Mosquito bites in children: what to smear

mosquito bites in children than to smear

With the arrival of warm days, we spend more and more time outdoors. It is during this period that parents often encounter such a problem as mosquito bites in children. How to smear the terrible red blisters, if your baby is still completely crumb?

Surely you have already noticed that most mosquito repellents sold at the pharmacy are recommended for children from one and a half years. However, annoying insects bite your favorite child much earlier than this age. The skin of the crumbs is so delicate that even if the mosquito did not have time to suck the blood, a huge red spot still swells from a very small bite. It does not heal for a long time and at the same time itches terribly. A mosquito bite in a child may not go away for several weeks, and sometimes even causes an allergy. This question should be taken seriously and consult a doctor.

In some cases, treatment of mosquito bites in children is also necessary. Many

treatment of mosquito bites in children

Mummies always carry the Fenistil Gel, which quickly removes redness, swelling and relieves itching. But, of course, I don’t want to poison the beloved child with medications, so you can use other means when there are mosquito bites in children.

How to smear a swollen place when there is nothing at hand? Sorrel leaves that grow even in the field will do a good job of this. It is enough to grind one leaf in the hands, so that the juice appears, and anoint the redness. This will seem surprising, but the unpleasant sensation will almost instantly disappear, and the itching will stop, although the bite itself will heal for a long time. You can use the leaves of plantain in the same way if there is a wound or mosquito bites in children. Than to smear the baby with different chemistry, it is probably better to try natural remedies that cope with their tasks no worse than gels and creams.

Another excellent folk remedy is baking soda, which quickly neutralizes mosquito bites in children. How to smear a red spot if it does not go away for a long time? Of course, you probably remember how mothers applied a cotton swab dipped in a weak soda solution to your bite site. It has no smell, does not pinch and does not cause any inconvenience to the child, so the baby will not resist when using it.

mosquito bite in a child

But, as you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. Tansy flowers repel insects, including mosquitoes. If your child does not have allergies, then try making him a beads or bracelet from her inflorescences. Vanillin is another effective insect repellent. You need to part one bag in a glass of water and sprinkle the baby with it. This solution quickly disappears, so it will have to be applied quite often; And still it is necessary to use vanillin, but not vanilla sugar.

When your child sleeps on the street, be sure to use a mosquito net, which is also advisable to spray with a solution of vanillin or “decorate” with tansy.

We hope that you will maximally protect the baby from such trouble as mosquito bites.

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