What to name a parrot? After all, the name is given for life

Before deciding what to name a parrot, you should first determine its gender. The name, female or male, will depend on this. If the chick is more than three months old, it is very simple: the males have always a bright blue beak, and females can have a pale grayish to dark brown. If the parrot is still too young, its gender may not be so easy to determine. Then the bird can be called by some name suitable for both sexes, for example, Sasha, or by the same nickname - Govorusha, Igrusha.

Many people prefer to have a boy parrot, as single males are more talkative and sociable. If such a male belongs to the "speaking" breeds, it is the male who shows a great ability to imitate sounds and learn human speech. The males, as expected, are somewhat conceited. First of all, they master the pronunciation of their own name and love to repeat it at every opportunity. Therefore, it is necessary to approach with responsibility the question of how to name a boy-parrot.

When choosing a bird’s name, you need to be guided by the abilities of its speech apparatus and the ability to pick up sounds. The sound of a bird’s name should not be like any of the names of your family members or nicknames of other animals. If the family has Dasha, then the nickname Yasha is no longer suitable for a parrot - he will get confused and not understand who, in fact, they are turning to.

In your choice of what to name a parrot, you need to avoid long and confusing names. Of course, I want to give my pet a sonorous and beautiful name, but not all the beautiful names of the poor bird can pronounce. Leave the names Arnold, Tiziano, Viking, Selvester or Caesar for dogs, and Felix, Archibald or Fernando for cats. These names are sonorous, but only large species of parrots, in which the speech apparatus is better developed, can master them. If you have wavy baby, think of a simpler and shorter name for him.

But here it is advisable not to overdo it. Some vain individuals inside feel that the name is simple, some kind of neglect - Tishka, Grishka, and even completely offensive - Ass fool. A bird can simply refuse to respond to this name, become closed, even become depressed and refuse food. In deciding what to call a parrot, the pet itself must make a decision. Select multiple names. Slowly and clearly, revealing tenderness, warmth and love in your voice, say the proposed name several times, referring to the parrot. Stretch the vowels, for example, say "Go-o-osh." If his name is of interest, and for starters your pet will respond to it, then you can assign it to him for life. If not, try a different name.

In choosing what to name a parrot, one must be guided, first of all, by the abilities of the vocal apparatus of a bird. It is easiest for these talking feathered breeds to master the clicking, whistling and hissing sounds, some also like to pronounce the letter "p". It is important that consonants are diluted with vowels. It is better to choose names from one, two, less often three syllables. Worse these birds pronounce the letters "m", "n" and "l", so you should avoid names that contain these letters.

What can be called a male parrot? The choice of simple, but at the same time sonorous names is very wide. Gosh, Nick, Yasha, Fritz, Fedya, Bruce, Tim, Dick, Mitya, Fight, Kesha, Hera, Kuzya, Gia. If your pet has any special qualities since childhood, you can give him a nickname that conveys these qualities: Naughty, Igrun, Igrusha, Motley and others. In choosing the nicknames, keep in mind that parrots are easier to hear the sounds "a", "y", "k", "w" and "p". But if the name contains the letters “c”, “m”, “z” and “l”, then there is a possibility that having faced such difficulties, your baby will not learn to pronounce his name. But if the name has already been given and accepted, you should always use it completely. The bird does not understand the abbreviations.

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