Baby puree in jars: review, composition, manufacturers rating

Over time, the baby becomes not enough one mother's milk or mixture. With the normal development and good health of the baby, pediatricians are advised to offer him baby puree starting from six months. In individual cases, complementary foods are administered a little earlier, but in any case, before four months, this is not recommended. It is believed that the risk of developing allergic reactions and digestive problems is significantly higher than the expected benefits. Start with one-component mashed potatoes to fully control the process and reduce the likelihood of food problems. Of course, caring mothers try to give their baby only the best, so many begin to cook mashed potatoes on their own. However, as practice shows, it is more convenient and safer to use the finished product.


Arguments for mashed potatoes

When there is a firm belief in the safety and freshness of products, you can prepare food for the baby yourself. But in winter and spring it is difficult to find fruits and vegetables that are grown without the use of various chemicals. Even if parents have their own plot, growing broccoli and cauliflower is not always convenient. After all, cooking a meal for a baby requires only a small part of the product, and a lot of time is spent. It is much more convenient to purchase ready-made baby puree and alternate tastes as needed.

It is important that the recipe for each item is developed by specialists in the field of baby food. Nutritionists take into account not only nutritional value, but also parameters associated with harmonious psychological development.

Baby puree

The nuances of feeding

To supplement the baby’s life with only positive aspects, you should know the basic rules for its introduction and regularly show the baby to the attending physician. The basic principle - mashed potatoes should be appropriate for the age of the child. The manufacturer usually indicates the minimum age when this product can be offered. Typically, pediatricians advise starting lures no earlier than six months, but with artificial feeding they often start with four.

The second principle is quantity. Any innovation must be introduced gradually. To begin with, the baby is offered only a drop of the product, then a third of a teaspoon. If there are no rashes, problems with stool and gastrointestinal tract, then in a week the portion is adjusted to the manufacturer's recommended daily. If rashes appear on the cheeks, then it is necessary to stop taking and see a doctor.

If within a week a new product is well absorbed, then you can offer a different taste. So, gradually, the child will master many different dishes.

Consistency is equally important. If for babies older than eight months, coarse-grained baby puree is offered for acquiring chewing skills, then for four-month-old infants, it is necessary to choose homogenized.

Baby food - mashed potatoes

What is the best puree?

The optimal first lure for the baby is a dish consisting of one component and water. Moreover, its consistency should be very tender, without the inclusion of any pieces. A complete absence of any flavorings, even natural and coloring agents, is mandatory. The product must be completely natural.

Experienced mothers are always advised to try baby puree before giving it to the baby. The sophisticated taste of an adult, of course, will not always understand the charm of natural nutrition, but will be able to feel suspicious notes. It is important to choose a product whose shelf life does not come to an end.

Baby food, mashed potatoes in particular, is always distinguished by its natural taste and composition. There is no sugar or salt in it, so for an adult, the taste may seem fresh. The best nutrition does not contain additional components, has a natural color and smell. The taste is delicate and unobtrusive.

Baby Vegetable Puree

Main ingredients

Mashed potatoes for kids are made from different products. For the first feeding, it is recommended to use vegetables. Last but not least, fish is offered.

  • Vegetables. Non-allergenic foods are used to feed babies. Baby vegetable purees do not cause redness and peeling of the skin, they are combined with breast milk or a mixture. To begin with, a product is offered from zucchini or other slightly colored vegetable. But it is worth considering that cabbage causes increased gas formation, and potatoes are too heavy for the children's stomach.
  • Fruit. Kids fruit puree is usually very popular with kids. Due to its good taste, it is not recommended to offer it earlier than a vegetable, otherwise the child may refuse it. It is better to use fruit components after the baby has tried all the basic vegetable ones. Hypoallergenic are considered an apple and a pear. Multicomponent composition is offered no earlier than 7-8 months. Overseas fruits like bananas must be introduced last.
  • Berries Almost everyone is considered allergenic. The most safe is black currant. It can be offered no earlier than 7 months. If negative reactions did not follow, then go on a gooseberry puree. Strawberry or raspberry is introduced last.
  • Meat. Baby meat puree is introduced after the baby has mastered all the previous options. For the first acquaintance, one-component is best suited - from veal or beef. Next, you can use a combination of meat with vegetables. It is important to consider when introducing a new component that all other ingredients are already tested. Multicomponent cans are not recommended for babies under 9 months of age.
  • A fish. A similar puree is introduced later than all the others. Fish is a rather useful product, but it is given to allergic children strictly on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Baby puree: ranking of the best

