"Bepanten" during pregnancy: use, indications and contraindications, reviews

Pregnancy is the most significant event for most women. At this time, everyone wants to not only quickly meet the child, but also to prevent the appearance of imperfections such as stretch marks on the skin. In pregnant women, they can form on the hips, abdomen, legs, and even on the chest. Fortunately, fresh stretch marks can be eliminated in a short time. To do this, you need to know what creams are allowed to use during pregnancy. Bepanten is one of the most effective remedies in this category.

Description of the drug

This tool has appeared in pharmacies relatively recently. However, despite the short period, it has already gained great popularity and high demand. The main purpose of the cream is nutrition and healing of the skin, as well as giving them elasticity. That is why Bepanten is so often used for abrasions, cuts, burns, bruises and stretch marks on the skin. The cream prevents the appearance of scars and enhances the natural regeneration of the skin. The product has a white or yellowish opaque color, as well as a uniform consistency. “Bepanten” practically does not smell, is well absorbed and has no side effects.

bepanten cream for stretch marks

Cream Release Forms

"Bepanten" can be found in almost any pharmacy or make an order for it via the Internet. In the latter case, the drug will be delivered to the pharmacy nearest to the house. Bepanten is produced in Germany by the famous pharmaceutical company Bayer. The forms of release of the cream are selected depending on the necessary skin treatment. The following varieties of Bepanten are available:

  • Lotion.
  • Cream with the addition of a vitamin complex.
  • Ointment.

To get rid of stretch marks, you can use any of the above forms of release. However, it should be remembered that they are suitable only for recently appeared striae. Stretch marks that formed a year or a few years ago, the cream will not eliminate.

Composition and active substances "Bepantena"

The main active ingredient of the drug is dexpanthenol. Getting on the skin, it forms a new substance - panthenolic acid, which is also often called the vitamin of group B. This acid has a stimulating effect on cells, accelerating their regeneration. Despanthenol protects the skin from the effects of a polluted environment, as well as other external irritants. In addition, it normalizes its water balance. The composition of the cream "Bepanten" contains other important active substances. Among them are the following:

  • Phenoxyethanol. Protects from harmful factors.
  • De pantolactone. Relieves inflammation and redness.
  • Lanolin. It has a moisturizing, calming and healing effect.
  • Vaseline. Intensively softens weathered and roughened skin.
  • Amphizole Thanks to this substance, the Bepanten cream has a thick and uniform consistency, is well applied and quickly absorbed.

Most women wonder if Bepanten can be used to treat stretch marks on the skin during pregnancy. Such doubts of expectant mothers are understandable. After all, a woman is responsible for the condition of the baby. However, there is no doubt about this drug. The rich composition of Bepanten makes it one of the best and safest creams for the treatment of various skin lesions. It is also important that it has no contraindications for pregnant women. With it, you can eliminate stretch marks on the body caused by hormonal changes and a sharp increase in weight.

bepanten from stretch marks during pregnancy

Indications for the treatment of skin "Bepantenom"

Doctors recommend using this drug, since it is practically devoid of contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components in the composition. The Bepanten cream is prescribed for stretch marks during pregnancy, as well as for skin injuries such as burns, cuts, bruises and wounds. It is also often used to eliminate diaper rash and prickling in young children. It perfectly protects the skin from weathering in the cold season, as well as from dehydration and drying out in the summer. The cream is prescribed for both adults and children. It gently and delicately heals abrasions and wounds, prevents scars from forming.

bepanten cream

Use of cream during pregnancy and lactation

Judging by numerous reviews, Bepanten for stretch marks during pregnancy is in great demand among women. The cream is absolutely safe for the child, so it can be used in all trimesters without fear for the condition of the fetus. In this case, it is not necessary to interrupt the course of treatment after childbirth. The tool has no contraindications to the lactation period. Therefore, you can get rid of stretch marks with it even during breastfeeding.

