Pimples in newborns on the body cause particular anxiety in parents. They are red, white, single, large, small, etc. Moms are interested in the reasons for the appearance of pimples, as well as what to do in this situation. The factors causing their occurrence are many. Some of them do not require any treatment, while others are an urgent signal to see a doctor. First of all, parents need to study the rashes and associated symptoms, and only then try to determine why they occurred.
The cause of acne in newborns includes a high level of estrogen in the mother during pregnancy. As a result, the concentration of the hormone increases in the child. This leads to increased production of sebum.
Pimples have a pearlescent color, sometimes with a yellow tint. They are located most often on the forehead, nose, cheeks, less often on the neck and ears. In boys, a rash may appear in the genital area and groin.
Gradually, the level of estrogen decreases, so similar pimples in newborns on the body go away without any treatment. Experts advise lubricating the rash with ointment with zinc or Bepanten. It helps to dry pimples.
Also, pediatricians recommend organizing proper skin care for the baby.
White pimples in a newborn on the body may appear due to functional problems. This phenomenon is most often associated with the underdevelopment of the sebaceous glands.
The rash is similar to pearls having the size of a pinhead. The places of their localization are under the eyes, on the nose, forehead and cheeks.
This type of pimple does not require treatment. As the baby grows, its hormonal background will return to normal. After this, the sebaceous ducts will begin to function normally, and the rashes will disappear.
Prickly heat
Such pimples in newborns on the body are common. Usually they are red or pink, small in size. In rare cases, bubbles appear with liquid inside, which, when dried, form crusts. Pimples cause discomfort to the baby, because they are accompanied by itching.
The main reason for their occurrence is overheating. Some mothers, fearing that the baby will freeze, begin to wrap him in clothes not according to the weather. The baby's body is trying to cool off with the help of sweating. In this case, the sweat glands can not cope with the load due to immaturity, which leads to the appearance of rashes.
Sweating most often appears in the neck, groin, armpits and on the priest. If the parents do not quickly fix the problem, then the rash goes to other parts of the body. Pimples are a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microbes. This can lead to the development of purulent inflammation of the skin.
The main treatment for sweating is the establishment of an optimal temperature regime. Parents should ensure that the baby is not hot. To do this, do air baths and ventilate the room. In the hot season, the baby needs to bathe more often. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, a weak solution of potassium permanganate must be added to the water. To prevent the child from combing the skin, it is necessary to cut nails in time or use scratches.
Allergic reactions
Sometimes a rash in a newborn in the form of pimples can cause an allergy. It is a red spot with small rashes, sometimes you can see flaky crusts. The rash is located on the head, behind the ears and on the chin.
The causes of pimples include:
- improper nutrition of a nursing mother and the presence in the diet of allergens (honey, sweets, red berries, etc.);
- unsuitable milk mixture;
- reaction of the baby to hygiene products used when washing his clothes and caring for him;
- dust in the room;
- pet hair.
The initial stage of the disease is called diathesis. This is the reaction of the baby's immune system to irritants. At this stage, it is important to identify the factor causing the rash. It is quite difficult for parents to do this, so the help of a specialist is needed.
An experienced doctor will advise on how to get rid of rashes, and if necessary, prescribe antihistamines.
To reduce the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to add grass to the water for bathing the newborn. It can be a string, chamomile, oak bark, oregano.
It is important to choose natural remedies for the care of the baby, balance the diet of the nursing mother, often ventilate the room and conduct wet cleaning in it.
Diaper dermatitis
Sometimes parents notice redness of the skin on the hips, buttocks and groin of the baby, accompanied by blisters and peeling. So diaper dermatitis is manifested, which is an inflammatory reaction of the skin of the baby to various irritants:
- mechanical - friction caused by diapers or diapers;
- chemical - urine, salts, digestive enzymes;
- physical - overheating and high humidity;
- microbial.
Diaper dermatitis can occur in both a one-month-old baby and a one-year-old. The most common cause is improper care for the newborn. This includes an untimely change of diapers and diapers, as well as an increased content of ammonia in the urine and digestive enzymes in the feces. Sometimes there is an increased predisposition to diaper dermatitis in newborns. For example, this may be a violation of the barrier functions of the skin.
Treatment of diaper dermatitis in children
The primary task of parents is to keep the skin of the baby dry and clean. The following recommendations should be considered:
- It is allowed to use funds that are approved for use in babies under the age of 1 year.
- It is best to use drugs that have wound healing and antimicrobial properties.
- In the presence of allergies, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the product, so as not to cause a similar reaction in the baby.