After analyzing the demand and quality characteristics of mashed pots, you can make a rating of the best products. When compiling the list, the naturalness of the composition, taste, reviews of parents and doctors are taken into account.

1. Domestic "Frutonyanya"

A wide variety of baby purees. The rating is not in vain starting a product from a domestic manufacturer, because it took first place when checking in one of the famous programs dedicated to the quality of baby food.

From the reviews of the parents it is clear that no cases of allergic rashes were found. The composition is completely natural, flavorings are excluded.

The manufacturer boasts not only mashed potatoes, but also juices, cereals, mixtures. All the ingredients that make up the products have an environmental certificate.

To start feeding, four variations are offered:

  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot.

FrutoNanny vegetable purees contain only homogenized vegetables and water. Then you can try all kinds of mixes. For this, the manufacturer has six different options. It should be noted that salt and starch are completely excluded.

Appreciated by buyers and packaging. Baby puree in jars is equipped with a sealed lid that closes under pressure in a production line. Additional protection against ingress of dirt is also provided. For this, a plastic film is used.

2. Impeccability from Gerber

Considering the best baby puree, you can not do without the Swiss brand from the company "Nestle". For the first feeding, the manufacturer offers four types of vegetable puree. There are also two fruit ones. Quality and environmental friendliness are confirmed by tests of "Greenpeace".

Tara has distinctive features. Children's fruit and vegetable purees are placed in glass jars of 80 g each. They depict a cute little pean and have all the necessary information for parents. To understand at what age it is necessary to offer this or that puree, they are divided into steps. The first stage is supposed for infants from 4 months, the second - from 6 months, the third - from 8-9.

Fruit puree "Gerber"

3. Economical "Grandma’s basket"

Despite the budget price, baby food (mashed potatoes) "Grandma's basket" is not in vain occupies a leading position in the ranking of the best. Production is constantly under the control of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS). The product is inexpensive, but has good taste. At the same time, purees completely lack preservatives. Used fruits and vegetables are regularly checked for the presence of GMOs.

However, there are negative reviews. Baby meat puree "Frutonyanya" has a specific taste. Not all children accept it, so parents have to switch to other brands. But prune puree is a leader among fruit specimens and is accepted very well by infants. Even adults note that it has a delicate and rich taste.

The line for the first feeding contains four types of one-component vegetable puree:

  • broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin.

It is recommended to use baby puree from zucchini if ​​the baby is only 4-6 months old. The vegetable does not cause allergies, has a mild and delicate taste. Pumpkin is included in the first stage of feeding by the manufacturer. However, for children prone to rashes and being on artificial feeding, it is not recommended as an initial feeding.

A wide variety of different fruit line from the "Grandmother's basket". Many goodies are one-component, which undoubtedly pleases. The composition contains only fruit and water.

4. Demanded "Theme"

The brand is gaining popularity quite quickly. The domestic brand, which pleases many consumers. The production of baby food began with dairy products and mashed meat. But gradually the assortment expanded, and now there are quite a few vegetable and fruit samples on sale.

The manufacturer presents the first stage of complementary foods with the following flavors of baby puree:

  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot.

It is believed that mashed potatoes are somewhat liquid. But the composition confirms that, in addition to vegetables and water, there is nothing in the jar. Therefore, the consistency is slightly liquid, which confirms the absence of starch and other thickeners.

