Sexual relations between husband and wife are one of the obligatory parts of marriage. They are not dominant, but to maintain harmony in the family, their presence is very desirable. But there are periods when sex between spouses is called into question - for example, the period of pregnancy.
At this time, the woman’s body is undergoing significant changes, many of which interfere with a full intimate life, especially in the first trimester. Also, many doctors and advisers argue that having sex in the early stages of pregnancy is impossible. Is it so?
The opinions of gynecologists on this subject differ. Some of them, most often they are specialists of the old school, to the question “is it possible to make love in early pregnancy?” they say their categorical "no." And to shake their opinion on this matter is impossible. Other, progressive doctors, on the contrary, believe that at this time a woman should do everything that her body wants. And taboo on
intimate life is not worth it. What to do, how to decide for herself, is it possible to make love in the early stages?
First of all, you should look at well-being. If toxicosis, loss of consciousness, or other manifestations of hormonal changes in the body do not bother you so much as to interfere with pleasure, then why not try to continue your previous sex life in a new state. But you should immediately make a reservation: this advice can be observed for those girls whose gynecologist did not determine the threat of termination of pregnancy during examination .
Most often, doctors do not give an affirmative answer to the question “is it possible to make love in the early stages?” precisely because of such probabilities. At the very
beginning of pregnancy, when the egg has just attached to the wall of the uterus, any mechanical effect on the cervix can have an abortive effect and lead to miscarriage. This happens far from always and not at all. But most often, women who have had a history of interrupted or frozen pregnancies, gynecologists advise to observe
sexual rest in the first trimester.
It also happens that hormonal changes provoke either a violent attraction, or, conversely, a drop in libido. In the first case, you can only advise two ways: either limit sex in the early stages at least once a week, or use any other means of obtaining satisfaction, except for normal vaginal contact. It is worth relying on your own preferences. And to perceive such restrictions as a temporary need - usually by the second trimester, the hormonal background is evened out, and doctors are no longer so categorical.
If libido is at zero from the very beginning of pregnancy, you should not rape yourself. Even such a weighty argument as maintaining marital fidelity and the needs of your husband is not worth your well-being. In this case, it is better to speak frankly with your spouse, explain the changes that are happening to you and try to convey to him the idea that all this is temporary, and very soon the sex life will return to its previous course. And then it will become better - many women after childbirth discovered new facets of sexuality.
So, in general, the answer to the question “is it possible to make love in early pregnancy?” Depends on the woman herself. If there is a desire, and the body carries a child without any special complications, there are no obstacles to the continuation of an intimate life. If the doctor, and indeed your well-being, protests against sex, then you should still abstain for a short while, because the life and health of the child is first of all.