- Gels are best used to treat diaper dermatitis, since they have a pH close to the skin.
The Bepanten and Desitin ointments, as well as the Drapolen cream, are excellent at redness. Cosmetics used to care for the baby should have a special composition.
To exclude the development of diaper dermatitis, it is necessary:
- apply disposable diapers having an internal absorbent layer, which will help to avoid contact of the dermis with moisture;
- observe the rules of hygiene;
- daily bathing the baby;
- it is necessary to wash the clothes of a newborn with the help of special washing powder or baby soap.
Parents should understand that the treatment of diaper dermatitis in children is much more difficult than prevention, so it is important to follow the necessary recommendations constantly.
Sometimes the causes of pimples in newborns on the body can be the appearance of infectious diseases. These include:
- Rubella. Initially, parents notice an increase in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes in the neck. On day 3-4, a rash occurs on the extremities, face and trunk.
- Measles. It appears in the form of a rash of bright red color with papules that occur 3-5 days after a high temperature. She appears in the upper body, and then moves down to the limbs.
- Roseola. The disease is characterized by high fever for 3 days. Then the child becomes covered with a bright red rash.
- Chickenpox. Pathology is characterized by red spots located throughout the body. Then they turn into bubbles with liquid. Over time, they burst and form crusts.
- Scarlet fever. A bright rash covers the entire chest, back and neck, then passes to other parts of the body. Only the nasolabial region remains unaffected.
- Enterovirus infection, in which the rash is located on the hands and feet.
Infectious diseases are not always dangerous for a newborn, but therapy should be under the supervision of a pediatrician. He will tell you how to properly care for your skin at this time.
How to get rid of pimples
The bulk of acne on the body of a newborn with time passes independently and does not require any treatment. However, parents should not forget: the skin of the baby is thin, so it is susceptible to all kinds of infections. If a rash occurs, you should contact your pediatrician for adequate help.
There are general guidelines for treating acne:
- It is necessary to wash the newborn 2-4 times a day with boiled water. It is best used up to six months, but not bad, and up to 3-4 years.
- When bathing an infant and an older child, thoroughly wash away the remnants of soap and other cosmetics from the body. Such funds are not recommended to be used constantly. Wash the baby with soap 2-3 times a week.
- For bathing a newborn grass, it is best to use up to 4-5 months. It can be a series of chamomiles. It is not forbidden to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to bathing water.
- If the baby has prickly heat, then you can apply herbal decoctions for babies older than a year. It should also be borne in mind that the optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn baby is 36-37 degrees.
- Acne in children is not recommended to be treated with creams and ointments intended for adults. They should be especially carefully chosen for babies who are under 1-2 years old.
Acne appeared on the face and body is forbidden to squeeze.
Tips from a famous pediatrician
Dr. Komarovsky believes that the appearance of acne on the body of a child is an occasion to contact a pediatric doctor. After all, if the cause is an infectious disease, then a thorough treatment is ahead. Diseases that cause acne on the body can be both harmless and serious.
In each house there should be a first-aid kit for a newborn. The list of necessary Komarovsky encloses. Usually a first aid kit is divided into 2 parts. The first should contain: cotton wool, scissors, a set of sterile bandages, a tourniquet and disposable syringes.
In the second part of the first-aid kit on the recommendation of Komarovsky, should be:
- Medicines for poisoning and dehydration of the body.
- Antipyretic drugs. Desirable in 2 forms: syrup and candles.
- Vasodilating drops for the nose.
- Antiallergic drugs.
- Glycerin candles.
- Ointments "Bepanten" and "Desitin"
- Means against burns ("Panthenol").
- Antiseptic.
This list will help to cope with some diseases at their initial stage. These include colds, some infectious diseases, rashes on the body.
To prevent the appearance of acne on the body of a child, it is necessary:
- When a baby is breastfed for up to a year, mothers need to monitor their diet and the quality of the foods they use. Women need to write down everything they ate. The rash sometimes manifests itself 3-4 days after the ingestion of an allergen product.
- When feeding a newborn with a mixture, it must be selected together with the pediatrician. Sometimes even 1 component of its composition can lead to allergies in a small child.
- Parents need to constantly have a baby air baths. Their optimal amount per day should be at least 8-10 times.
- For washing children's things, washing dishes, it is best to use special tools. The packages usually indicate how long they can be used for the child.
These recommendations will reduce the likelihood of a rash on the body in the baby.
Acne on the body of a newborn is an unpleasant phenomenon that can be eliminated if you follow all the rules for caring for a child. It is also important if a rash occurs, show the baby to the pediatrician to prescribe the correct treatment.