Constipation and intestinal colic in infants complicate the life of more than one young mother. And let the most sensitive part of the population turn their noses, and we will talk about one of the most burning topics. After all, it is unbearable to watch a tiny baby trying to relieve itself for hours on end, pushing and crying. So, constipation in infants, the treatment of which does not require serious medical interventions, that is, not caused by congenital pathologies, will be considered below. Most often, they occur in the first three months of life in babies who are fully breastfed. Since with artificial feeding, as with mixed feeding, you can buy special mixtures that eliminate this problem.
It should be stipulated in advance that if constipation is in infants, treatment should only be after consultation with a pediatrician. As practice shows, they usually recommend dill water, Espumisan and massage. Yet self-medication at such a tiny age is extremely dangerous.
So that the baby does not have such problems, it is necessary for the mother to first monitor the proper nutrition, try to breastfeed after a certain period of time, and also make sure that the child ate enough. Unfortunately, often problems arise in connection with the immaturity of the intestines in a small child. Therefore, this is the period when the child needs special attention and help, but without unnecessary panic and haste.
For many young mothers who did not have experience with small children, the diagnosis of the disease itself is a problem. There is no need to wait for the baby to start giving out neat little sticks from the first days, the chair should be liquid, yellow in color, possibly up to 5 times a day. But this is not diarrhea, diarrhea at this age - it is loose stools of green color.
So, constipation and gas in a child, if the stool is delayed for more than 24 hours and there is a noticeable bloating, it is hard. At the same time, he is pushing, crying, and a very hard (not typical for babies) stool can move away. If in fact it turned out that there is a place to be constipated in newborns, treatment should be carried out in several directions at once.
Exercise & Massage
Try to provide the baby with more movement, make the legs “bicycle” when he is lying on his back, alternately bending and pressing one or the other leg to the tummy. Do not use force, the child is still very small. Also, if constipation is in infants, treatment may include massage in the form of stroking the tummy in a circular motion clockwise.
Constipation in infants, treatment with drugs and dietary supplements
It all depends on the prescription of the doctors, but it’s not very useful for a child to drink medicines for a long time. Therefore, contact a competent specialist. Many helped Espumisan, bifidobacteria, Baby Calm.
Nutrition and Diet
We discuss constipation in infants, the treatment of which should be given taking into account the fact that they are fully breastfed. Therefore, you can advise your mother to drink special teas with dill and fennel, eat more fruits and vegetables, do not drink cow's milk. In any case, you should discuss the diet with your doctor.
The baby can be given more water or dill water. If the child is about six months old, then nutrition can diversify the nutrition of prune puree.
Enema, vent pipes
Enema, the use of a vent tube, as well as irritation of the sphincter area with a cotton swab, do not need to be often practiced. All these actions will not teach the child's intestines to work properly. True, if there is an urgent need - the child does not start the jets, cannot crap, cries - you can make an enema, very carefully, following the recommendations of doctors.
The main thing is to be attentive to your little children and almost any problems can be easily overcome.