treated people with the help of the elements and gifts of mother nature. In modern medicine, sleeping by the sea or in the forest is widely used in the treatment of such a formidable disease as tuberculosis.

Is it possible to walk with a cough


Therefore, having understood the question of whether it is possible to walk with a child with a cough, we can safely say: the more the child spends time in the fresh air, the better for his health. Time spent on the street is much more effective than pills. And outdoor games are much more interesting than sitting in front of the TV and computer screens. No wonder the old song sang: "... from all diseases, the sun, air and water are more useful to us."

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