Everyone has favorite jeans in their wardrobe, which sit well and wear them is a joy. And one of the most unpleasant moments is the appearance of a greasy spot on them. It is noteworthy that it is the most favorite things of the wardrobe that most often suffer from stains and so on. How to remove a greasy stain from jeans? What methods work on old spots? In this article you can find at least nine options that work both on the spots just set and on those that have been standing for a long time.
We react correctly
After the first reaction, before removing a greasy oil stain from jeans, it is worth recalling the school curriculum a little. What for? To understand that water and fat repel each other, which means that you can’t rub a stain with water. From this we can draw a simple conclusion - everything that concerns water, in order to get rid of a greasy spot, does not work.
It’s good to know how to remove oily stains from jeans. But in case of emergency, you need to remember a few rules:
- Stains from grease cannot be removed with a simple wash.
- Fat should always be washed or absorbed.
- The stain cannot be removed by friction.
- To boil and bleach jeans is strictly forbidden.
- You need to act as quickly as possible. It’s not worth putting off washing for tomorrow.
So if fat dripped on your favorite jeans, say, in a cafe, they should not be rubbed with a damp cloth.
First way
It is suitable for instant response - to prevent fat from absorbing into the tissue. To do this, put a regular paper towel or sheet of paper on the stain. Most of the dripped mass is absorbed precisely in it due to the simpler structure of cellulose. Now jeans can be sent to the washing machine. If there is no way to send clothes to the laundry, you can use salt, which must be rubbed into the stain so that it absorbs the rest of the fat.
Second way
It sometimes works on stains that have been on clothing for some time. How can I get a greasy jeans stain? Just use a dishwashing detergent. The chemical structure of such substances is tuned to complete breakdown of fat. Do not use on all clothing. A few drops directly on the stain will be enough. You need to keep the detergent for about half an hour, and then send it to be washed.
Dishwashing liquid should not be foamed. They need to create a thin film and watch the result.
Note! It is highly recommended to be careful with cheap substances, as there are cases when it was possible to remove an old oily stain from jeans by ... acquiring color from chemistry.
Can potatoes help?
Surprisingly, among the recommendations on how to remove a greasy stain from jeans, there is often advice to apply gruel of finely grated potatoes on the underside of the stain. Underneath you need to put a paper towel. Why might this tip work?
Potatoes consist of their starch, which has an excellent absorbent effect. Apply the pulp to the stain, the fat leaves the villi of the tissue and is absorbed into the starch. After half an hour, peel the potatoes with a crust of brown bread. The latter is easily removable both manually and in the washing machine in standard mode.
A curious fact is that this method also works on old spots. True, for this it is better to take pure starch and heat it in a saucepan. Warm powder should be rubbed into the stain so that during cooling it can absorb fat from denim fibers. After the starch has completely cooled, you need to brush it off (some people use toothpaste to prevent damaging the jeans). In some cases, this procedure is repeated several times.
The fourth option is faith in advertising
Most people know about a tool that positions itself as a universal stain remover - “Vanish”. It is claimed that in how to remove a greasy stain from jeans, he is a true master. How to use this tool?
Everything is quite simple and clear - apply the substance directly to the stain for 20 minutes. During this time, active chemical compounds must penetrate the tissue and begin active work on the removal of fat. Without washing away “Vanish”, jeans must be sent to the washing machine with ordinary washing powder.
It is noted that gasoline is an excellent solvent, and in the matter of how to remove the old greasy stain from jeans, it will become indispensable. It must also be applied directly to the stain. Just a few drops for a period of no more than 10 minutes. Next, the jeans stain is thoroughly washed under running water and the clothes are sent to the washing machine with a mode in which there is an additional rinse. The smell of gasoline is washed out, as well as a greasy stain.
Advice! If it was decided to remove the stain with gasoline (kerosene and solidol can also work), then you can not delay with the last step - washing. Otherwise, the situation can only be aggravated!
Car shampoo
If we talk about what can be found in the car, then some recommend using any car shampoo. This is an opportunity to quickly remove a greasy stain from jeans. How? All this works according to the same principle as the dishware described in the second method.
Seventh method
In household chemical stores, some use a special stain remover soap in search of money. True, laundry soap, the smell of which everyone knows, can also help. So how to remove oily stains from jeans with soap? Elementary Watson! Just rub the soap into the stain and leave it all for 20 minutes, no less. Then rub it again with soap. Then comes the washing as usual.
Important! Rubbing a greasy stain does not make sense, so you just need to let the soapy mass soak, but not dry!
More options
It is curious that all the described options work in different cases, and if one did not work, you can proceed to the next. True, you need to wait for the jeans to dry, otherwise you may not notice that the stain did not come out.
If we talk about the method that Web users recommend - it is to use powders and iron. At first glance, the proposal is strange, but, surprisingly, it works. What do you need?
- Any powder. It can be salt, chalk, mustard, baking soda and even tooth powder.
- A piece of cloth or paper.
- Well heated iron.
A napkin is laid under the bottom of the stain so that the stain does not go to the second side of the leg. Further, a little beyond the line of the spot, even any of the above-mentioned granular matter is poured with an even layer. From above everything is covered with paper and ironed. Why does it work? Hot elements melt fat and absorb it. You can use this method on fresh spots.
Some hostesses simply apply toothpaste to the stain or fill it with “Cola”, but there is too much debate about the effectiveness of these methods, so these methods should be used in the very least.
Obviously, you can get rid of grease stains. It only takes time, patience and the desire to wear this thing again.