5. Variety from Semper

Considering the best companies of baby puree, you can not ignore the Swedish brand "Semper". The brand was included in the list of the most sought after due to a wide variety of products. More than a hundred items are not offered by any other manufacturer. Not all Russian consumers appreciated quite exotic names, but lasagna with vegetables or moussaka are found only in jars from Semper.

For the first feeding, there is a rather familiar option - broccoli and cauliflower. But non-standard is also offered - zucchini or zucchini with potatoes. Rice flour and sunflower oil are used as a thickener.

6. Humana for the most demanding

If the child has a tendency to allergic reactions and digestive problems, then it makes sense to pay attention to the products of this company. German quality has long been appreciated by parents. At the same time, the taste line allows you to choose not only a useful product, but also one that will appeal to the baby. All baby purees are made only from natural ingredients. Therefore, the risk of allergies and digestibility is minimized.

7. Refined Heinz

The manufacturer is American, but cooperation with Russia has been established. Vegetable purees, cereals and juices of this brand usually have no complaints. But it is worth noting that the composition contains rice flour. According to the manufacturer, this is required to achieve a particularly delicate consistency. But fruit purees, according to many parents, are too sweet. Sometimes in them, like in Heinz cookies, an excess of sugar is found, which, of course, is not useful for kids.

Of course, the taste of mashed potatoes of this brand is very refined, children really like it. But before you buy a jar, you should carefully study the composition to exclude, possibly, an unnecessary component from the baby’s menu.

Baby puree HEINZ

8. Domestic "Agusha"

This baby puree reviews have accumulated mostly positive. Quality is completely under the control of the RAMS, and many products have certificates for excellent performance in the field of baby food.

The company has a special line of "First Spoon", which is designed for the smallest eaters from 4 months. Composition and consistency fully take into account the digestive characteristics of infants. Parents note that there are almost no cases of allergies or digestibility. Highlight users and ease of packaging. Together with the usual option in glass, the manufacturer offers individual soft packs that are convenient to take for a walk and on a trip.

Parents do not highlight the shortcomings in food from the brand "Agusha". Mommy is especially noted for baby applesauce. It is made only from fruits that grow in Russian gardens, so it is fully adapted for babies. After all, it is known that imported products are much more difficult to accept by a fragile organism.

Among the main advantages, users distinguish:

  • multistage quality control;
  • lack of preservatives;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • in a series for children from 8 months there are pieces of vegetables and fruits that contribute to the acquisition of chewing skills.

An undoubted advantage is also a fairly budget price.

9. Safe Hipp

The ranking of the best mashed potatoes of this brand got an ulterior motive. After all, the manufacturer fully controls not only the production process, but also the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. Particular attention is paid to soil and water for irrigation, so the grown products are completely safe and do not contain substances harmful to health. Parents fully trust the Hipp products, because the quality is confirmed not only by quality certificates, but also by numerous grateful reviews.

In a special place are meat purees. The manufacturer has its own farms, where animals are fed with natural feed, do not use antibiotics and other harmful additives. The menu consists not only of one-component mashed potatoes, but also rather complex dishes. You can choose fish and vegetable and meat and vegetable purees, which are additionally enriched with vitamins.

The main advantages are:

  • lack of sugar and salt;
  • fish purees further include an omega-3 complex;
  • no thickeners, preservatives or colorants.

Among the shortcomings, parents allocate only high cost.

Hipp - baby puree


Sooner or later mashed potatoes appear in the menu of any baby. The health of the baby and the formation of normal digestion depend on its quality. Vegetable squash puree is recommended as a first feeding. When several vegetables are mastered, baby applesauce is introduced. If the process of introducing complementary foods goes without problems, then canned meat and fish are introduced.

To choose the best option for the first nutrition, you need to study the rating of the best manufacturers, get acquainted with the assortment. Of course, ready-made meals greatly facilitate the life of young parents. There is no need to prepare individual portions for the child, just buy the right jars.

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