The use of "Bepanten"

The instruction of this drug assures that the cream is suitable for eliminating fresh stretch marks that appeared on the skin during pregnancy, hormonal failure or after a sharp jump in weight. Using Bepanten during pregnancy for the prevention of stretch marks is not recommended. Doctors say that the drug is still a medicinal product, although it does not contain dangerous substances that can contribute to side effects.

bepanten lotion

Prevention of stretch marks and Bepanten

During pregnancy, it is better to use natural oils and creams that are aimed at nourishing, softening and moisturizing the skin. Such cosmetics should increase the elasticity of the epidermis. "Bepanten" is primarily a wound healing and regenerating drug. Therefore, it is advisable to use it only if there are already appeared stretch marks. It is absolutely safe for women and children both during pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

Features of the use of cream

I want to get rid of stretch marks that appear as soon as possible. Therefore, it is not surprising that, even while in an interesting position, every woman will go to the pharmacy for a safe and effective remedy that will help in this. Buying Bepanten for this, you don’t have to worry about possible side effects. All the doctors of the world are unanimous that this drug is well tolerated by women in position. "Bepanten" during pregnancy does not harm the baby and expectant mother. However, do not forget that it is a drug that should be used only for its intended purpose.

"Bepanten" during pregnancy should be applied only to those areas of the skin that have stretch marks. You can not smear the cream abundantly, trying to prevent them. To do this, there are many oils, lotions and other cosmetics. You can not use the drug on the mucous membranes. To avoid side effects, you must carefully follow the instructions for use, to avoid getting "Bepanten" in the eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

how to use bepanten

How to eliminate stretch marks "Bepantenom"

Based on the instructions provided by Bayer, the cream should be applied to striae no more than twice a day. The amount of funds depends on their size. Before each application of Bepanten from stretch marks during pregnancy, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned using a scrub and massage brush. Being warmed up, it absorbs cream components better. The manufacturer recommends applying the drug with light, patting movements resembling massage actions. Each application should end with a complete absorption of the cream. It should not harden on the skin.

With small stretch marks, the Bepanten cream should be used during pregnancy for about two months. This period is enough to completely eliminate the fresh striae that appeared when carrying a child. Deep and pronounced stretch marks will have to be treated for at least six months. In the first week of use, doctors recommend rubbing the cream on small areas of the skin in order to determine a possible allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug. Excluding its manifestation, you can safely use Bepanten during pregnancy in all problem areas of the body with stretch marks.

what stretch marks look like during pregnancy


The healing cream “Bepanten” has practically no contraindications. The exception is only individual intolerance to despanphenol or any other component of the drug. An allergic reaction to the drug is quite rare. Usually it manifests itself in the form of itching, dermatitis, irritation or redness of the skin. Small rashes may also appear. Bepanten is forbidden to use on a perforated eardrum.

How to replace Bepanten during pregnancy

It is quite difficult to find an analogue to a good remedy for stretch marks. If during treatment with Bepanten ointment during pregnancy an individual intolerance to the drug is revealed, it is necessary to switch to natural oils, which will help get rid of fresh striae in a short time. First of all, you should pay attention to olive, almond, coconut oil. They are also suitable as prevention of stretch marks. Oil should be used after water procedures. It is advisable to apply it with light, massage movements on wet skin of the body. Particular attention should be paid to places that are most susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks: mammary glands, abdomen, inner and outer thighs.

pregnant women

Reviews of pregnant women about the use of "Bepanten"

Almost all women who use this drug during pregnancy note its positive effect on the skin and its effectiveness in combating stretch marks. Of the side effects, few have encountered rashes, dermatitis or itching. Some felt a slight burning sensation during the first application of the cream, which was accompanied by slight redness. However, a similar reaction took place after two uses of this drug.

Based on the reviews of Bepanten, during pregnancy, the effect of the drug becomes noticeable after the first month of daily use. The skin is noticeably smoothed, and striae become less pronounced. Within two months, many girls got rid of small and fresh stretch marks. Deep striae, which at the time of starting treatment have already acquired a burgundy or cyanotic color, it is extremely difficult to remove with the help of Bepanten. Therefore, even with a course of treatment of six months, few were able to completely get rid of them. But the drug made such stretch marks less noticeable thanks to the components that are responsible for enhanced skin regeneration.

At the moment, "Bepanten" is one of the best creams for women in position. Having this drug in the medicine cabinet, you can not worry about stretch marks, which are inevitable for most expectant mothers. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and use only 1-2 times a day after a shower. That is why the popularity of this cream is well founded.

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